I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 206: The sky has eyes

Chapter 206 The sky has eyes

The explosives for officers and soldiers are owned by the government. They don’t need to spend money. They can blow up whatever they want.

 For the civilians, they need to spend money to buy their explosives from the gunpowder supplier Mo Shun's family. The explosives cannot be wasted casually, which requires them to improve their blasting skills.

 Many of them have learned how to make explosives using local methods. In terms of effectiveness, they are definitely not as good as the Mo family. This further tests the level of blasting. Otherwise, not to mention the explosion crater, even a piece of dust will not be raised.

 A lifeless ghost town, they just made it smell like "fireworks" in the world.

Everyone has a sense of urgency. After all, Shen Chu only gave them two days. Once the two days are over, they will have no chance.

You must seize the time now and take whatever you can get. If this opportunity is lost, it may not be available in the future.

 In the middle of the night, many people didn't even sleep. They were looking for cellars and darkrooms all over the city to dismantle copper and smelt iron.

 Wei Yishan and Wang Xiaoshuan entered a wealthy family.

The lights were in the dark, each of them carrying a copper lamp. When they entered, Wei Yishan was frightened to death by a corpse.


Wang Xiaoshuai kicked away the corpse in front of him and said angrily, "You are dead. I'm so afraid."

Wei Yishan patted his chest, then shined the lantern on the corpse, and sighed, "The ribs were chopped off. I don't know how painful it was when I died.

Hey, what a sin. "

Wang Xiaoshuan put the lantern on the dusty table and slapped his hands on the wall skillfully. Seeing Wei Yishan still squatting there, he said angrily, "Hurry up!

 What are you waiting for? Quickly see if there is a darkroom. "

Wei Yishan ignored him, only clasped his hands in front of the corpse and muttered, "Master, my brother didn't do it on purpose. I just came to bother you because I was too poor.

You tell us where you hid your money. If my brother finds it, although he can't give you a grand burial, he will definitely let you rest in peace. The corpses in the front yard must also be your family members. Let your family be together and tidy. together. "

 “Hey, you!

 Zhengluge! "

Wang Xiaoshuan said even more angrily, "What are you talking about to a dead person!"

 “You don’t understand this,”

Wei Yishan smiled and said, "My mother-in-law said that the sky has eyes and retribution is clear."

 “You **** all day long,”

Wang Xiaoshuan said disdainfully, "I also said that good people are rewarded. He has been poor all his life. Hurry up, or I will find him and you won't be able to share the money."


Wei Yishan shook his head helplessly and stood up. He separated from Wang Xiaoshuan and entered another room. He also patted the wall and listened attentively.

  While lifting up a portrait in the nave to take a picture, he heard a muffled sound.

 He raised his head and glanced at the portrait, stood on the table and carefully took it off, then kicked it towards the wall. Except for taking off some of the wall covering, it didn't move at all.

 “It’s your fault,”

Wang Xiaoshuan pushed Wei Yishan away from him and said, "Can you do it? I'll do it."

Then he gathered strength, roared loudly, and smashed the wall with his fist.

 The result is the same as Wei Yishan.

 The walls are intact.

  He muttered, "This is really evil!"

 He has already entered the fifth level, and ordinary walls cannot block his fist.

Wei Yishan smiled and said, "I'll go out and get the hammer."

 “What kind of hammer do you want? It’s up to me!”

Wang Xiaoshuan took off the explosive pack from his back, found the location, and lit the fuse directly, "Run quickly."

The two of them just ran into the yard when there was a bang.

When the two of them turned around, they found that the roof had collapsed and there was a cloud of smoke.

Wang Xiaoshuan said with a sad face, "What should we do?"

Wei Yishan snorted coldly, "You still don't believe me when you say you are unprofessional in blasting. Let's see what we do now."

Wang Xiaoshuan gritted his teeth and said, "What can I do? Go in!"

Wei Yishan sighed and followed Wang Xiaoshuan into the ruins filled with dust and smoke.

Intuitively, they feel that there must be good things here and they can make a fortune.

Shen Chu was lying on a chair in the dilapidated government office in Xiluo City, taking a sip of tea from time to time.

 Occasionally, I glanced at the pile of silver piled higher and higher on the table, and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

 He really wanted to thank these people for being his ancestors for eight generations, so that he could still think of him while he was getting rich.

Give one tael to this person and three taels to that person. In less than a day, you will have a thousand taels in front of you.

 For the first time, he felt that the money came quickly.

Is this considered bribery?

   I didn’t tell the prince!

 “Put it away first,”

Shen Chu looked at the guard behind him, Jin Bo, and said, "Look back, you still have to report it to the prince first. Can I take the money or not?"

If you don't tell the prince, given the prince's temperament, you won't get any good fruit.

Jin Bo smiled and said, "The prince is the most considerate of his servants. According to my subordinates, there should be no problem."

Shen Chu sighed, "I hope so."

As the commander of the Sanhe Guards, he has great glory, but he also has many unhappy things.

 He is also poor.

 Half of the monthly money must be sent to Ankang City to give to his parents, wife and children, and the remaining money must be used to support the concubine here.

 Completely unable to make ends meet.

What’s even more worrying is that his mother-in-law is coming to Sanhe soon.

 He married a concubine, who also gave birth to a child.

 The worst thing is that his mother-in-law doesn’t know yet!

 Once you know it, you won’t be able to lift the roof off!

He even thought that if he sent the concubine to the Bird Island first, the mother-in-law and the concubine would not see each other, and the matter would be covered up.

 But they all need money!

 During the day, I was busy with the tedious things in the health center. What I feared most was that in the dead of night, worries would pop into my head unconsciously.

At dawn, a strong wind suddenly blew and it started to rain heavily.

Both the officers, soldiers and civilians, they all jumped three feet high with joy.

This is not Sanhe. There are cement roads everywhere. The further north you go, the worse the road conditions become. The muddy road makes it difficult for people and horses to travel.

  You can stay here for one more day.

Of course, the longer it rains, the better.

Shen Chu stood at the door of the government office hall, looking at the pouring rain with a frown on his face.

He Jixiang did not give him much time. If he delayed it any longer, he would not be able to afford the punishment in the end.

He Jixiang wants to punish himself, and he will definitely not say a word more to the prince.

Zhang Mian led a team of nearly 10,000 people and slowly advanced toward the northeast of Yuezhou.

Along the way, apart from the bandits on the hills, I didn’t encounter a single rebel.

 Not long after, they arrived at the junction with Hongzhou.

Wang Tuozi ran over and said, "Sir, we are less than a hundred miles away from Huang Sifang's lair."

Zhang Mian snorted coldly and said, "Huang Sifang, let's see where you run this time."

Turning his head to look at Wang Tuozi, he said, "If you were asked to lead people to clear out all Huang Sifang's spies, could you do it?"

Wang Tuozi smiled and said, "Master Zhang, please take a look at this."

After saying that, he led a group of people and rode away.

 (End of this chapter)

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