I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 4042: , At your disposal!

"Ao Tianguang!"

Fishtail Ji saw Chen Ping and spoke viciously.

"My son went with you to Xihai for disaster relief, but now you are back without incident, but my son is dead!"

Yuweiji cursed on the sidelines, wishing to kill each other herself.

But Umiji couldn't do it.

Not to mention the difference in strength between them, there are also rules for static and hands-on actions in the Dragon Palace.

If they dare to take action against people of the race, then they will face very serious punishments. This matter is not a joke.

Therefore, at this time, Fishtail Ji also hopes that they can confess their sins, so that Fishtail Ji can also find a way to let the Dragon King take care of them.

But all this is just wishful thinking. Who would confess guilt inexplicably?

Besides, none of this has anything to do with Ao Tianguang and the others, and they were also very surprised when they learned of this incident.

At this moment, the Dragon King also came over.

The Dragon King wore a very upset look on his face, just staring straight at the people present.

"What the **** is this going on? You'd better give me a reasonable explanation."

Hearing this, Ao Tianguang's eyes also showed a hint of dissatisfaction.

"Originally, Ao Tianxiang followed me to Xihai for disaster relief, but this guy wanted to take all the supplies as his own!"

"Not only that, but also forcing me to never share these things. In the name of my elder brother, I want to occupy our disaster relief supplies like this recklessly!"

Speaking of this, a trace of effort flashed across Ao Tianguang's face, he thought from the bottom of his heart that this guy really deserved it.

Hearing this, the expression of the Dragon King changed and changed.

"I knew it was not easy. I didn't expect that there was such a story in it. It seems that I underestimated your son!" The Dragon King turned his head and said to Fishtail Ji, with a trace in his eyes. A mocking look.

In fact, he trusts Ao Tianguang very much in his heart.

"Dragon King, don't trust this guy! He is just to be able to frame my son."

Yuweiji said indignantly, with a very angry expression in her eyes, seeming to believe that Ao Tianguang and the others are framing their son.

"Dragon King, don't you who are the emperor father not know the character of our son? He is a very well-behaved child. It is absolutely impossible for these people to do this kind of thing. They want to frame my baby son!"

Seeing the Dragon King waved his hand, he didn't have any intention to care about the other party.

"And I brought the murderer here, you can see how to deal with it!"

Umiji directly ordered someone to pull out a beaten half-dead man. The other side looked very haggard, and she knew that she had definitely suffered a lot.

Chen Ping showed a somewhat surprised look when he saw the appearance of this man, because they all remembered this guy, and the other party clapped their hands for them at the beginning.

But he didn't expect this person to kill Ao Tianxiang, which is really amazing.

After seeing Chen Ping, the man also showed a look of dissatisfaction. They never dreamed that they would actually see them here.

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