"What do you mean, is it possible that our guards will be bought off? You look down on our family too much!"

The elder was so angry, a trace of anger flashed through his eyes.

In his opinion, it is absolutely impossible for the guards of his family to rebel. The various conditions given by the Bailing family are so good, how could anyone be so stupid.

"There is a man called the old monk in the world. He does not belong to our world. He broke the space barrier and came to this place."

Song Weiqing spoke directly.

After Feng Yuqin heard these words, her expression became very ugly.

He didn't expect that the other party would actually control all these things for a reason he told Song Weiqing, and it was just for him to help himself.

But now the arrow is on the string and has to be sent.

If they don't seize the time to get this thing done, then the next thing they will face is even more painful.

Thinking of this, Feng Yuqin chose to be silent.

"Old monk?"

He didn't know what the identity of this old monk was. Since Feng Yuqin did all these things behind his back, the Bailing family was still somewhat pitiful.

"They are people from the Devil City. They are good at bewitching people's hearts. They are amazing."

"In fact, during the period just now, I have investigated all their identities. They deliberately confuse people, so they make people look like this."

"Feng Yuqin felt that this group of people was a bit wrong, and with the addition of a person from the Devil City, it was obvious that he was here for sabotage, so he tried to find someone to investigate it, but he didn't expect it. , Since this happened!"

Song Weiqin's remarks directly took everything in one stroke, so Feng Yuqin is still a family hero.

Hearing these words, a trace of excitement flashed across Feng Yuqin's face.

"That's right, my purpose is to get this thing done. People from the Devil City are not a good thing!"

A gleam of excitement flashed through Feng Yuqin's eyes, turned her head, and glanced viciously at the guards next to her.

"You said, is it like this?"

Upon hearing this, the expressions of the guards became very ugly. Of course they knew what was going on, but they dared not say anything.

"Yes, yes, it looks like this, you are not wrong..." The sad guard captain showed a painful look on his face, and he felt that the other party should be able to save himself.

In any case, they have encountered a major event right now.

If they don't cooperate with Song Weiqing, then they will be over.

The captain of the guard showed a very nervous look on his face, and his heart was flustered.

"We were bewitched, that's why we became like this. Before, we all lost our minds, and the other party deliberately wanted to trouble our family!"

The captain of the guard kept boasting indiscriminately, describing Chen Ping as a heinous bad guy.

"The bald old monk should be the most powerful person, right?"

Song Weiqian asked persuasively.

Although the captain of the guard didn't know why the other party wanted to say this, he knew clearly in his heart that there was no problem following this sentence.


After hearing these words, the grand elder's expression became ugly.

He originally thought that this group of people would be doomed to escape, but he didn't expect them to have a new idea.

"In this case, arrange for Shadow to catch them back."

The Great Elder has this supreme authority, he can mobilize the Shadow Corps.

The owner of the family naturally has no opinion on this matter.

He spoils his daughter very much on weekdays. Now that these things happen, he naturally wants to resolve them sooner.

"It's all set, hurry up and arrange for the people from the Shadow Corps to start."

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