I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 395: Elector

The Otto people belong to the garbage race with basically no talents, relying only on fertility. In other words, the bottom-level Otu people live like hell, relying on picking up **** for their livelihoods, do not cherish their lives too much, and even regard death as liberation. In this case, Bode, who has foreseen a bright future, is unwilling to change his life with a humble comrade.

"I don't understand, that's why it's so fast. Anyway, I don't understand, just write casually. Where does it take so long? Speaking of which, you stay until the end of the time, will you do it?" Bode immediately had an idea in his heart with a look Surprised and asked.

   The remaining four people froze for a moment, and suddenly realized that Bode's words were very reasonable, but the few of them were too stupid. What's the point of having spent so long in the examination room?

   But even though they knew that their hope was slim, these people remained silent, hoping that the goddess of luck would come, so that they would be able to stay here forever.

   Ten minutes later, everyone was there, but the hundreds of Lie Meng people around were watching them, and they didn't mean to let them leave.

Half an hour later, the old man of the Lie Meng nationality with a significantly higher status showed up with a piece of paper, walked slowly in front of everyone, and coughed: "It's not bad, your group of 1,000 people made three The people who inherited the talent of the mystery goblin were a bit unexpected from the master. The three I reported below come up, and the others can leave."

   All the Otto people held their breath and listened quietly.

   "Sturmat, Jasmine and Bode, the three of you come up."

   Even if Bode knew that he was probably one of them, he was in ecstasy at this moment, and he wanted to move forward.

However, at this moment, an Otto who had been in the same room with him suddenly had a short breath, and his eyes were bloodshot. With a low growl, he rushed towards Bode, holding a handful of food that he kept in his hand. fork.

   "Silin, you..." Bode yelled in horror, but it was too late, and the fork was about to be inserted into his eyes.

   At this critical moment, **** appeared strangely in the air, gently clamped the fork, and rescued him at the deadly moment.

   After being sluggish for a full three seconds, Bode realized that he was rescued by one of the many Lie Meng guards around him. And if I remember correctly, he was at least 30 meters away from him just now.

"... The strong, these humble guards are actually such terrible strong!" Not only Bode, most of the Otu people present are suffering and wandering people, with a sense of vision. Some immediately realized this problem.

"Assault and kill the selected person, in an attempt to disrupt the master's plan, must be tortured for three days and three nights, and then executed." The guard smiled indifferently, picked up Bode in one hand and threw it to the old man, and caught the assassinated Austria with the other. Tu clan, just dragged on the ground all the way away.

   Bode was in shock, and in a blink of an eye there were two more figures around him, one was an old Otu clan old man, and the other was a cute Otu girl.

   "They should be Stomat and Jasmine." Bode moved slightly in his heart, watching the manor guards begin to drive away the remaining Otu clan. Occasionally, if someone resists, they will be forcibly suppressed by the guards, or even killed on the spot. But there was no trace of sadness in his mood. Instead, he was full of a strange sense of superiority. He looked at this scene with excitement and was speechless.

   When everything calmed down, the Bode three were taken to the back of the manor and saw the real owner of the manor.

   is Leo.

"Very good. There are actually three of this group who inherited the talents of the mystery fairies, and your destiny will change from then on. There are many books on rune knowledge and magic circle knowledge. You may only understand the meaning of runes, not Literacy. It’s okay. Someone will read it to you. You only need to study the hidden meaning, find the mistakes in this circle, modify it, and you can get the final reward." Leo said as he took it out. I lost the transcript of the Vidnina Passing Array and left it on the desktop.

   "Oh, great master." Without waiting for the other two to respond, Bode knelt on the ground and shouted loudly.

A smile slowly appeared at the corner of Leo's mouth. As he stood up and walked out, he said: "Very good, very good. From today on, you guys work hard, for a thousand gold star coins, to fully display your talents. "

   After Leo left, Bode got up from the ground, ignoring the contemptuous eyes of the two kinsmen, and focused on studying. And the people who Leo promised to read naturally also appeared, explaining to them what they didn't understand in the text.

   At this time, Leo was asking Xingmei: "Is the next batch of Otu refugees here?"

   "Master, it should be possible to arrive at night." Xingmei thought for a while and wanted to answer.

Leo thought about it as he walked, and said after a while: "It is not enough for the Otu clan who inherited the talent of the mystery goblin to understand the meaning of the runes. I must find a race similar to the talent of the learned clan. Thousands Does the Star City have this kind of race?"

   "No." Xingmei answered simply.

"Okay, I'll take care of this myself, and you are responsible for stabilizing the manor. You are also a demigod now~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You won't be able to deal with some rubbish." Leo patted Xingmei on the shoulder and turned to the manor. Walk outside.

"Master, ordinary people can deal with it, but it's a demigod, I'm not sure. I'm the one you piled up with star cores and a lot of high-energy diamonds. I have no actual combat experience at all. I have to contact you if I can't beat them. "Xingmei said very embarrassingly.

   "You know how to eat..." Leo shook his head helplessly, speeded up, and disappeared quickly.

   Before long, Leo appeared in the city center not far away.

   "I knew this a long time ago, I shouldn't be so reckless to replace the mystery and knowledgeable talent, so that I can handle it myself." Leo thought a little regretfully.

"The Void Black Source is important, or is the mystery and erudition important? Besides, haven't you already started to think of ways to make up for it? I think this kind of research talent will take up a lot of your time. It's better to give up as soon as possible and find a bunch of these kinds of talents. Talented aliens, let them always serve you." Katis expressed different opinions.

"... Do you mean that in my plan to push the wind spells of the close tacticians higher, I also rely on them? They don't have magical powers, and their strength is low. How can they study the wind of the seventy-eighth-level or even the demigod-level? Is it a spell?" Leo asked with gritted teeth.

"It's very simple, find a way to find some prophetic races, they have the ability to predict, but predicting the destiny of creatures will consume their vitality, so most of them are hidden very well. But you are not letting them predict their destiny, just let them predict the study of spells The direction, the consumption will be much smaller, you can try." Katis suggested.

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