I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 218: Free the natives

Chapter 218 Liberating the Natives

 “Can one shot destroy three items?”

There was no sadness in Lin Yi's tone. Most of the people in Tian Shiyou's hands were desperadoes, and basically every hand had human lives on them. If they all died, the world would be pure.

 He has no regrets at all.

 He was more surprised and excited!

 The cannon that can kill martial arts masters is exactly what he dreams of!

Wouldn’t it be better if this thing fell into my own hands?

 “Your Majesty, it’s absolutely true,”

Ge Laoshan said swornly, "I have seen the corpse, and it was so blasted that there was no trace of the remains. It was too horrible to look at, it was too terrible.

In the end, Tian Shiyou was afraid of the cannon and took some people to pick it up at night. Otherwise, he didn't know what would happen to him.

And this musket is more powerful than ours. I almost missed it. It was so fierce that it was impossible to guard against it. "

 “There are also muskets,”

Lin Yi was even happier, "It seems that these foreign devils are quite capable."

 In this time and space, he felt a real surprise for the first time.

 “Foreign devils?

The word "Prince" is apt, but he looks like a ghost, which is quite scary."

Ge Laoshan continued, "They took over the southern part of Nanyang with their strong ships and powerful artillery. They enslaved the natives and made them work. The natives couldn't resist even if they wanted to."

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Is the boat better than ours?"

Ge Laoshan nodded and said, "I really can't tell what is so powerful about that ship. Anyway, if it really runs, our big ship can't catch up.

 In the battle at sea, Du Sanhe was no match for them, and even suffered a defeat. In the end, Du Sanhe waited for them to come ashore and dealt with them on the shore. "

 “Have you ever suffered a loss in Du Sanhe?”

The expression on Lin Yi's face became more and more exciting, "It seems that these foreigners have some real ability."

“Yes, the boats in Du Sanhe have to avoid the foreign cannons. Otherwise, what if Jiupin falls into the sea and cannot swim to the shore in ten days and a half. If he doesn’t drown, he will starve to death.”

Ge Laoshan continued, "Moreover, these foreigners are different from each other. They seem to belong to different countries and speak with different accents. There were two groups of foreign devils who fought several times on the sea in Nanyang.

 It’s like us and the Ayu people. "

 “I understand this,”

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Show Master Shanqi the big ships, cannons, and muskets you captured, and ask him to find people at the dock to study them. As a man, you can't be short-sighted, and you must learn more from the strengths of others."

 “Your Majesty.”

Ge Laoshan’s face was so angry.

 The big ship was captured by them, so they couldn’t give it to the Chief Secretary for nothing, right?

 “Look at your prospects,”

Lin Yi said angrily, "When you were engaged in maritime trade, I seemed to have confiscated the money from your shipping license, right?"

Hearing what Lin Yi said, Ge Laoshan hurriedly said, "Don't worry, Your Majesty, the common people will go see Lord Shan right now!"

 Compared with a shipping license, how much does a broken ship cost?

 So I agreed without hesitation.


Lin Yi stopped him, "I ask you, how many foreigners were captured this time?"

Ge Laoshan said, "There are more than 100 people here from Cao Min, more than 500 from Tian Shiyou, and more than 400 from other families. There should be more than 1,000 people from all walks of life, including men, women, old and young.

 The ships of Liang Gen, Qiu Wujin and others have not returned yet. If they were added to the list, there would probably be even more ships. "

Lin Yi stood up, paced back and forth in the hall, and said in a deep voice, "Xiao Xizi, give this message to Master Shan. From now on, Sanhe prohibits human trafficking, whether it is foreigners or natives, it is the same. "

 “Your Majesty.”

Ge Laoshan was stunned.

 Stop human trafficking, this is not just a matter of a word or a decree!

 Many Sanhe people have interests in the local business!

 If it is not handled well, it may really arouse public anger.

Lin Yi thought for a while and said, "Just ask Master Shan to come over."


 Xiao Xizi retreated directly.

Ge Laoshan still stood in front of Lin Yi bravely.

Shan Qi, Wang Qingbang and others arrived very quickly. They were also shocked when they heard that Lin Yi was going to ban human trafficking. Like Ge Laoshan, they were also shocked.

In the Baiyun City in front of you, who doesn’t have one or two natives?

  It’s really very involved!

Shanqi cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, please think again."

“The natives in the past were all restored to their freedom, and the Chief Secretary paid a price to buy it from the owner’s family. If the money was insufficient, the land was mortgaged to them.”

Lin Yi said while drinking tea, "This matter is not negotiable.

The Chief Secretary restored their freedom, and provided land to those who were willing to farm, and found work for those who were willing to work. Now roads are being built everywhere, and even giving them access to roads is great. "

In hindsight, he finally felt something was wrong with the human trafficking.

 Sanhe is not the Americas after all, and it is not so short of people that it needs slavery to maintain development.

 Let these maritime merchants continue to act recklessly, and soon the population ratio of Sanhe will be out of balance!

 At that time, the natives will become the majority, and they, the locals, will become a minority!

