What's more important is that there are corpses all over here, and all the people are completely dead as if they have encountered some disaster.

After seeing the appearance of this group of people, Ao Tianguang's eyes revealed an extremely shocking expression.

It didn't take long for them to leave here, so he didn't understand why this group of people suddenly lost their lives and what the situation was.

Ao Tianping did not expect to see such a scene. He originally thought that after the people here received a lot of relief supplies, they must be able to live happily. At least they don’t have to live so hard, but Now it seems that something is not quite right.

"Is it possible that Ao Tianxiang did all this? Why do I always feel that it is not very reliable? It is completely impossible to kill so many people with the strength of that guy Ao Tianxiang!"

"That's right, he is obviously an out-and-out rubbish, is it possible that he can come up with some tricks? I don't believe it!"

The two brothers Ao Tianping knew very well how terrible this guy's strength really is.

At this moment, Xiao Hei frowned. He smelled a different kind of smell here, and he always felt that it was not too normal here.

"I smelled the breath of Umiji here. If I guess correctly, all of this is absolutely inseparable from Umiji."

Their dragons have a strong sense of these breaths, so they can easily judge what the poem is like.

Chen Ping felt extremely shocked after he heard the news. He didn't expect that this woman would be so vicious, coming over to kill all these innocent people inexplicably.

Chen Ping also frowned. He felt that the matter was not simple. A woman can suddenly go crazy and there is absolutely a reason to do this kind of thing.

It is very possible that this matter has a lot to do with the other party's son. If you guessed correctly, it was probably Ao Tianxiang who had an accident.

"Ao Tianxiang will definitely have a lot of accidents if he stays in this place. If he guessed right, he was probably killed by someone, otherwise, how could this crazy lady suddenly do it?"

Hearing this, everyone nodded helplessly, but what they said was correct.

"But what about this guy's corpse, is it possible that Umiji has already taken it away?"

Everyone didn't stay idle, and rushed to the Dragon Palace as quickly as possible.

The Dragon Palace at this moment looks extraordinary, with a very solemn feeling, and even some white slings are hung, which is obviously to commemorate the dead Ao Tianxiang.

"What's the situation..." An awkward expression flashed across Ao Tianping's eyes, and he always felt that something was not quite right.

They had just arrived here when they saw Mermaid who was crying constantly.

At this moment, Mermaid's expression was very ugly, and she looked like she had encountered something maddeningly serious.

In fact, this incident was indeed a very big blow to Umiji.

He encountered this kind of bereavement, and it was only natural that he was in a bad mood.

The biggest impact on Umiji is that her status will be instantly lowered, and there will never be a situation where mothers and children are expensive.

Seeing Ao Tianguang and Chen Ping and the others came back, Mermaid was extremely excited in an instant, and rushed directly towards Chen Ping, with a fierce look in his eyes, wishing to kill each other immediately.

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