I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 4037: , Apprenticeship to learn art [below]

Hearing this, Chen Ping frowned. According to Xiao Guitou's statement, what can shield him from perception must be a very powerful thing.

"Able to shield you, it must be very powerful."

Ao Tianping looked at Chen Ping anxiously. He didn't know what Chen Ping would do. He always felt that something was wrong.

He wanted to know how Chen Ping would solve this problem.

"Then what should we do? How should we solve this problem?"

He looked at Chen Ping expectantly, wondering how Chen Ping would handle this matter.

"It's not easy to say, this little guy can't detect this thing, because the strength is too weak, then I can help him improve his strength?"

Chen Ping spoke casually, but he didn't take this matter into his eyes at all.

It is a very simple thing for him to want to improve his strength.

After hearing Chen Ping's words, Ao Tianping instantly revealed a confused look.

I always feel that Chen Ping has described all this too simply, as if he would not be able to blow up the dust at all.

But he didn't think Chen Ping was scaring people. He always felt that Chen Ping was telling the truth.

So he didn't say much, just watched around silently, wanting to see what Chen Ping would do.

Chen Ping took out a bottle of water from his arms and handed it directly to the other party.

This bottle of water is completely indistinguishable from the mineral water bought at random on the street.

Now it's Ao Tianping's turn to be a little puzzled. Could it be that the water source owned by this group of humans is so strong? It can also make people stronger easily.

In fact, Chen Ping got this bottle at will. He originally used other bottles to contain these spiritual liquids, but later gave these things to ordinary people for use, so he also changed the packaging by the way.

"This thing will become stronger if you drink it."

Chen Ping's face has a very calm look, this thing is not simple.

The little devil nodded, without hesitation at all, he swallowed the thing directly into his stomach.

Seeing the appearance of the little devil's head, everyone's faces showed an expression of expectation.

Especially Ao Tianping, he can't wait to figure out the structure of these things.

When he saw someone taking this pill, he immediately showed a nervous look, and looked at the other side carefully, wanting to know whether the pill really had a certain effect.

The ending is naturally beautiful.

After Xiao Guitou drank this thing, instantly became different.

His personal strength instantly improved, his aura was magnificent, and he knew it was absolutely extraordinary at first glance.

After feeling his powerful strength, Xiao Guitou's face also showed a trace of excitement, and he couldn't wait to prove his ability.

"Sure enough, this thing is extremely powerful, I have successfully sensed this powerful force!"

Having said this, a hint of excitement flashed across the face of the little devil's head.

"I know where this thing is!" Without a word, the little devil head straight forward with the people all the way fast.

With a curious look on Chen Ping's face, he followed the opponent cautiously forward.

In fact, he also wants to figure out what is the treasure in it.

The little devil didn't say much, and led everyone to an extremely remote and dilapidated house.

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