Soon he entered it, and at a glance he saw an old man sitting on a futon.

After seeing the other party, Feng Xiaoen licked his head quickly.

"Master..." he said tremblingly, with a trace of panic in his eyes.

When the old man sitting on the futon heard this, he opened his eyes, his eyes seemed to see everything through, and he was holding each other blankly.

"I know the purpose of your coming. I'm getting older. It's really pitiful for this to happen."

After hearing these words, a trace of pain flashed through Feng Xiaoen's eyes.

He never thought that he would have such a painful experience.

Now when the master mentioned this matter, he felt that he had hit the most painful place in his heart.

"Please also master to help me! I can't swallow this breath no matter what, no matter what price I pay, I must kill Chen Ping and the group of guys!"

He gritted his teeth, no matter what price he will pay next, he will not hesitate.

The old man smiled indifferently, "Are you willing to pay any price? Then I ask you to give me all the wealth of your family?"

"Once you are willing to do this, then I can naturally cooperate with you. I just want to kill a few people and pay it back. Isn't it what you want?"

The other side was tempted, with an indifferent look on his face, and didn't care if Feng Xiaoen would agree to him.

Regardless of whether Feng Xiaoen agreed to him or not, it did no harm to him.

Not just killing a few people, it is also a matter of minutes for his strength.

If the other party agrees to himself, then he can make a lot of money, and even get the whole family.

Feng Xiaoen's face became a little ugly after hearing this, and he didn't expect the other party to say such a thing.

What he wants is not simple wealth, but all the wealth of the Bailing family.

This made him have to struggle.

He can come up with something as a price for asking the other party to make a move.

But if you want to use the entire homework to solve this problem, it's a bit of a hassle.

A hint of hesitation flashed across his face, it was obvious that he was now considering whether the whole thing should be like this.

"You don't need to hesitate so much. In fact, if you have such a big problem, even if you want to continue to inherit the rights of your family, it is absolutely impossible."

The old man's words are very reasonable, and he directly broke all the other's illusions.

When this kind of thing happened, it was impossible for him to continue to be the head of the house.

Maybe he will be punished by the family, and he will be expelled directly. This is the simplest punishment.

So what Feng Xiaoen should do at this moment is to quickly transfer all the wealth he has.

After hearing this statement, Feng Xiaoen finally stopped hesitating, and he was very clear in his heart that what the other party said was very reasonable.

If you keep this stubborn attitude and thoughts over and over again, not only will you not be revenge, but your status will also disappear.

That being the case, why should he waste time for the family? The most he should do now is to use the family to retaliate against Chen Ping.

Feng Xiaoen quickly hit it off with his master, and their faces were extremely excited. This can be regarded as everyone taking what they need.

"I'll arrange for Song Xiaodong to go with you first, and let me know if there is anything I can't handle."

In his opinion, there is no need to let himself go. It is enough to have Song Xiaodong as an apprentice.

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