I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 3547: , Very powerful flower demon!

After hearing these words, Yun Sinan nodded vigorously. He was originally planning to go to Flower City.

He had heard before that the Flower City is a beautiful place, and there are all kinds of flowers everywhere, giving people a refreshing feeling, and it is most suitable for people with concerns to survive.

He just wanted to go over and relax this time.

Unexpectedly, Chen Ping also proposed to go to Flower City, which is really great.

"Great, I wanted to go there before. I heard that they will sell a very powerful flower monster!"

"This guy has to do it very well, if he can't even be found in the scores of the major monsters."

Chen Ping shook his head helplessly beside him, but at this time, Yun Sinan was talking freely.

He knew very well in his heart how powerful this flower demon was. Although he didn't have enough money to buy it, it didn't affect him to join in and enjoy it.

What's more, this is the first time such a thing has been sold in history.

If he didn't go to join in the fun, he would feel embarrassed.

"The auction will be held in three days. This time the auction item is only the flower demon. The official side has prepared a long time for everyone to raise money!"

Yun Sinan smiled, took out a large amount of money from his arms and handed it directly to Chen Ping.

"Take this thing away. If you can buy the other party, it's naturally the best. If you can't..."

Chen Ping did not finish speaking, he just sighed silently.

"In that case, let's go over and take a look. It's just that I remain skeptical of what the other party said."

After saying this, Chen Ping paid back all the money the other party had handed over.

"With your little money, do you want to go to the auction?"

Seeing the pile of money scattered on the table by the other party, Chen Ping couldn't help laughing.

This guy has always liked to change money into very small numbers so that he can motivate himself to act.

The so-called spar is not a small number.

If you want to enter the auction site, you must go through asset appraisal. It is precisely because of this that Yun Sinan will be crazy to complete the task and make money.

A spar was exchanged by Yun Sinan into countless broken spars. Although it was a bit troublesome to carry, it was a very safe move.

After hearing what the other party said, Chen Ping nodded silently.

He happened to want to go to Flower City to find out.

For this so-called flower demon, his heart is still very interested.

Chen Ping briefly discussed with them and decided to start now.

Anyway, now that the old monk has fulfilled his wish, they can set off anytime, anywhere.

"Go!" Yun Sinan was also very excited, and walked away directly with people.

A group of people from the Bailing family, although they are very angry, they don't know what they can do now.

They simply don't have enough ability to stop the opponent from leaving, and even once they stop the opponent, it is very likely that they will end up in smoke.

The guards who broke into several pieces were already their biggest warning.

Feng Yuqin's father was very excited. He couldn't wait to get revenge, but when he thought of the gap in his strength, he also chose to give up.

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