I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 4038: , Mysterious Skeleton [Top]

After seeing the situation here, Ao Tianping also showed a very puzzled look.

Chen Ping didn't expect to come to this place, a trace of curiosity flashed in his eyes, just staring straight at the little devil's head.

Little Guitou didn't waste time, and quickly took out a piece of talisman paper from his pocket.

Immediately afterwards, he stuck it directly on a wall.

In the next moment, this wall disappeared completely in an instant, looking very strange.

Immediately afterwards, there was something piled up high like a hill that appeared in front of everyone.

After seeing this thing, even Chen Ping's face showed a hint of surprise.

"This is a hill made of gold, and the real treasure is hidden under this mountain. Since at the beginning, my strength did not reach such a strong level, so I couldn't find it!"

Xiao Guitou couldn't help but sighed, this pile of gold is not just a simple transaction, but also has an extremely powerful ability that can shield everyone's perception.

After hearing these words, Chen Ping nodded silently, he naturally knew that this thing was extraordinary, otherwise it would not be possible for the opponent to improve his strength before he could handle it.

Ao Tianping was also in a stunned state at this moment. He never dreamed that the other party would actually have the ability to successfully become stronger.

Just drank that inexplicable bottle of human water, and it was able to become such a powerful appearance. How could this be acceptable to people?

"I knew that a bottle of human water could achieve such an extraordinary effect, then I had already played, so why bother to waste time in this place?"

At this moment, Ao Tianping is very regretful. She just wants to quickly find a way to go to the place where human beings live, and seize the time to get all these things.

If he can get a few more, then he can really make a fortune.

"Why, the look in your eyes seems to be very confused about all this, what's the matter? Don't you want to try the power of this thing?"

Chen Ping thought that the other party was suspicious of this thing and had no deterrent effect, so he couldn't help but explain.

Hearing this, the other party waved his hand directly, he didn't think this thing was harmless.

On the contrary, he felt from the bottom of his heart that such non-human things should of course not exist.

But he also couldn't understand why this group of human beings clearly possessed such treasures, but there was no way they could become stronger.

Is it possible that such a treasure has no effect on them at all?

"Actually, I am a little curious in my heart. Is it possible that such a baby has no effect on humans? Why are there so many similar mineral waters for sale on the market, but the strength of those humans is so bad?"

After hearing these questions asked by the other party, Chen Ping realized that it turned out that the other party was curious about these things.

"It turns out that you are curious about this matter, if that's the case, then I can answer it in detail with you."

After saying this, Chen Ping directly took out the bottle of water just now from his arms.

He wants as many things as he wants.

"Do you think I gave the other party something weird? Actually, it's not. I didn't give him water or anything weird. I just filled it with some spiritual liquid and fed it. It's just him, you don't have to worry about it at all."

Chen Ping spoke very casually, with a calm look on his face, just staring at the other side straight.

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