"Look, everyone, these are the members of the Bailing family. Look at them, how shameful!"

In fact, almost everyone recognized the identity of this group of people.

Members of the Bailing family will have a tattoo on their body, which is considered a brand.

For ordinary family members, this is a brand of identity. Although it exists to humiliate them, it is also a status symbol for ordinary people outside.

"Shame." Chen Ping shook his head, as if he was not the initiator.

Hearing this, the guards were ashamed and angry!

"Run!" He shouted and rushed out directly.

Chen Ping placed restrictions on their bodies. If they don't follow suit, they will definitely die!

As soon as these words came out, everyone ran away quickly.

Chen Ping just stared at a group of fools silently, not knowing what to say.

At this time, Lin Zhiyuan walked towards Chen Ping curiously, followed by the old monk with a blank face.

"Brother, what restriction do you really put on their bodies? This is too powerful!"

Lin Zhiyuan was very curious about this restriction, and wanted to learn what it was.

If he can fully grasp it, then he will not be able to do so.

Hearing this, Chen Ping smiled helplessly.

"Do you really think I'm this kind of person?" Chen Ping doesn't have the habit of killing people casually. What's more, the strength of this group of people is so different from his own. He looks at each other like ants, and there is no need to kill them cleanly. .

Lin Zhiyuan and the old monk were a little puzzled. Since Chen Ping didn't do this, why did that person suddenly faint?

At this time the rabbit came out playing with a rock.

"When that person runs around casually, I have already attacked him. I only need a stone to level it easily."

Everyone walked over curiously, and was surprised to find that there was actually a bag on the head of the guard.

"Puff!" The old monk laughed instantly.

He didn't expect that Chen Ping could still have such an idea!

"After a while they ran out, the Bailing family would learn the news, but it was too late to stop it."

Hearing this, the old monk was moved in his heart.

Isn't it clear in his heart that his own brother is just to help himself.

Chen Ping obviously can live here very chic, but he didn't do it, instead he went to offend the Bailing clan for himself...


The Bailing clan was immersed in joy, and the eldest lady of the family finally found a suitable husband-in-law. Now it is naturally worthy of celebration.

Feng Yuqin looked at the energetic husband-in-law in the yard, a trace of disdain flashed across his face.

She knew very well that these men approached herself only for their rights, and she didn't mind, on the contrary, she felt that she was very valuable.

Although this man was also driven by interests to find himself, no matter how he said he had good conditions in all aspects, and he was a carefully selected object.

"Song Weiqian, you will be in control of the shadow guards. Anyway, we are already grasshoppers on a rope, and we will definitely need to benefit together at that time."

"If the Shadow Guard can be developed, it can be said to be quite perfect."

Feng Yuqin ordered, a glimmer of expectation flashed across her face.

This Song Weiqing's personal strength is good, coupled with his own strong background, the two strong combination, every minute can make this group of Bailing family look up.

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