Biquge, the fastest update I don’t want to inherit the latest chapter of trillions of properties!

Hearing this, Sun Yaowei immediately said uncomfortably: "Er Du Qi, you know, this is 30 million. If you want me not to do anything, wouldn't it be wrong for others?"

Du Minghua said with a sneer: "You do what you should do, only at this time, you hold back for a while. Three days later, you broadcast the news of Qifeng Pharmaceutical. Now, immediately withdraw your reporters to me. No As for the people behind you, will you crush Qifeng Pharmaceutical tonight?"

Sun Yaowei was taken aback for a moment, his eyes turned, and Du Minghua really made sense.

This is okay. In this way, neither Du Minghua and Du Qifeng nor Chen Ping can be blamed, which is the best of both worlds.

After thinking about it, Sun Yaowei began to sway.

Just when he hesitated, Du Minghua on the other end of the phone said again: "Sun Yaowei, since you are in Huacheng, you should understand what kind of place Chuzhou is. Here, my Du family is king. If you help outsiders to mess with me, Du family, you should know what the consequences are! So I advise you not to go too far, otherwise, even if you escape to the end of the world, the Du family will not let you go!"

This sentence is full of threats.

After Sun Yaowei heard the words, his face was white and immediately followed Shen Chen: "Du Minghua, are you threatening me?"

Ha ha.

Du Minghua smiled coldly: "No, everyone has a personal way of wealth, I Du Minghua will not stop you Sun Yaowei from getting rich, but you also have to give my fourth brother a little time to react and prepare. This matter, I do not want this I will see any reports later. Even if it has been broadcast, we will handle it by public relations. As for the others, I hope you can understand."

After saying this, Du Minghua hung up the phone.

In the office, Sun Yaowei's face was blue, his hand was clenched tightly on the phone, and he fell on the ground resentfully, scolding: "Damn Du Minghua, your family, sooner or later they will be made!"

At the same time, his eyes returned to Chen Ping.

He received a call from Qiao Fugui and said across the line: "Master, our action was stopped. The other party charged us 30 million, but made an article in time. It is estimated that it will be delayed to three for Qifeng Pharmaceutical. It's days later."

Chen Ping heard the words and looked cold, saying: "No matter what method is used, I will see Qifeng Pharmaceuticals going bankrupt tonight!"

"Understood, Master, I will arrange this." Qiao Fugui hung up the phone and looked at the dozen elite people around him with a bad face. He said: "The call I just received was directed against Qifeng Pharmaceutical by Chuzhou. The action was blocked. We must come up with a solution as soon as possible. The young master is in a bad mood. He will pay for everything and destroy Qifeng Pharmaceutical!"

"Understood, Joe Dong!"

After listening to this group of people, they began to run crazy operations.

In less than a moment, the entire Qifeng pharmaceutical industry, as well as the background information of Du Qifeng and Du Minghua, interpersonal relationships, and many other information were all collected!

Eyes returned to Du Qifeng's villa again.

At the moment, Du Qifeng's face was very ugly. Although he had just received the call from his seventh brother, things had eased, but his heart was still a little panic.

the reason is simple.

Some of Chen Ping's methods caught him off guard.

Unexpectedly, the other party was so strong that he directly took out 30 million to deal with himself.

Who is this guy?

There was such a financial resource, and 30 million was given out without blinking!

Moreover, his speed is too fast, actually bought Sun Yaowei so quickly.

Du Hao smiled when his father was looking sad and said, "Dad, what are you thinking? Don't worry, hasn't the matter been resolved, and gave us three days. And, there are seven uncles, who How dare you treat our family?"

"Stupid! Do you still not understand?" Du Qifeng anxiously glared at Du Hao, shouting, "Thirty million! Can you come up with thirty million for such profligacy?! Moreover, the other party In just a few minutes, Sun Yaowei had already been bought. What kind of strength and means would it take to act so quickly on the boundary of my Chuzhou Huacheng?"

Hearing this, Du Hao also froze for a moment.

Yeah, 30 million, if he spends so much, he will be very distressed.

Moreover, within ten minutes after talking with his father, the other party directly bought Sun Yaowei, which shows that the other party's strength is quite small.

Du Hao thought for a while and said with a smile: "Dad, maybe he only knew Sun Yaowei. Are we too worried? This Huacheng, including this big Chuzhou, belongs to our Du family. What else do we have to worry about? What about?"

Du Qifeng shook his head helplessly and sighed, "Son, not his father, who is worried, I always feel that this time things will not be that simple. Don't go out recently, wait for the matter to be resolved, and then say."

Du Hao did not dare to refute his father's meaning, nodded and said: "OK, I know."

However, Du Qifeng asked again and again: "Haoer, are you sure you are only injured as a nanny?"

Du Haoman didn't care: "Yes, I wanted to target his wife, but who knew that the nanny had deceived me at that time, saying that she was Chen Ping's girlfriend, I started, and then I learned that he has a wife, She is pregnant. The woman is the nanny he asked for."

Du Qifeng shook his head and said, "No, the woman is the sister he recognizes."

"Sister Sister?" Du Hao was surprised, followed by a sneer sneer, said: "I think it is Sister Sister, the fourth sound. This kid is OK, Jinwu Zangjiao, or two people. But don't say, dad, that The little girl and his wife are really good-looking, especially his wife, the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Even if she is pregnant, her body and temperament are not comparable to ordinary people!"

When he said this, Du Hao licked his lips unconsciously, showing lustful eyes.

He regretted it a little, and didn't start with Chen Ping's wife.

Such a woman should feel better if it hurts.

Seeming to understand what his son was thinking, Du Qifeng stared at him bitterly and scolded: "The guy who has no interest! Will our family run into trouble if it were not for you? Give me a good look , How much trouble you have done to me!"

"Hey, Dad, I knew it was wrong." Du Hao Wan Wan smiled.

Du Qifeng shook his head helplessly, and he suddenly remembered something, and asked, "How did the deacon of the Kyushu General Administration contact?"

Du Hao quickly said: "Dad, I'm afraid this will not work. The four deacon lords have ignored us. And now, the Lin family has selected the talent, that is Chen Ping, or else I will not Would conflict with him."

"Then the quota for direct promotion, have you heard?" Du Qifeng asked again.

If they can enter the Kyushu General Administration, the status of their family will rise and rise. At that time, in the Du family's family, they can also be ranked, and they can also be included in the ancestral hall.

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