I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 3536: , Miss Suffering

After seeing Song Weiqin's appearance, Feng Yuqin showed a trace of excitement. He didn't expect Song Weiqin to be so reliable.

"I know you are more reliable than others, and now it seems that there is no problem in choosing you as my husband-in-law."

After saying this, Feng Yuqin directly led him and a group of guards to the ancestral hall.

At this moment, the ancestral hall was full of people, and everyone was waiting for Feng Yuqin to come over and give a reasonable explanation.

Seeing Feng Yuqin came here, everyone immediately stood up. Some people looked at each other with good eyes, and some stared at Feng Yuqin with concerned eyes.

It's just that there is a hint of hypocrisy in their concerned eyes.

Feng Yuqin is a eldest lady whose family knows stubbornly. Everyone has long wanted to take this opportunity to get him off the stage.

Now that an opportunity is in front of them, they will naturally cherish it.

Feng Yuqin looked at everyone's expressions, a trace of disdain flashed across her face.

Feng Yuqin also knows that what she has done is very annoying, but how to be the most favored eldest in the family, as long as she is not infringing on the family's interests, there will be no accidents.

Therefore, no matter how Feng Yuqin makes trouble, it is within the controllable range.

But the current situation is different. This incident has greatly affected the interests of the family. When communicating with people in other cities, their affairs will quickly spread, and then it will be finished.

"Feng Yuqin, you are finally back. You'd better give us a reasonable explanation for this matter." The Great Elder stood up again, with an unhappy look on his face.

After hearing these words, Feng Yuqin hid directly behind Song Weiqin very rarely, and looked at Song Weiqian nervously. Now only the other party can solve the problem by himself.

After seeing Feng Yuqin's movements, a trace of excitement flashed across Song Weiqing's face. He never thought that he would have such a day.

On weekdays, Feng Yuqin is aloft, and can only coax him because he can't say anything.

At this moment, the situation is completely different.

Feng Yuqin was so rare to admit it.

This action greatly satisfied Song Weiqian's vanity. At this moment, Song Weiqian felt that he was an out-and-out winner in life, and no one could be more chic than himself.

"At this moment, you suddenly withdrew Song Weiqing. Is it possible that you want to tell us that this matter has something to do with Song Weiqing? Ha ha, don't think we don’t know that in this family, you are the master of the right to speak. !"

The great elder seemed to be very clear about their family's affairs, so he spoke directly.

The vanity that Song Weiqian had built up with great difficulty was destroyed all at once.

Song Weiqing looked at each other fiercely, "This is just an illusion that you have learned. I respect Feng Yuqin very much, so you will feel that I am afraid of him."

Hearing this, the elder shrugged his shoulders, "I don't care what the matter between you and your husband is. I must give me a reasonable explanation for this matter."

Song Weiqing smiled indifferently, he directly pushed out all the guards.

"These people are not ours at all, they have been bought!"

Everyone was stunned to hear this.

They are not quite clear about the meaning of these words.

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