I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 217: foreigners

Chapter 217 Foreign Barbarians

Panduo came over and was about to speak to Qi Peng who was sitting on the carriage, but was pushed away by Qi Peng.

Qi Peng said, "Let's talk to the prince directly."

 “Your Majesty!

The younger one got the exact information after inquiring in many places,"

Pan Duo knelt and said, "General Yuan Qingyuan is in prison."

“The king only knew that he would be unlucky, but he didn’t expect it to happen so soon.”

Lin Yi sighed, "Where did I offend my boss?

 He actually couldn't help but put my uncle in jail. He was not afraid that everyone would be in danger. He was really brave. "

Pan Duodao said, "General Yuan wrote a letter and said bluntly, 'He Jin is a small person, and His Majesty regards him as a confidant. He does not know that he is a rebellious person and a thief who wants to undermine the country. If a thief seizes power, ten thousand people will be disappointed.'"

 The emperor was so angry that he was immediately thrown into prison. "

“My silly uncle will probably be fine,”

Lin Yi clasped his fingers and said with a smile, "I'm afraid the real unlucky one is He Jin. For the boss, the real threat is not necessarily the civil and military officials, but the eunuchs.

The silly uncle got involved with He Jin, and the boss is probably enjoying himself secretly. "

Bian Jing pondered for a while and said with a smile, "What the prince said is true!

 The prince is probably waiting for an opportunity. Once the people who oppose He Jin become popular, He Jin will die! "

"no no,"

Lin Yi smiled and said, "I don't want him to die so early. I promised you that He Jin will be kept for you. Even if he dies, he will definitely die in your hands!"

 “Thank you, Your Majesty!”

Chen Desheng knelt down and said, "I must kill He Jin with my own hands!"

Lin Yi said, "Then take good care of yourself. Don't let He Jin die before you burp your own shit. Even if you can't kill him, you still have to burn him out."

 What he was most worried about right now was He Jixiang.

 The old man coughed from morning till night and could not walk straight.

Lin Yi sometimes gets a little scared when he sees him, fearing that he will disappear if he can't catch up in one breath.

 Therefore, he is not allowed to take care of the affairs of the guard station now. He is commanded to lie down and take care of himself.

 “Your Majesty’s kindness!

I really have nothing to repay! "

Shi Quan’s tears rolled down his face.

 Everyone looked at him sideways.

Wang Qingbang blinked his only intact eye, but he couldn't squeeze out a drop of tears and could only feel sad.

 “Your Majesty!”

Bian Jing smiled and said, "Many people have opened restaurants and inns here, and a lot of people have gathered here. There is no place name yet, please give me a name by the prince!"

 “Just call me Zu’an!”

Lin Yi said without hesitation.

Whoever dares to violate the law will be scolded to death!


 Everyone was very puzzled.

 They learned a new word!

 “This name is quite good, let’s call it Zu’an Town.”

In order to commemorate the lost youth, Lin Yi didn’t care whether they understood it or not, it was decided anyway.

On New Year's Eve, people in Baiyun City were preparing for the New Year's Eve dinner, but Sanhe's army was mobilizing.

Huang Sifang's rebels have captured Qingyuan City, the capital city of Nanzhou, and countless refugees have poured into Sanhe.

 Sanhe's army guarded the junction of Sanhe and Nanzhou to prevent rebels from flowing into Sanhe.

  “I’m really burdened by my fate if I don’t stop even on the 30th.”

Lin Yi sat on a chair and sighed, "With so many refugees, do they have no money again?"

Shanqi laughed sarcastically.

 “Hey, you think it’s your own fault that you can’t survive?”

Lin Yi said helplessly, "If Huang Sifang hadn't been let go, wouldn't things have happened so much?"

 “Your Majesty,”

Shanqi smiled and said, "King Qing has fled to Yong'an. Sir Wu Lin is missing. The official is looking for him. If Mr. Wu is found, everything will fall into place."

 “It’s not as simple as you think,”

Lin Yi shook his head and said, "Both Huang Sifang and Zhao Lichun are from Lao San. Based on my understanding of Lao San, it is unlikely that the same stone will trip him twice, not to mention that there is Jizhao Temple to protect him.

 Don't underestimate the enemy, otherwise you won't know how you died. "

 “What the prince taught you is,”

Xing Keshou said, "King Yong was able to subdue Yang Changchun. He is really an extraordinary person!"


Lin Yi said calmly, "Don't underestimate the world's heroes, otherwise you will be the one who suffers."


Everyone said almost in unison.

“Of course, don’t belittle yourself. We are all born from father and mother, and no one is nobler than the other.”

Lin Yi was afraid of dampening their enthusiasm, so he couldn't help but add another sentence.

On New Year's Eve, the moon in Sanhe is also extraordinarily round and beautiful.

Standing on Baiyun Mountain and looking at the moon, it seems like the moon is hanging on the branches.

 “Your skill has increased.”

 “You are blind, how can you see.”

Ji Hai didn’t believe what the blind man said.

 The blind man said, "My heart is not blind."

 “Today is the time to have New Year’s Eve dinner,”

Ji Hai suddenly said, "You won't go yourself, why let me go."

The monks and Taoist priests at Baiyun Temple could not stand each other, and there would always be friction.

However, under the wise leadership of Prince He, starting from last year, the monks and Taoist priests put aside their past grievances and gathered together to celebrate the Spring Festival together.

 Otherwise, you will not give the prince face. When the prince is angry, the consequences will be serious.

 “You didn’t go either?”

