I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 207: Xunyang City

Chapter 207 Xunyang City

Hongzhou is famous for its porcelain. The porcelain used by dignitaries in all dynasties must have come from Hongzhou.

 It was originally one of the richest places in the world, but now, like Yuezhou, it has become desolate after years of war.

 Two days later, Zhang Mian's troops approached Xunyang, the capital of Hongzhou.

  In the Xunyang Mansion Yamen, Huang Sifang, who was sitting on the main seat, laughed loudly.

He said loudly, "There are less than 10,000 people, most of whom are civilians, and they want to attack Xunyang City!

 You don’t take me seriously!

Since they are here, I will kill them all without leaving any trace behind. "


  A middle-aged man dressed as a scholar hurriedly stepped forward and said, "The combat power of the Sanhe soldiers cannot be underestimated. It is better to be careful!"

Huang Sifang said coldly, "Can his Sanhe soldiers still reach the sky?

I have so many people, I can crush them to death!

 What is there to be afraid of? "

 The scholar said, “General, why don’t you wait for a report from the scouting horse?

 It’s not too late to make calculations when the time comes. "

Huang Sifang said angrily, "These losers, I don't know where they have gone. If they don't come back, I will be huddled here all day long?"


 The scholar said very worriedly, "Tancheng is guarded by General Han. How did these Sanhe people enter Hongzhou?"

Huang Sifang suddenly laughed, "Lu Xiaolou, you can't change your suspicious temper!

 Don’t worry about how he got here, can such a small number of people still make big waves in Hongzhou? "

Lu Xiaolou said hurriedly, "General, these Sanhe soldiers have faced off against the Ayu people before, so we must be on guard against them!"

“Then why didn’t you say that these Sanhe people were once defeated by Lao Tzu?”

After Huang Sifang finished speaking, he suddenly shouted, "Come here, beat the drums and signal the troops!"

 This general wants to go and have a meeting in person!

 Let them know that Hongzhou is not a place they can come to easily. "

 Lu Xiaolou asked sincerely, "Have you forgotten how you escaped from Daxi City to Xunyang?"

But considering that this general is a person who loves face the most, I really can’t say any more.

Zhang Mian stood on horseback at the foot of Xunyang City, looking at the slowly opening gate of Xunyang City, and was very surprised.

When did these rebels become so bold?

The silhouette of the rebels gradually became clearer, and it was not easy for him to think too much. He raised the knife in his hand and shouted, "Archer!"

 One after another, the officers and soldiers drew their bows.


 Line up!

 Stand at attention! "

Liang Qingshu, who was behind the officers and soldiers, also roared.

 In addition to being the head shopkeeper of the Liang family, he is also the captain of the militia squad!

 In terms of actual status in Sanhe, it is higher than their boss!

More than 700 civilians lined up. In addition to being civilians, many of them were also Sanhe militiamen. Horse riding and archery were the most basic skills.

The gate of Xunyang City was opened, with the shield soldiers in front, Huang Sifang in the middle, and more and more cavalry pouring out from behind.

 “Fire the arrow!”

As the knife in Zhang Mian's hand fell, a hail of arrows shot towards the rebels.

 Huang Sifang sneered, waved his hand, and the handle of the shield soldier was surrounded by a tight shield.

 The arrows either landed on the walls or hit the shields.

 Other than an occasional scream or two, most people were unscathed.

  “He’s quite capable.”

 Zhang Mian raised his sword again and shouted, "Charge!"

There are nearly 20,000 rebels in the city. If they are allowed to go out of the city to form a formation, it will be difficult for them to cope with it, so they must be blocked within the city gate before they leave the city.

Five thousand officers and soldiers followed Zhang Mian and rushed forward, brandishing swords and guns.

 The civilians behind him all looked at Liang Qingshu.

Liang Qingshu said loudly, "What are you doing standing there in a daze? Damn it!"

