I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 396: Gem for message

"Hope, I'll find a foreign race similar to the learned race first." Leo nodded and quickly walked into the city's largest slave shop.

   "I want a slave of the learned race, or a slave with a similar talent of the learned race, and some slaves of the prophetic race." After entering the door, Leo made a straightforward request.

   The alien clerk at the slave shop hesitated: "This, sorry, we don't have the slave you want, and even the entire Thousand-Star City does not exist."

   Leo didn't talk nonsense, he took out a dark golden gem and a bunch of gold stars and placed them on the table.

   During the Battle of the Phoenix City that day, several demigods who died in the hands of Leo, the spoils were all in his hands. Among them were a large number of high-level currencies commonly used in the void world-gold star coins and various gems. So the wealth in Leo's hands is an astronomical figure.

   "This, this... What do you mean?" The alien clerk asked in surprise.

"If you help me find the slave I want, I will pay a gem for each prophetic race, and for every alien with the talent of a learned race, I will pay 1,000 gold stars until the number is enough." Leo directly offered enough. The sky-high price that made the slave shop desperate.

   After all, he knew that he had just arrived in the void, his eyes were blackened, and he went to find these people personally. It would be better to entrust a slave shop.

  The foreign clerk stared at the wealth of the desktop, unable to believe that Leo would offer such a totally unreasonable price. Not too low, but too high and too high. . .

"Okay, you go, I'll take it." At this time, the owner of the slave shop noticed the abnormality, walked over to send the clerk to leave, then looked at Leo's wealth on the table and said: "Just those slaves? It’s extinct. I haven’t heard of a similar talent. But if you pay such a high price, I can find a few for you."

   "Also, this is a deposit. If you have news, go to the Dew Manor outside the city to notify me." Leo put away the gems, but did not put away the pile of gold stars, got up and walked out.

   "Wait, customers, you are looking for learned people, do you want to use their talents to research something?" The shopkeeper shouted to Leo.

   "...Yes." Leo stopped and turned his head.

   "If this is the case, you seem to be rich, why do you focus on the extinct slaves and not think of other ways?" the shop owner asked a little surprised.

   "Other methods?" Leo was very surprised.

   The shopkeeper coughed and watched Leo didn't speak. Leo immediately realized it, took out a handful of void gems, held it in his hand, and handed one to it first.

The shopkeeper accepted the priceless Void Gems, a smile suddenly appeared on his face, and slowly said: "If it is to study something that is very difficult, there are actually many ways besides those races that are about to disappear. For example, you can ask for knowledge. The main reason is that although it depends on his mood, the difficulty is relatively high. For example, you can go to find the sacred fruit of wisdom, this kind of magical fruit has the magical ability to fully develop spiritual intelligence, but it is extremely rare and rare, and every appearance will be accompanied by it. It’s a **** storm. If your own wisdom is promoted, and you have superior wisdom, it’s easy to study everything. What slaves do you need? Another example is to find the node of the time-space corridor and enter it. One day in it equals a year, how much to study in it Hundreds of thousands of years, but only a few years later."

The shopkeeper took a look at Leo and said: "Of course, if you find these two too difficult, there are other ways. There are several very special potions, such as temporary enhancement of concentration, temporary enhancement of perception, Potions such as temporary enhancement of comprehension and so on. Although these potions are unstable and have a short onset time, they may have some sequelae. But as long as you have enough money and keep taking those slaves, what you want to study will definitely be able to Research it out."

   The shopkeeper stopped here and said: "I learned these news by accident. Which news do you want to consider? A piece of news is a gem. Of course, I will also find a way to find the slave you want."

   Leo moved in his heart, thought for a moment, handed over four void gems and said, "I want it all."

   Gems are nothing to him anyway.

   The shopkeeper secretly delighted when he got the gems. After all, these five gems are much more profitable than selling slaves! He said without hesitation: "The Lord of Knowledge is a person in the Starry Realm. The Starry Realm has branches here. It is not difficult to ask for the address. However, the Lord of Knowledge has rarely appeared in the past thousand years, almost 90%. Nine people who pleaded with the Lord of Knowledge to solve their puzzles were disappointed, including many demigods."

  Leo frowned slightly, faintly feeling that there is little hope for this road.

"The Sacred Fruit of Wisdom is a specialty of the Gemini Star Territory, but the competition is fierce, and every appearance is a **** storm. The key dual system star region has a master. Even if there is no competitor, you must defeat the star region owner to get it. "The owner said, sighing.

  Leo's eyes moved. He is a little confident in himself, feeling that this path is a bit more sure than the first. The point is that after taking the fruit of wisdom, it will be of great help to him in the future.

“The location of the Space-Time Corridor is not difficult to find out. Many people know this ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but what many people don’t know is that the Space-Time Corridor is full of dangers, and there are not only powerful time-space beasts, in case the fierce fighting causes time-space turbulence. It may turn the time around you back tens of thousands of years, and instantly return you to the weakest time, so the danger is ridiculously high."

  Leo was taken aback, and then he realized that the time-space corridor is completely different from the time-lapse dream. One is a dream, and the other is a strange place that really interferes with time. He immediately rejected the intention of entering the time-space corridor.

   He is not a creature like the Lord of Liuli who has become a strong man hundreds of millions of years ago. No matter how time and space oscillate, it is impossible to affect his strength. Leo has been a strong man for less than a hundred years, and the time is too short. It doesn't need tens of thousands of years of great turmoil. Perhaps the slightest time and space turmoil, back to a hundred years, will return to the state when he had just crossed over.

   "As for those potions, although they are relatively rare, they are only temporarily upgraded items after all. You can go to those powerful potion shops to make reservations, and it shouldn't be difficult to buy them." The owner said at last.

   this news. . . It's just nonsense. Baikeng gave him a gem. Although Leo didn't care about the gems, he was a little upset, and his eyes slowly became cold.

"That and that, I have another message attached. I have no way for the slave you want. I don't think there will be other slave shops. But if we slave traders don't have it, it doesn't necessarily mean that some strong men don't have it. This is a black coin auction. The admission card for the meeting is one of the largest underground auctions in the City of Thousand Stars. If you are interested, you can go to this and try your luck." The shopkeeper probably also found that the pit was too bad, so he quickly took out one. The dark card was handed to Leo as compensation.

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