Chapter 216 The Sea

"kill him!"

 Finally someone shouted for the first time.

"kill him!"

 The voices are getting louder and louder.

"kill him!

kill him!

kill him! "

Hate filled the crowd, and gradually everyone shouted together, and their faces twisted into a ball, making people shiver.

Chen Xinluo, who was presiding over the execution, waved his hand, and a hundred more police officers were added to the wooden platform, forming a human wall to intercept the angry crowd who were about to rush to the stage.

Chen Xinluo looked at the sun that was getting higher and higher, then glanced at the incense on the incense burner, and finally said loudly, "It's three quarters past noon!"

 The executioner was You Mazi, a young man from Jinfulou.

Beheading, beheading, skinning, etc. are ancestral crafts, clean and neat, needless to say.

In addition, he is also proficient in using eighteen kinds of tools such as pliers, finger clamps, foot clamps, leg clamps, machetes, etc. He was once recognized as the first in Yuezhou, and no one dared to recognize the second. .

 At one time he, You Mazi, was also considered the number one figure.

Unfortunately, Han Hui destroyed Tancheng, and Zhou Jiuling and other officials became prisoners.

What could he, an executioner, do? He had to take his family and flee to Baiyun City, barely surviving.

  God will not starve the bird to death. If it cannot eat the inside, it can still eat the outside.

 Finally, last year, through chopping winter melons and incense, and "competing for recruitment", I returned to my old career and became the number one executioner in Sanhe Tianzi!

 But the only bad thing is that there is no money to be made.

His support for his family is not the three melons and two dates given by the Yamen. The main source of income is from the prisoners' families. The family members secretly give him some money and beg him to be gentler or faster.

 Sanhe can't do it. Sanhe has already lost his ancestors' belongings, yet he doesn't carry out the 18 types of torture!

His skills are so good, there is no use for them.

 The family members will naturally not give him any money.

With his income plummeting, he had no choice but to occasionally go to the restaurant to kill cattle and sheep.

 Fortunately, he worked as a civilian husband twice this year and made a little fortune. Now he doesn't have so much pressure.

At this moment, he was standing on the high platform, holding the back of the knife in his hand, and arching his hands towards the people below the stage.

Picked up a bowl of wine, took a sip first, then wiped the knife with a splash and sprayed it. After handing it over again, he took off the wooden board on Han Hui's back and the rag stuffed in his mouth.


 As Chen Xinluo’s words fell.

The big knife in You Mazi's hand fell with a click, and the head rolled far away on the ground. Han Hui's kneeling body still did not fall down, and was only bleeding.

 You Mazi was even more proud, this is the level, this is the technology!


 The crowd burst into loud cheers.

 After the execution was over and the policemen carried the body away, the sanitation workers came to clean up.

Before the cleaning was done, the theater troupe from Sichuan Province hurried onto the stage. They wanted to show off their unique skills before everyone left, performing face-changing and fire-breathing performances.

 Normally, it is not easy to achieve such popularity!

 Of course we have to hurry up.

 Fortunately, the sun is not bad today, and it makes people feel warm and comfortable.

Ji Hai was practicing at the door of the utility room. Xie Jiuyun leaned against the door and watched. When Ji Hai finished his exercises, he was surprised and said, "You are a monk with a good temper. What you can learn is the way of opening and closing, and you are not showing off at all." Buddhist indifference and compassion.”

 “This girl’s words are wrong. She is indifferent and has no ambition, and tranquility will not go far.”

Jihai retorted.

“Indifferent and unclear ambition, tranquility will not go far,” Xie Jiuyun said with a smile, “What kind of fallacy are you talking about?”

 “The Bodhisattva has a heart and uses thunderous means.”

Ji Hai lowered his head when he saw her looking at him.

Xie Jiuyun smiled and said, "You, a monk, are too timid."


Ji Haidao said, "Girl, do you have a family? The young monk can send a message for you to take you back."

Xie Jiuyun said, "My family is far away in Sichuanzhou, can you also deliver a message for me?"


Ji Hai hesitated for a moment, looked at the sky, clasped his hands and said, "The journey is long, and the young monk is really helpless.

Girl, please take a good rest first, the monk is going to fetch water. "

Xie Jiuyun said, "You monk, you are too stupid. So many people bully you, don't you even know?"

Ji Hai was surprised and said, "Why did you say this, girl? No one has bullied me."

“I asked you to carry water in an iron bucket. What else is it than bullying you?”

Xie Jiuyun said angrily, "You are stupid and too pedantic. I will wait until I recover from my injuries to find justice for you."

Ji Hai hurriedly said, "The young monk carries water to practice his martial arts. Girls must not go to the temple to cause trouble."

 “Practice by carrying water?”

Xie Jiuyun chuckled and said, "What kind of stupid idea is this?

Little monk, how about I teach you Kung Fu?

 Don’t look at this girl being chased and beaten, it’s because I was injured before, otherwise I wouldn’t have escaped. "

"The little monk took the girl's kindness seriously," Ji Hai said with his hands clasped together, "One flower and five leaves will bloom, and the fruit will come naturally."

He turned around, picked up two iron buckets, and went down the mountain to carry water.

Xie Jiuyun looked at his figure walking further and further away, and stamped his feet angrily.

 But there is nothing we can do about it.

 The night is gentle.

Lin Yi was sitting under the tree drinking wine. From time to time he threw a couple of peanuts into his mouth and said to Shan Qi, "You drink too, you're welcome."

