I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 3528: , Development power

"Well, the members of the Shadow Guards are powerful. I only need to take the potions I have researched on them. Then they will shine and win in the Shadow Guards competition."

Every year, the Shadow Guards will hold competitions, through these competitions, to determine each other's status and resources.

Song Weiqian's idea is very simple. Once he can win the Shadow Guards, he can make a lot of money next.

"Then I have been working hard for you these few days. If you get powerful resources next, I will reward you with the right to the Shadow Guard."

Feng Yuqin made Song Weiqing proud all of a sudden.

At this moment, a group of people suddenly appeared in the yard.

Song Weiqing and Feng Yuqin were dumbfounded, wondering what happened.

"What's the situation?" Feng Yuqin stepped forward suspiciously and saw a group of people lying on the ground rolling around.

This group of people are members of the Shadow Guard.

They lie here all around, looking very embarrassed.

"It's you?" Feng Yuqin was completely stunned when she saw Rong Zhixiang's appearance. She never dreamed that she would see such a scene.

This is a member of the Shadow Guards, their personal strength cannot be underestimated, everyone can be the king and hegemony.

And most of them are members of the Bailing family, not recruited from other places like ordinary guards.

Feng Yuqin's heart was extremely frightened.

With such an existence, there is actually no way to solve the old monk?

Feng Yuqin suddenly felt that what she had done was not quite right.

If the old monk is really so powerful, then he has done a lot of things wrong.

If the old monk's personal strength was very strong, he could get the opponent in every minute.

Although their Bailing family values ​​their ethnicity very much, they also have special treatment for such powerful people.

The old monk is so powerful, if he can join the guard of the Bailing family, then the resources he will be able to get next will be countless.

Thinking of this, a trace of entanglement flashed across his face.

It would be great if the old monk could really be included in the bag.

But now it seems to be too late. He has arranged so many people to find the trouble of the old monk, and the other party should already hate him.

"What the **** is going on?" Song Weiqing asked very suspiciously, not sure what was going on.

He had been kept in the dark before this, and it was impossible for the Bailing family to tell him these things.

Now that things are developing like this, he finally knows that something is not quite right.

Feng Yuqin struggled for a while, and finally decided that you want to tell the truth, after all, they are all on the same boat.

If the other party can have any good way to solve this matter, it is naturally the best.

Song Weiqing didn't expect that there would be so many messy things.

Of course he knew Feng Yuqin's style was not good, and he also knew what kind of story this woman had.

He came into contact with Feng Yuqin purely because the other person was pretty good-looking and powerful. It would be great if he could get Feng Yuqin's admiration.

Now he got Feng Yuqin's admiration as he wished, and also successfully obtained the rights given by the other party. What he has to do now is very simple, just need to develop the power in his hand.

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