Master He only said that he was not allowed to attack the city without authorization, but he did not say that he was not allowed to respond to the enemy. If he was still in a daze, someone else's sword would come over, and he would surely be waiting for death. "

 At this moment, he doesn’t look like a businessman at all.

He rolled up his sleeves, tied his clothes around his waist, and took the lead in rushing forward.

The civilians also roared and slashed at the enemies at the city gate as if they were desperate for their lives.

 “That tall and lanky guy is mine!

No one should compete with me. "

Wang Xiaoshuan, who had sharp eyes, had already noticed the jade ring on the hand of a tall and lanky man. The tall and lanky man was about to chop his head with a big knife, but he ignored it and directly slashed at the lanky man's wrist with the knife.

Hand raised the knife and dropped it, the hand holding the knife fell directly from the tall and thin man, and the jade wrench finger on his hand was covered with blood.

“Haha, God is right, as long as my sword is fast enough, no one else can cut me!”

Wang Xiaoshuan laughed loudly. Instead of rushing to pick up the loot on the ground, he continued to attack a sword and shield soldier. The wooden shield was directly split into two halves. Blood slowly oozed from the sword and shield soldier's forehead and he fell to the ground.

The civilians have gradually formed a tacit understanding that whoever cuts down the enemy will get the spoils.

 As for those who don't follow the rules, let's show each other knives afterwards.

Man is killed for wealth and birds are killed for food, who is afraid of whom?

Of course, sometimes when faced with tribesmen who don’t understand the language, they can only knock out their teeth and swallow it.

 Fortunately, everyone in the tribe followed He Jixiang this time. This time they only had to kill the enemy bravely and then take their time to clean up the loot.

 Therefore, when they kill the enemy, they are more heroic than the officers and soldiers.

People outside the city are pushing hard to get into the city, and people in the city are pushing hard to get out of the city. The small city gate is full of people.

Many civilians couldn't squeeze in, so they just gritted their teeth and took out the rope hooks necessary for military expeditions, and climbed directly up the wall.

 Where there is one, there is a second, and there are more and more people on the wall.

Some people even didn't even use the rope hook, stuck the knife in their hands on the city wall, and jumped up using the strength.

 In the heat of the fighting, he had forgotten the order not to attack the city without permission.

The sun is getting higher and higher, and from north to south, it is getting hotter and hotter.

Zhou Jiuling, who had been five days away from Tancheng, wiped the sweat on his forehead with a handkerchief from time to time.

 At the turn of autumn and winter, he did not expect that the weather in Sanhe would still be so hot.

However, after entering Sanhe, the pain of the carriage was no longer bumpy. The road was smooth and smooth, and he even slept on the carriage.

 In the evening, the motorcade stopped at Xinguan Town.

Zhou Jiuling looked at the endless flow of motorcades and people at the entrance of the inn. He looked at Liu Kan uneasily and said, "Master Liu, you should be more careful. With so many people, don't get mixed up in the secret work."

 Liu Kan and the officers and soldiers behind him suppressed laughter.

He cupped his hands and said, "Mr. Zhou, don't worry, Sanhe is already here, and no one dares to cause trouble here."

 After hearing his words, the officers and soldiers behind him all looked proud.

 This is Sanhe!

Those who dare to cause trouble here have not yet come out of their mother's womb.

Zhou Jiuling was hesitant and walked into the inn with Liu Kan's support.

 The inn was bustling with people, drinking and having fun.

There were many people in the world who were armed with swords. In his opinion, they were all ferocious-looking people.

He was so frightened that he took a step back. If Liu Kan hadn't supported him, he would have fallen down.

 “Yo, Brother Liu.”

 Xiao Er knows Liu Kan.

Liu Kan said, "Open an upper room and have food and wine delivered to the room."

After two officers and soldiers helped Zhou Jiuling upstairs, Liu Kan continued to welcome Zhou Jiuling's family into the inn.

 (End of this chapter)

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