I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 880: , The other side of the world

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Lin Xuelan chased out, and saw Ye Fan looking at him with a bad intention, with a sneer of evil charm in his mouth.

This guy, he will actually appear here!

Lin Xuelan was angry, stepping on high heels, walking in a catwalk, and rushed straight up, raised his green and jade hands, and slammed Ye Fan fiercely.


Unfortunately, this slap fell through.

Lin Xuelan's delicate jade hand was pinched in the air by Ye Fan, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth: "Lin Xiaoniu, hitting people without hitting faces, we just met now, are you so angry with me?"

Lin Xuelan hated and wanted to pull his hand away, scolding resentfully: "Scum man! Why are you here?"

Ye Fan shrugged, loosened Lin Xuelan's wrist, and hugged Chen Ping's shoulder and smiled: "I will accompany my brother, why, you have to control this too?"

Lin Xuelan looked at Chen Ping suspiciously, looking strange, and asked, "Chen Ping, do you know this scum?"


Chen Ping wrinkled his brows and looked at Ye Fan and Lin Xuelan in front of them. Wouldn't these two be all right?

Perhaps it was uncomfortable to see Chen Ping’s strange eyes. Lin Xuelan kicked Ye Fan fiercely, and then threw his bag and said: "I am waiting for you at the Bulgari Hotel, if you just come to me tonight Clearly, I will never forgive you in my life!"

Having said that, Lin Xuelan twisted her hips, glaring at Ye Fan angrily, and then left straight.

At this point, Chen Ping understood it, and raised a smirk at the corner of his mouth, saying: "OK, you, even Lin Xuelan has done it?"

Ye Fan squeezed his chin and chuckled twice: "Brother's charm is everywhere, and I can't help it. It's the people who linger on me, hey, who makes me handsome."

Chen Ping did not want to listen, turned around and hit a car, and Ye Fan came to a bar.

It was already eight or nine in the evening, and there was a lively scene in the bar.

Many shaking girls, beautiful girls in the atmosphere group, the swinging posture and the twisting crotch, all highlight the atmosphere of the audience to the extreme.

Ye Fan and Chen Ping chose a deck. After the two had a few drinks, Chen Ping asked: "The questions I asked you just now, I need an explanation."

Ye Fan seems to have known that Chen Ping would ask this question, or, he had already prepared to tell Chen Ping to drink Spade A in the cup, and leaned back on the sofa, meditating for a while, said: " Where to start?"

Thinking, he asked suddenly: "Chen Ping, what do you think this world looks like?"

Chen Ping's eyebrows twisted and said, "What else is there in this world? Isn't that what is in front of me?"

Ye Fan shook his head and suddenly said: "This world is not what you see. Although most people see the same as you, in fact, this world has another side. This is the Kyushu General Administration, and The object of research behind the door. Your current cognition is also taught by humans, just like, I drink now is called wine, but the term wine is also told by others, through time, it has changed your recognition subconsciously. know."

Chen Ping frowned, didn't quite understand Ye Fan's meaning. He was holding the wine glass in his hand and observing the wine in the glass. This is not called wine, is it also called other?

Ye Fan glanced at Chen Ping and said, "I mean, you, including everything that most people know, are learned from the classroom. But have you ever thought about what you have come into contact with, learn It’s only one ten thousandth of this world? More knowledge, more unknown, you are not qualified to contact? Just like those scientists, why are you not contacted by others?"

Chen Ping suddenly seemed to understand what Ye Fan said, frowning and saying: "You mean that everything ordinary people understand and recognize is only one ten thousandth of this world, and more. , We are not qualified to contact?"

Ye Fan snapped his fingers and said, "Yes."

"Why?" Chen Ping asked.

"Because of balance." Ye Fandao said, "If everyone can become a scientist and everyone understands the world beyond 10,000, what will this world become?"

Chen Ping's eyes were startled. Ye Fan's words meant something very obvious. This is like a herdsman. It's right to graze. Why should you tell the flock that you can eat grass outside this area, but there are actually more places to eat grass.

"What is the world of 10,000th?" Chen Ping asked again.

Ye Fan thought for a while and decided to tell Chen Ping the most easy-to-understand theory. He took out a dagger from his pocket and then handed it to Chen Ping, saying, "With a dagger, slowly approach your eyebrow. "

Chen Ping took the dagger, looked at the dazzling dagger in his hand, and then did it.

At that moment, Chen Ping suddenly felt a strange feeling in his eyebrows, the feeling of oppression, tearing, and the numbness of electric current passing through...

Ye Fan saw the change in the expression of Chen Pingbei, took a sip of wine, and said, "This is the self-protection of the human body. You can also understand it as a kind of momentum and aura."

"Everyone has such potential, it depends on whether you can develop this trend yourself, and such people are the talents required by the Kyushu General Administration."

Ye Fan said lightly.

Chen Ping put the dagger down, and the discomfort of his eyebrows just disappeared slowly.

"This has something to do with the strength you said with Pang Du?" Chen Ping asked.

Ye Fan nodded and said, "This is just a noun, just like what I just said, the wine in the glass is called wine. This is the disciple's name for this energy. Qi can also be called momentum. The existence of the Kyushu General Administration is Domestically selected geniuses who can develop aptitude or momentum, after layer-by-layer selection, send them to begin to conduct more professional teaching and training, so as to control this energy, to reach the height that ordinary people can not understand and look forward to in their lifetime. "

Chen Ping was silent, his face slightly dull, and he drunk the wine in his glass.

What Ye Fan said was too amazing.

He naturally knows many mysteries of the human body.

Is the Kyushu General Administration the existence of human potential?

"Is this "Super Body" becoming a reality?" Chen Ping asked back.

Ye Fan smiled faintly: "Superbody exists."


Chen Ping was shocked!

Superbody actually exists!

"You can understand me as a member of the superbody, but we are a bit different from the movie. Every guy who enters the door has its own particularity. There is an area that subverts the world view, too. A place with infinite unknowns. There, you never know how many secrets there are in this world." Ye Fan said, his eyes blurred, and he seemed to remember a lot of past events.

Chen Ping kept silent, and his heart was already shocked.

It turned out that what he saw was not the real side of the world.

"Who is better than Xiao Zhongguo?" Chen Ping asked suddenly, his eyes burning.

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