I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 898: , I don't agree!

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At the moment of hearing the name, Du Qifeng was dumbfounded!

Chen Ping?

how can that be!

However, he has some strength in Shanghai, but it can still affect the local Chuzhou?

Moreover, his Qifeng Pharmaceutical is one of the best companies here, and there are many people behind it.

He dares to do this, which is tantamount to challenging the patience and majesty of Du Qifeng, and also challenging those people's bottom line!

"Sun Yaowei, don't you **** **** me! Can Chen Ping's hand reach me in Chuzhou?" Du Qifeng's face became colder, with deep resentment between his eyebrows.

But who would have thought that Sun Yaowei said with a smile: "Du Dong, you probably don't understand this. The benefits that people have promised me are not your four-point problem. Besides, people's hands are short and long. It’s also an inaccurate thing. I can only give Du Dong a piece of advice. Mo Yaotai is pretentious and unpretentious. This Mr. Chen is probably the star of Du Dongming.”

Hearing this, Du Qifeng was very upset, but now he can't be too harsh on Sun Yaowei, he can only follow the way: "Well, even if he has the ability, but now it is in Chuzhou, don't look at Sengmian Looking at the face of the Buddha, you Sun Yaowei really want to do such things that harm your own interests? Don’t forget, I’m Du Qifeng of the Du family. If something really happened, what should you take care of?

The fire in Du Qifeng's chest was almost overwhelming.

However, he must still be a ninja, after all, many of his handles are in the hands of Sun Yaowei!

"Oh, Du Dong, don't threaten me with these words. I was not originally from Chuzhou. Mr. Chen has promised me. After this matter, I can go directly to Shanghai, where there are bigger companies. Waiting for me, it is not less than what you gave Du Dong."

Sun Yaowei said with a smile, the meaning revealed in this sentence is too obvious.

Du Qifeng's crown was clenched tightly, and there was a chill on his face, saying one by one: "I will give 10 million, plus ten points, this matter, you must press me down!"

"Ten million, plus ten more points? Du Dong, when your iron **** also plucked hair, it really made me feel unbelievable." Sun Yaowei smiled happily over the phone and followed, "But Du Dong, I think you should know one thing. Mr. Chen said that no matter how much price you make, he will be three times higher than you. Hear it clearly, it is three times higher. So, Du Dong, you may wish to provide more price codes. Send the Buddha to the west."

three times?

This time, Du Qifeng was completely speechless!

This Chen Ping is simply a lunatic!

"Sun Yaowei, don't you think that the other party has given such a high price? What if someone just pits you and kills the donkey directly at the end?" Du Qifeng sneered and asked, this hand is beautiful.


Sun Yaowei was sitting in the boss chair of his office at this moment, looking at the three large silver boxes in front of him, all of which were full of white flowers.

Sun Yaowei smiled and said: "Du Dong, you may not understand it. The people have fulfilled their promises. I will show you."

After all, Sun Yaowei hung up the phone and directly shot a video with his mobile phone to Du Qifeng.

In the picture, Sun Yaowei squatted in front of three large silver boxes, holding his mobile phone and grinning: "Du Dong, look, this is a real guy, all of them are banknotes, thank you for the price tag just now, or I will take it Less than 30 million."

Seeing this scene, Du Qifeng was angry and directly hung up the phone.

"Grass! Damn Sun Yaowei, at this time actually gave me a stumbling block, when the old man slowed down, you must be better off to die!" Du Qifeng yelled.

Du Hao on the side couldn't help saying at this moment: "Dad, that Sun Yaowei is a cunning fox. I used to look at him as unpleasant, now he holds so much black material in our hands, what should we do? In this way, we will expose him first, so that this old kid will have no skill."

Du Qifeng turned his mind and said: "Nonsense! What a bad idea you are! He is not benevolent, we can't be unrighteous! You must remember that there is more than one Sun Yaowei who has a cooperative relationship with our family. If at this time, we put him Shake it out, how do other partners view me Du Qifeng?"

Du Qifeng still understands people, absolutely not like this.

Otherwise, he lost more than just Qifeng Pharmaceutical, and even ruined their father and son!

"Then what should we do now? It doesn't work, it doesn't work. Isn't it just watching our company collapse?" Du Hao was worried.

Du Qifeng took a deep breath and felt for the first time that this kid named Chen Ping was still a bit tricky.

What's more, it's midnight now, and he can influence a local media in Chuzhou so quickly!

A bit of a means!

Thinking, Du Qifeng's face sank, and said: "I'll call your Seventh Uncle, this matter, he should have a way to deal with it."

Seven Uncles, Du Minghua who had previously taken Du Hao safely away from Shanghai.

His status and influence in Chuzhou Huacheng are not small.

Moreover, in Du Jiazong's family, he is also a person who can speak.

Soon, the phone dialed, and Du Qifeng said straight away: "Seven brother, something happened, did you watch the news?"

"Just watched." Du Minghua on the other side of the phone seemed to be not nervous at all, and smiled: "You can just give Sun Yaowei a gift for this kind of thing. It's no big deal. Don't be afraid to spend money, just spend money to eliminate the disaster.

Du Qifeng smiled bitterly and said, "Seven brother, you don't know, I have just contacted with Sun Yaowei, but the attitude of others is very tough, this matter, he had to explode, Qifeng Pharmaceutical I'm afraid it's going to close and go bankrupt..."

"What's the matter? Sun Yaowei couldn't think of it this way? Does he want money or wants to increase the bonus points?" Du Minghua was also slightly surprised.

"Neither." Du Qifeng shook his head: "He received other people's gifts, the amount is larger than mine, and the other party also promised him to settle him elsewhere."

"Okay, I get it, let me deal with it."

Du Minghua also rarely became serious.

After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone and dialed Sun Yaowei's number.

At this moment, in a TV station office in Chuzhou Huacheng, Sun Yaowei was sitting on the boss's chair, tilting Erlang's legs, tasting tea, and the ground in front of him was full of banknotes.

He is in a good mood!

Unexpectedly, the money came so easy!

Suddenly, the mobile phone in front of him rang violently, and after seeing the caller ID, Sun Yaowei's face sank and his brow furrowed.

Sure enough, still came.

After connecting the phone, Du Minghua's voice came from the other end: "Sun Yaowei, you should be an understanding person. I just want to say something to you. If you want to mess with my fourth brother, I will not agree with Du Minghua first! Of course, I know people don’t die for themselves. For this matter, I can give you a choice. No matter how much money you take, just give me two or three days to broadcast it later, how?"

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