I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 4043: , The Scarlet Curse 【Part I】

"All of you hateful dragon races should die. You have been doing evil in this place for so many years. It's time to return our territory to us humans!"

He screamed loudly at the bottom of his eyes, with an extremely angry look, wishing to kill all these guys quickly.

After seeing the other person's appearance, Chen Ping realized that everything was pretended by this guy. He thought he was really a good person?

"Even if you kill me, what can I do, I will find a way to torture you completely, don't worry!"

There was an excited smile on his face. In fact, he knew very well what he should do next, because he was very powerful.

Coupled with the fact that what he is practicing is a little bit biased, so he is very clear in his heart that he can completely deal with the dragon by doing this by himself.

Whether it is a human or a dragon, they are very afraid of cursing such things.

If they encounter this kind of assistance, many people will be scared to death.

After the Dragon King heard this, his expression became very ugly. He didn't expect it to be like this.

Obviously, this person has put some curses on his body. At that time, once he dies, he will face a lot of dangers, and they will all be cursed, but then they will be over.

Originally, their underwater world was already very inappropriate. If they really encountered this situation again, it would be finished, so he had to stop all of this.

"Fishtail Ji, who asked you to catch this guy back?" The Dragon King's heart was also irritated. If he was dealt with directly, that would be fine. Now he is caught back and threatened them. This is not intentional. Do you want to fix people?

Umiji didn't expect that things would turn out to be like this, and his heart was flustered, not knowing what to do.

Chen Ping stood by, looking at each other silently, with a little anger in his eyes.

Others also had a blank look on their faces. They didn't expect that someone would dare to threaten the Dragon King. This was an extreme exaggeration.

Of course, they are most worried about this curse.

"You now know that it's too late to be afraid. I curse that you will never get out of the bottom of the ocean in your life! I curse that all of you will never live beyond a hundred!"

After saying this, he suddenly swelled up and looked very scary. In the next second, a touch of blood red spread all over the opponent's body.

Chen Ping felt a little scary when he saw this scene, and I have to say that this guy is a bit too exaggerated.

He is almost like a lunatic.

"This guy is terrible, isn't it?"

Master Ao Tianguang couldn't help taking two steps back. He also knew how powerful these curses were. Once the opponent's curse came true, it meant that they would encounter various crises in the future.

Originally, this underwater world was already very weird, but now the other party actually cursed them to be trapped in the seabed for eternity, which is really excessive.

"What to do? How can we crack this curse?"

Umiji's face also had a flustered look, and she never dreamed that things would turn out to be this way.

As the instigator of the whole thing, Yuweiji also had a flustered expression on her face. She never dreamed that it would be like this. A trace of embarrassment flashed on his face, and she wanted to explain something to the Dragon King, but , The Dragon King did not respond.

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