Biquge, the fastest update I don’t want to inherit the latest chapter of trillions of properties!

It’s just a small person, and it’s not worth paying too much attention.

The security guards turned around and looked at Chen Ping coldly, saying, "Brother, I'm sorry, please go out."

These people are all newly recruited security guards and naturally do not know Chen Ping.

Chen Ping looked calm and didn't say anything. Instead, he took out his mobile phone and dialed Su Qing's phone.

At the moment, in the conference room, Su Qing was discussing business with several investors.

Suddenly, his assistant hurried in, holding a mobile phone in his hand, and said, "General Manager Su, your phone is ringing!"

Su Qing looked cold and turned around to reprimand the assistant: "Did you not see me in a meeting? What call, hang up first."

Su Qing is a strong woman. She has a clear distinction between public and private, and she will never answer the phone during working hours.

The female assistant was somewhat helpless and said, "General Su, you have to answer this call. What you said, as long as it is from this number, it will be handed over to you anyway."

Su Qing shook his face when he heard this, and hurried over to grab the phone, and the phone showed it, Chen Ping!

Su Qing quickly connected the phone excitedly, smiling and respectfully: "Chen Ping, are you back?"

Over the phone, Chen Ping smiled faintly: "Sister Su Qing, I haven't seen you for a long time, are you busy?"

"Not busy, where are you, I'll see you." Su Qing smiled.

"It's in the company, in the front hall."

"Okay, I'll go right away!" Su Qing hung up the phone and then smiled apologetically to several investors: "I'm sorry, I'm going to see someone, please wait for me."

The investors were also a little stunned at the moment.

They have never seen Su Qing so sick, just to see them all and leave them all?

This is currently recognized as a strong woman by Shang Jiang, and the only thing she has to think about is work.

Who is the person she wants to see?

Face so big?

Looking back at Chen Ping, several security guards saw that Chen Ping was still on the phone. He suddenly lost his face and drank: "Boy, that's enough, did you call us President Su? Okay, acting full set, Enough is enough."

Chen Ping smiled lightly, put the phone away, and looked at these security guards: "I don't want to cause trouble, you better not deal with me, otherwise, you will suffer."

"Grass! Your kid is quite right, right?"

"Don't talk nonsense with him, hurry up, or Vice President Li will blame, we can't eat it."

With that said, a few security guards walked towards Chen Ping, which meant that he would directly shoot him out.

Just when they were going to work on Chen Ping, a coquettish cry came from behind: "Stop!"

Immediately afterwards, as far as everyone could see, she saw a woman wearing a white shirt, a red bag hip skirt on her bottom, stepping on high heels, and hurried over.

His figure was hot, his gestures were thousands of, and there was a touch of coolness in his wrinkled brows.

"Su... President Su, why are you here?"

When the security guards saw the arrival at this moment, they all panicked and quickly stepped back aside, respectfully.

Su Qing glanced coldly at a few people, and then in the eyes of everyone surprised, walked directly to Chen Ping, half-bent and respectfully said: "Chen Dong."

Chen... Chen Dong?

Everyone is dumbfounded!

The kid in front of him is the chairman?

How is this possible? !

Several security guards were so scared that they couldn't speak, swallowing droolingly.

The female receptionist on the side had already widened her eyes and looked at Chen Ping in disbelief.

He is actually the chairman!

Chen Ping nodded, smiled slightly, and looked at Su Qing, said: "Sister Su Qing, there is no need to call my chairman, I am a shopkeeper."

Su Qingdao: "The system in the company is still required."

After all, she turned her head, staring angrily at the security guards who wanted to deal with Chen Ping, scolding: "Who made you disrespect Chen Dong!"

The few security guards were scared, and quickly bent over: "General Su, we don't know that he is the chairman, we, we are ordered to act."


Su Qing snorted coldly and said directly: "You pack things up and go to the financial side to get your salary and leave."

Hearing this, the few security guards panicked, and quickly knelt down on the ground, begging for mercy: "President Su, no, we are not intentional."

Chen Ping shook his head and said to Su Qing: "Okay, those who do not know are not guilty, let them go this time."

Su Qing then nodded and said: "Since Chen Dong has pleaded for you, then I will let you go. Next time, no matter who it is, as long as it is a guest who comes to our company, we must treat each other with courtesy! I told you many times, thank you Chen Dong?

The security guards immediately said to Chen Ping: "Thank you Chen Dong, thank you Chen Dong."

Chen Ping waved his hand, but did not mind.

At this time, he turned to look at the female receptionist who had been froze on one side, and said to Su Qing: "This little girl is very good, there is a chance to promote more."

Su Qing glanced at the trembling female receptionist and nodded, "Okay."

The female receptionist panicked, and immediately reacted, trotting to Chen Ping and said, "Thank you Chen Dong, thank you President Su."

Su Qing smiled and said: "Don't be at the front desk in the future, go to the marketing department."

Followed by, Su Qing led Chen Ping to go in.

But, suddenly, a figure walked angrily from inside, pointing at Chen Ping and the several security guards and shouting: "What's going on, let you blast him away, how have you spent so long!"

Li He wanted to come out and have a look. Unexpectedly, this **** is actually still there!

Moreover, Su Qing was actually there.

"General Su, are you here? Are you not in a meeting? I just went to the meeting room to find you. I didn't see you and didn't expect to be here." Li He smiled, and the smile on his face licked the dog more often. How licking the dog.

Su Qing looked cold and was very unhappy with Li He's attitude just now, and asked, "Vice President Li, who were you going to drive out just now?"

Li He hurriedly said: "General Su, you misunderstood, naturally not you, but the kid next to you. He is here to make trouble, and he just arrogantly said that he wanted to get rid of me. You talk about it, is it funny?"


Su Qing sneered and said, "It's not ridiculous at all. He said that if you want to expel you, that's to expel you."

Upon hearing this, the smile on Li He's face froze. He looked at Su Qing with a puzzled expression and said, "Senior President Su, don't joke with me. Today we are coming to a few customers. We need to prepare early." ."

With that said, he pointed to the security guards with their heads blank and shouted, "Why are you still standing silly, and blasting this garbage out!"


Su Qing snorted and shook her hand on Li He's face, scolding: "Li He, from now on, you are formally dismissed by the errand delivery company and get your things off!"

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