I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 822: , I'm the vice president here!

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After looking at the runaway takeaway building behind him, Chen Ping stepped up and walked in.

Employees in the company are working hard and the atmosphere is not bad.

The appearance of Chen Ping made the female receptionist suspicious, followed her, and came over with a gentle smile, asking, "Hello, are you here to apply?"

Chen Ping smiled happily, shook his head and said: "No, I come to your general manager."

The female receptionist looked suspiciously and looked at Chen Ping. He didn't look at him differently because of his ordinary clothes. Then he smiled slightly and asked, "Are there any appointments? Our general manager is in a meeting, which is not convenient now."

Chen Ping nodded, casually found a place to sit down, said: "OK, then I'll wait."

The female receptionist poured him a cup of tea with a smile, and then returned to work.

Chen Ping sat there leisurely, drinking tea and basking in the sun, a rare clean.

It was also at this time that a man wearing glasses suddenly rushed into the door, about thirty years old, with a chill on his face. When passing by Chen Ping, he glanced at him, and then turned his head to the previous woman. At the front desk, he scolded and asked, "What about President Su?"

The female front desk immediately stood up respectfully and said, "Vice President Li and President Su are meeting with several investors."

The man's face fell, followed by Chen Ping pointing here, and asked, "Who is this person, how do you sit here? Come to apply?"

The female front desk replied: "No, Vice President Li, he said he came to see President Su."

Looking for President Su?

Then Vice President Li's face was heavy, and then he shouted at the female front desk: "Dare you dare to put in such a person? He said to find President Su, you let him in? Hurry up and find someone to blast him out! You Don’t look at where we are here. It’s the biggest takeaway company in Shangjiang. Wouldn’t such a **** affect our company’s image? Moreover, I’m going to come to a few important customers today. Did I inform them in advance? Anyone, idlers, etc., will not be allowed into the company?"

These people are really eating dry food and taking their words to the ears!

The female receptionist was stunned by this Vice President Li. His weak shoulders were trembling slightly, and he quickly bent over: "Sorry Vice President Li, I will invite him out immediately."

With that said, the female front desk trot to Chen Ping and said apologetically: "This gentleman, I'm sorry, but I'll trouble you to go out first."

Chen Ping already had a panoramic view of the scene just now.

That man named Vice President Li is really arrogant.

Vice President?


Chen Ping smiled faintly and said to the female front desk: "It's okay, I'll just sit here and let him tell me."

As soon as the female receptionist heard this, she was in a hurry, and quickly said, "Sir, don't make trouble, he is the vice president of our company. You should go out for now."

"What are you muttering about? Why are you so insulting when you chase someone!"

Then Vice President Li froze at the moment and came over. He looked at Chen Ping sneeringly and said, "Who are you, get out!"

The female receptionist kept making eyes on Chen Ping, but when Chen Pingquan didn't see it, he took a sip of tea and slowly stood up, looking at the vice president Li, and asked, "Are you the vice president of this company?"

Li He chuckled and pulled his suit, proudly said: "Yes, I am the vice president here, why, you still have a disagreement? Do not look at what you are, I will finally warn you , Quickly go out to me, otherwise, I will call the security guard!"

Li He was very upset with the man in front of him.

Some people hate it at first sight.

Obviously, he is like this to Chen Ping.

Obviously, a guy who looks very ordinary, why should he be so calm and calm between words?

However, Chen Ping smiled faintly: "I'm afraid you will regret it after you drove me out."


Then Li He immediately laughed twice and said, "What do you say? I will regret it? You are a **** who is nothing. What are you qualified to say such arrogant words? Are you just applying for it, and still consider yourself What character? Want to see our President Su, are you worthy?"

Li He was upset, this stupid, really arrogant.

However, Chen Ping's face was calm, and she looked at the female receptionist standing side by side and said: "Relax, this matter has nothing to do with you."

The female front desk was full of panic and suspiciousness, looked at Chen Ping, hesitated, and said to Li He: "Vice Vice President Li, don't be angry, let me handle it."

After she finished speaking, she quickly faced Chen Ping, pulled his hand, and pulled out, saying: "You go quickly, you don't know our Vice President Li's temper, offended him, there is no good end."

Chen Ping looked at the woman who was pulling her in front of her eyes, and smiled faintly at the corner of her mouth.

However, he let go of the opponent's hand and calmly said to her: "Relax, let me deal with it."

After all, Chen Ping turned around again, looking at Li He who was sneering at him over and over again, and said, "Is Li always always? Then I will inform you now that you have been fired."

The whole lobby was suddenly quiet!

The female front desk, including Li He, all looked incredible, staring at Chen Ping.

What is he saying?

Fire yourself?

Li He smiled, with a sneer in the corner of his mouth, staring at Chen Ping with a proud look, and asked, "You said, you want to fire me?"

This is simply a big joke!

He is a **** who is nothing, a bottom-level person who came to apply for, actually said such a thing.

The female front desk was also anxious, and quickly pulled Chen Ping's clothes, and whispered: "Stop making trouble..."

She was really panicked.

How could the young man in front of him be so arrogant.

To expel Vice President Li?

However, Chen Ping said calmly: "Believe it or not, but you will definitely be expelled."

"Ravage! What do you think you are? Dare to provoke me again and again, I call someone to blow you out!"

Li He was angry, and he had never been provoked by such a cock.

At the moment, he immediately dialed the phone of the security department and scolded: "Hurry up, bring a few people over, someone is making trouble in the front hall!"

Hanging up the phone, Li He stared coldly at Chen Ping and sneered: "Boy, you're done, dare to make trouble here, don't look at where this is, it's just to death!"

However, Chen Ping still looks indifferent.

This made Li He very uncomfortable, and at the same time wondered, why is this guy so arrogant?

Could it be that he still failed?


This looks like an ordinary person, maybe I thought about it more.

Within two minutes, three security guards hurried to the door, all holding riot sticks.

Stand upright and salute.

"Vice President Li!" They stood straight in front of Li He, respectfully.

"Hurry up, blast me that guy!" Li He pointed to Chen Pingdao, and then went back to the meeting room after turning around.

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