I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 879: , Ye Fan's Glory

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At this moment, Yao Jixue stammered, her eyes full of shock. She stared closely at the "Wang" Xuan Tie Ling in her hand, and her eyes continued to glance back and forth. That kind of heroic comparison.

In just a few seconds, Yao Jixue collapsed!

The seven disciples, the **** of war in the eyes of all their disciples, the king with the highest honor, would be the man in front of him!

This is impossible!

Yao Jixue's world view is about to collapse!

The seven disciples she has always been in awe of are mysterious, supreme, and able to make all disciples work for them.

He is actually one of the seven disciples!

"You, are you the Seven Kings of Disciples?" Yao Jixue shuddered out of fear even though she didn't believe it.

Such an existence is simply not something she can resist!

Even if the four of them add up, or all the deacons scattered by the Kyushu General Administration this time, they can't match it!

The seven disciples have too many myths and too many mysteries!

Such a person should not appear in the world.

Because their appearance means destruction and death!

At the same time, it also represents hope and the future!

Yao Jixue asked the words, Pang Du and another feminine man behind her all showed shocking colors!


He is the seven disciples? !

This is impossible!

However, when they saw the "king" Xuan Tie Ling in Yao Jixue's hands, their unbelief could only be turned into endless shock!

"Wang" word Xuan Tie order!

Actually it is the word "king" Xuan Tie Ling!

Isn't the guy in front of him one of the seven kings!

At this moment, Pang Du understood what a man he was just facing!

That is the existence of the heaven and the earth, it is an offense and an invincible existence!

Confronting yourself with such a person is tantamount to a cricket shaking a tree and finding its own way!

Ye Fan glanced at the expressions of these people, waved his hand lightly, and smiled: "It's all over now. Now, I'm not the king in your mind anymore. I'm just a door abandonment. You are also Kyushu. Wanted on the list of the General Administration. But now, I want to ask, my proposal, do you agree?"

Ye Fan directly revealed his identity, and then asked.

This sentence shocked Yao Jixue, and the existence of a king who could be a deserter of the door was a wanted person on the list of the Kyushu General Administration.

In Yao Jixue's mind, a person was locked at once!

It's him!

Once the king of Kyushu, the king who guarded the fifth area!

Ye Fan!

Hasn't he disappeared long ago?

Why does it appear here?

Yao Jixue did not understand, but his inner shock was not reduced.

Because, the king of the fifth area has countless legends.

That is one of the seven most disciples of the disciples, the combat power is the most explosive, once created many records of the Kyushu General Administration!

So far, no one has broken!

Yao Jixue thumped heartily, even though Ye Fan was a deserted door, but his fame is still circulating in the Kyushu General Administration.

Even now, many people mentioned Ye Fan from time to time. This once made the Kyushu General Administration a headache, so that all the freaks in the door were terrified!

Now there is his statue in the Kyushu General Administration!

Although it has been covered by dust, there are still many fanatics who have always worshipped Ye Fan!

Even those who followed Ye Fan at that time have now become the pillars of the Kyushu General Administration!

However, two of his best brothers at that time also became new kings, guarding different regions!

He is just a legend!

Yao Jixue tried hard to restrain his emotions, glanced at Ye Fan, and then lowered his posture, saying: "I need to discuss with them."

Ye Fan nodded and said, "Yes."

Yao Jixue immediately turned around and motioned to Qi Tianyan to plan Wei Nanfeng under the broken brick, and then took it down for treatment.

Next, Yao Jixue, Pang Du, and another deacon discussed for a few minutes.

In the end, Yao Jixue looked at Ye Fan and handed him the "Xuan Tie Xuan Tie Order" in his hand respectfully, saying: "You can give him the promotion quota, but you have to promise us a condition."

Ye Fan's eyebrows twisted, his eyes staring coldly at Yao Jixue.

Before opening, Yao Jixue's heart trembled with that compelling momentum!

Previously, she didn't know Ye Fan's identity, but she could resist it. Now that she knows Ye Fan's identity, thinking of those legends about him, Yao Jixue couldn't bear it all at once, her legs became soft, and quickly said: "Yes... it's a request from us."

Ye Fan has now consolidated his momentum and said, "Want to ask about the situation in the third area?"

Yao Jixue stared at the other two, and quickly bowed: "Please also ask Wang for enlightenment."

Ye Fan thought for a while and said, "The demands are not excessive."

After all, he glanced at the three, and then said: "Three of you, you have a better qualification, hope to enter the third area, the other two, no chance, try hard."

Hearing this sentence, Yao Jixue's instinctive heart was delighted!

Ye Fan said that she could enter the third area, which means that her future achievements are not just in front of her.

It was the other two. Hearing Ye Fan's comments at this moment, he immediately looked ashamed.

They are not eligible to enter the third area?

The beings in this world, who have not been exposed to the mysterious power and knowledge behind the door, may not have too many ideas.

However, they are different. They have come into contact with the world behind them, and with such unprecedented civilization and power, they are more eager to have more and have better resources.

Now, Ye Fan's sentence is equivalent to breaking their thoughts and breaking their growth path!


Pang Du immediately knelt down and shouted: "Please also ask Wang to tell me the way, as long as it can help me enter the third area, I will be a ox and a horse, and I will be loyal to you!"

Another feminine man, after hesitating a little, also knelt down and said, "Also invite the king to point to a clear road."

Ye Fan shook his head and said: "Useless, your qualifications are not enough. Perhaps, you are different from ordinary people and can enter the door. But this is a random event in itself, don't think too much of the superior. Because In this world, there will always be more geniuses than you, and they are the darlings of this world. You want to compare with them, they can’t compare. The simplest thing is, you can’t compare with me, and How can you enter the third area? Even if you enter the third area by means, but the competition there, the cruelty there, is far from what you can cope with. Give up, release yourself where you can reach with peace of mind Talent, this is your home."

"In addition, I have to advise you, even if your physique and ability are different from ordinary people, but this is not your capital above others. I think the Kyushu General Administration should have this rule?" Ye Fan asked with a smile. .

After listening to this sentence, Pang Du and the other person glanced at each other silently, then stood up and stood aside, looking lonely and not talking.

Here, Ye Fan glanced at Yao Jixue and said nothing, and turned and took Chen Pingren out of here.

Yao Jixue looked at Ye Fan's leaving back, and his heart could not be calm for a long time.

She actually saw Ye Fan, one of the seven disciples!

The man with countless legends!

Five years ago, the man who upset the Kyushu General Administration!

With one person, blood washed the Kirin Pavilion, and finally successfully left the Kyushu General Administration, no one dared to resist!


Here, Ye Fan took Chen Ping and left the Peace Hotel.

Outside the door, Chen Ping frowned, and asked, "What is the world behind the door? And, the particularity they just showed has exceeded the scope of science now, and I need an explanation."

Ye Fan raised his eyebrows and glanced at the blue sky, then at Lin Xuelan who came behind Chen Ping, and smiled at the corner of his mouth: "Find a place to have a drink, I can tell you, but this chick Lin, can't be with us go with."

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