 “Thank you, Your Majesty,”

Shan Qi took a sip and said, "After Huang Sifang and Zhao Lichun escaped from Raocheng, they have captured the Qianshan Mountain in Nanzhou and took no less than 100,000 refugees with them."

Lin Yi sighed and said, "This **** is too good-for-nothing. It would be better to go directly north to Jiangnan. Yong'an and Wuzhou are both wealthy families."

Shanqi said, "The south of the Yangtze River is the land of money and food in the world. The imperial court has stationed heavy troops. If the rebels go, they will also bring about their own destruction."

 “This is true,”

Lin Yi said with a smile, "If Jiangnan is lost, the world will not be far away from a dynasty change. Emperor Gaozu's coffin board will definitely be unable to hold it down, and he might jump out and beat them up."

Shanqi said nothing.

 How else would you answer the call?

Do you, the Lin family, deserve it all?

“Your Majesty, Ye Jinyu has left Sanhe.”

 Qi Peng answered.

Lin Yidao, "Where have you been?"

 “I don’t know.”

Lin Yidao, “Don’t you think you are omnipotent?

 You don’t know when someone comes to Sanhe, and you don’t know when someone comes out of Sanhe.

  Hey, it can be done. "

 “Your Majesty,”

Qi Peng explained, "Ye Jinyu has already entered the ninth level. The porters and tooth ladies below are only suitable for inquiring about information. Although they are also good at tracking, their martial arts are low. If Ye Jinyu deliberately hides his identity and wants to catch up with her, it is basically impossible. possible."

Lin Yi continued, "Where is Xie Jiuyun from Spring Mountain City?"

"He was rescued by Ji Hai and is recuperating in the utility room outside the temple," Qi Peng said with a smile, "With God's care, I think there will be no waves, so the prince can rest assured."

 “It’s true that fools are blessed,”

Lin Yi was a little envious of Ji Hai. He would never encounter such a good thing like a hero saving a beauty. "A monk can meet a beautiful woman. Is Xie Jiuyun also a ninth grade?"

 Qi Peng cupped his hands and said, "Exactly."

 “Niang Xipi,”

Lin Yi snorted coldly, "They say that Ninth Grade and Grand Masters are rare, but now they are appearing one after another. What's going on? Hey, you guys, be smarter and step up your investigations so that they can stay on my territory. If you act arrogantly, I will lose face."

After Qi Peng nodded in agreement, he continued, "Your Majesty, as far as I know, Liangzhou bandit leader Wu Baishun comes from Chunshan City."

“This is the development of black industry,”

In Lin Yi's eyes, both Jizhao'an and Chunshan City are underworld organizations, "their plans are not small."

Qi Peng said, "Now Wu Baishun has become more and more powerful since he moved from Jinzhou and Liangzhou to fight in Chuzhou and Jingzhou."

 “Let it flood to the sky and mind my business,”

Lin Yi rubbed his forehead and said, "Dog fighting and horse racing in this city satisfy the people's entertainment life. I don't care about these good things, but you can't open casinos and you can't have high-interest loans. This kind of thing is unacceptable and must be stopped resolutely.

 Issue a notice to crack down on underground casinos from now on, and anyone who dares to borrow more than twice the interest rate of Sanhe Bank will be sent to a labor camp. They will die if they dare to make loan sharks on my territory. "

 The most important thing is that he actually dared to steal his bank’s business!

 “Your Majesty is wise!”

Shanqi and Qi Peng have long been accustomed to Lin Yi's occasional snarky remarks.

 “I’m really **** smart.”

Sometimes after hearing too many good words, Lin Yi would have the illusion that he was really wise. Although the earth would continue to rotate without him, he would probably be holding on.

 Unlike in my previous life, my work unit was very transparent. I would sit in the toilet for seven or eight hours and no one would notice that there was no one missing.

 Obviously, living a more dignified life in this life.

There is no chance to shout Long Live Demacia!

It was near the end of the year when the road from Baiyun City to the sea was completed.

Lin Yi got up early in the morning, had breakfast, mounted his donkey, and prepared to go to the beach.

There were an endless stream of carriages and pedestrians on the road, and the Nanman chatter was so lively that Lin Yi didn't understand a word he said.

He wanted to promote Mandarin in Sanhe, but unfortunately no one except the children at school paid attention to him. People in Sichuan spoke Sichuan dialect, people in Yuezhou spoke Yuezhou dialect, and people in Nanzhou spoke Nanzhou dialect.

People are the good people of my hometown, and the moon is the brightness of my hometown.

Only when we occasionally fight with each other, we are afraid that no one will understand us when we curse, and each one is more fluent in Mandarin than the other.

Many people in Baiyun City have never seen what the sea looks like in their lives, so they all want to see it when the roads are open.

The road was built along the Xijiang embankment, and the tributaries along the way were either filled in or bridged.

 It makes some people who have been here before suddenly no longer recognize them.

When Lin Yi arrived at the beach, the sun dropped below the sea level, and the sea water was coated with a layer of gold.

What he saw before him was a piece of muddy tidal flats and turbid sea water, all of which were silt carried by the Xijiang River into the sea. Big ships could not dock here, so they all went upstream. There was a newly built wooden plank road, and then the goods were unloaded directly and transported by horses and carts. To Baiyun City.

From now on, there will be few opportunities to see big ships in Baiyun City.

The sea breeze gradually picked up, and Lin Yi couldn't help but hug his shoulders, and let Xiao Xizi put a shawl on himself.

 (End of this chapter)

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