 The blind man asked back.

 “I’m used to spending time with my mother-in-law,”

Ji Hai's eyes suddenly became moist, "Aniang is gone, and it doesn't matter what I do."

 The blind man lowered his head and sighed, "The deceased is gone. Why do you have to do this? How many drinks should I have with you?"

 “I am a monk and cannot drink alcohol.”

"You are a fake monk. You can just drink and eat meat. Why do you have to do this?"

"Being compassionate can eliminate thousands of karma," Ji Hai said angrily, "You don't understand me."

  Strode out of the blind man’s door.

At this moment, I finally remembered that I had not yet delivered food to the donor in the utility room.

I went to the kitchen of the Taoist temple nearby, took two steamed buns and two plates of vegetarian dishes and walked out of the temple to the utility room at the back.

He opened the door. There was only a fish oil lamp in the room, which was very dim. The woman was sitting cross-legged on the bed doing her exercises.

Ji Hai didn’t bother her and sat on the chair next to her.

 The moonlight is darker.

 After a long time, Xie Jiuyun opened his eyes.

"you're awake."

Ji Hai opened his eyes, clasped his hands together and said, "Eat something."


Xie Jiuyun got out of bed, took the steamed buns, and ate them in small bites.

Ji Hai poured water for her all night and said calmly, "Girl, the young monk will leave tomorrow. The girl takes good care of herself here."

"where are you going?"

Xie Jiuyun said in surprise.

“The rebels entered Nanzhou and the people were in dire straits. The young monk and other masters went to the border of Sanhe and Nanzhou to give porridge.”

Ji Hai said expressionlessly, "All living beings are suffering."

 He is from Nanzhou, and seeing the difficulties suffered by people in his hometown with his own eyes made him feel more miserable than anyone else.

Xie Jiuyun smiled and said, "Then what if I die?"

Ji Haidao said, “This is Baiyun City.”

"so what?"

 Xie Jiuyun asked rhetorically.

 “No one can be arrogant here,”

Ji Hai said word by word, "Girl, please live here with peace of mind."

 Then he put a handful of broken silver on the table and floated out of the house.

She followed out of the house and looked at the fireworks in the sky, as if they were exploding around her.

The fireworks in Baiyun City are held until the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.

 Spring has not yet come, and whether it is mature land or newly cultivated wasteland, the weeds are sprouting up.

 Sanhe people got busy without waiting for spring plowing. Based on past experience, when plowing the ground again, they must nip the weeds in their bud.

 At the same time, it is more about striving to be the top pick in the summer harvest.

 According to the output per mu and the total output, the best person can get one hundred taels of silver!

What makes the Baiyun City natives regretful is that in the past three years, those who have taken the lead have been refugees from Yuezhou. They seem to be born to be good at farming.

 The big ship from Baiyun City is back.

 Once again, the natives were auctioned publicly, including many with blond hair, blue eyes and high noses.

No one in Baiyun City has ever seen such a person.

What they didn’t expect was that white-skinned natives were actually more expensive than brown or black-skinned natives.

 However, many people had a fresh idea and still took pictures.

Lin Yi was pruning the newly sprouted grape vines when Fang Pi ran in and said, "Your Majesty, Ge Laoshan is here."

 “What did you bring?”

Lin Yi didn’t even raise his head, still pruning the branches meticulously.

Fang Pi said, "I brought four natives with me."

Lin Yi said angrily, "There are no black pearls, so what are you doing here?"


Fang Pi didn’t understand the meaning. Did he see it or not?

Lin Yi finished pruning the last branch and said with a smile, "Let him come in and talk about it."

 Fangpi ran down quickly again.

 After a while, he led Ge Laoshan in.

This former master of Fulongshan was in high spirits at the moment, wearing silk and satin, but he still couldn't hide his gangster spirit. He knelt down in front of Lin Yi and said, "A thousand years old, my lord!"

Lin Yi ignored him.

His eyes fell directly on the four blond and blue-eyed women behind Ge Laoshan, with voluptuous figures and spotless white skin.

 Is this the legendary foreign girl?

 Saliva overflowed from the corner of his mouth unconsciously.

My heart feels so bad now, as if I'm out of breath after running a thousand meters.

 “The prince is a thousand years old!”

Seeing that Lin Yi ignored him, Ge Laoshan raised his voice and shouted again!

 I feel quite proud!

 It seems that I was right to bring four women.

 “Where the **** have you been? You brought back four foreign women.”

Lin Yi was very puzzled.

 This is clearly a white man!

 Where are the natives!

  Not a race at all.

 “Your Majesty!”

Ge Laoshan said louder and louder, "These big noses have suddenly appeared in Nanyang in recent years, and the common people and others have not noticed it before.

 So I brought him here and asked the prince to interrogate him in person! "

Lin Yi asked, "Suddenly?

 There wasn’t one before? "

Ge Laoshan said, "Your Majesty, the grassroots people asked Wen Qian. They used to have these big noses, but there weren't many of them. They have popped up in the past two years. I don't know where they came from."


Lin Yi said sternly, "Then we need to have a good interrogation. Come and bring him down, and I will interrogate him personally."


 Xiao Xizi took the four women to the backyard.

 If his prince is happy, he will be happy!

 His prince has not been so happy for a long time!

“Your Majesty, Tian Shiyou lost hundreds of people in Nanyang this time!”

Ge Laoshan said with lingering fear, "Those big-nosed cannons are awesome!

 The third-level master was destroyed with one shot! "

 (End of this chapter)

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