 If this continues, the conflicts between the natives and locals will become more and more intensified, leading to civil strife.

 Furthermore, tying this labor force into the hands of individuals is not conducive to the development of Sanhe's productivity.

Ge Laoshan couldn't help but said, "Your Majesty, what will happen to the captured prisoners in the future?"

Lin Yidao, "Send them all to the Chief Secretary and let them build roads, giving them a chance to make up for their mistakes.

Sir, please make it clear to everyone and take a longer view. The world is much bigger than we think. Only by grabbing land and business can we make big money. What is the future of human trafficking?

Furthermore, ask the interpreter to find out where these foreign devils come from and what they do in Nanyang, and see if there is any chance of doing business together.

Of course, if they insist on rejecting my kindness, ask them where their hometown is, and I will come and ask them personally. "


Seeing that Lin Yi had no room for negotiation, Shan Qi had to bite the bullet and agree.

As he expected, on the second day the Chief Secretary banned the human trade and released the announcement of the natives, which caused an uproar in Baiyun City.

Many people die unable to understand why the natives they bought with their own money take care of their children, farm, cook, and serve water and tea, so why should they let them go?

Some people are ready to fight to the death and see what the police can do to them!

 However, within two days, the Liang family, the Wang family, the Hu family and other three large families began to take the initiative to release the natives.

 Sanhe people started to panic a little.

Big families like the Liang family and the Wang family have done this, what can ordinary people do?

They were afraid of Sanhe's laws. Although they were dissatisfied, they still obediently sent the natives to the Chief Secretary's Yamen.

Shanqi himself did not expect that the Sanhe people would be so obedient. It was impossible to arrange for so many natives to be accepted at once, so he simply sent them all to the road construction site.

 The most difficult thing is that the money in hand is not enough. A strong native has to ask for one or two pieces of silver now!

 So, we can only try to let those owners get the land.

 It’s a pity that all the good words are of no use, all they want is money!

 Spring plowing has begun.

 The Sanhe people, who were accustomed to using native people, all looked sad.

 It was obviously unrealistic to rely on just a few people to cultivate such a large amount of land. There was no other way. They had to bring back the original natives of their home. However, this time they not only had to take care of food, but also paid wages.

  It’s so painful that I can’t describe it.

 The only good thing is that the wages of the natives are cheaper than those of the refugees in Nanzhou and Yuezhou.

 “What the **** is this?”

Tian Shiyou looked at the natives dragging their families and families on the big boat and cursed.

These natives were kidnapped by merchants like them, but they never imagined that they would be sent back in person one day!

  Many natives participated in the expedition to Ayu and Yuezhou. The peasants knew how to rob, and the natives were not stupid, so they would naturally rob. Many of them secretly accumulated wealth.

Now that I was free, I felt homesick. Anyone who could afford a boat ticket couldn't wait to board a merchant ship.

 “Uncle Tian,”

A dark and thin old man walked up to Tian Shiyou and knelt down and said, "Your kindness will never be forgotten in my life."

 “Grandma, you’re a bear. You speak Mandarin even better than I do.”

Tian Shiyou said angrily, "Let me tell you first, I can only send you to Lubin, and you can figure out the rest by yourself."

 The old man kowtowed quickly and said, "I can't thank you enough!"

Tian Shiyou continued, "You have to be mentally prepared. Have you seen those big noses?

They have already taken over your old lair. You have to think clearly about whether you will be able to find a good place when you return. "

The old man cried, "Even if the old man dies, he will die at home!"

Tian Shiyou glanced at the people on the boat and snorted coldly, "Don't pretend to be pitiful. Don't think I don't know. You **** are all secretly learning kung fu."

 The old man was stunned, and his whole body was shaking like chaff.

 “Okay, as if no one knows,”

Tian Shiyou said impatiently, "It's you, the old man, who has been causing trouble in there and encouraging your clansmen to practice martial arts secretly. You are somewhat discerning and know that Sanhe's kung fu is powerful."

 “Don’t dare!”

 Cold sweat fell down the old man's forehead and fell on the deck.


Tian Shiyou glanced at the rising sun, "I didn't say what I would do to you. Anyway, you are lucky. The prince is kind and lets you go. From now on, you can't be ungrateful and you must always remember the relationship with the prince." Grace.”

In fact, he gradually came to understand what Prince He meant, which was to let these natives who were related to Sanhe go back and use the natives to control the foreigners!

Moreover, if you think about it more carefully, it is indeed not a good thing that there are too many natives in Sanhe!

 “I will never forget your kindness!”

 The old man cried bitterly.

 “Is your name Dag?”


 “I remember you.”

After Tian Shiyou finished speaking, he laughed loudly, and then yelled, "Stop **** around and get ready to set sail."

 The deck suddenly became busy.

 Under the morning glow, fifteen large ships raised their sails at the same time and sailed down the river in a mighty manner.

Lin Yi lay shirtless under the grape trellis, holding the teacup and taking a sip from time to time.

 (End of this chapter)

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