He decided to find someone to help.

This group of people are also masters no matter what, if they underestimate the enemy too much, they will definitely end up ruined.

He must be fully prepared to do it later.

"I heard they just said that they are going to Flower City. If that's the case, let's look for support now. I want to see if they can escape!"

Feng Yuqin's father is Feng Xiaoen, and he has always been an extremely cunning person.

The thought of what to face next makes him feel extremely headache.

The opponent's strength is so strong, he must use all his strength.

Thinking of this, he didn't have any thoughts to communicate with the elder, so he turned around and walked out.

The other elders all gathered together, and they didn't say much.

Their new favorite knows very well that Feng Xiaoen at this time is not in the mood to explain too much to them.

If Feng Xiaoen is forced to explain to them now, it is estimated that Feng Xiaoen is also extremely confused in thinking, so it is better to give him a certain amount of time.

"Other people will discuss this matter. If we hear any crazy talk, you guys can't escape!"

The elder confessed very solemnly. Now it is his turn to stay and handle the whole thing. He knew very well in his heart that Feng Xiaoen would definitely not be able to sit in this position for long.

If such a big thing happened during the opponent's reign, most of them will be expelled.

So he must win people's hearts at this time and let everyone support him.

He had his own wishful thinking, and Feng Xiaoen didn't have so much thought at this time, and he quickly came to a cave.

This cave house looks like a cave, there is a feeling of living outside the world.

He knelt directly at the door of the cave.

"Tui'er Feng Xiaoen begs to see you." Feng Xiaoen kept kowtow at the door, looking very pious.

After seeing this scene, a child ran out of the door.

"Are you here to find the master?" This keg looked only a few years old, and his voice was very immature.

After seeing the other party, Feng Xiaoen didn't show any disdain, but looked at each other religiously.

"Brother, please help me pass on the master! I have very important things, and I need to discuss it with the master!"

Feng Xiaoen directly referred to the other party as a big brother, this picture indeed looked a little strange.

The child looked like it was taken for granted, and nodded silently.

"Well... I almost can't recognize you. It turns out that you are the most trash little apprentice!"

The other party looked at Feng Xiaoen indifferently and spoke very directly.

After hearing these words, a trace of embarrassment flashed across Feng Xiaoen's face.

Of course he was clear in his heart that the other party was telling the truth.

He has been practicing for such a long period of time, although he is considered extremely powerful to the outside world, but compared to his fellow brothers and disciples, he is just a trash.

"You wait here, the master doesn't necessarily want to see you." After the boy said this, he turned around and left.

Feng Xiaoen still knelt at the door and motionless. Without the consent of the other party, he would never dare to stand up. In his eyes, the master was an extremely terrifying existence.

If you can ask the master to come out to help solve Chen Ping, then his chances of winning can be said to be very big.

Feng Xiaoen knelt at the door for several hours, and finally someone came out.

"You go in."

After hearing these words, Feng Xiaoen immediately stood up, and bowed deeply to thank the boy.

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