I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 225: eldest princess

Chapter 225 The Eldest Princess

Of course, he wouldn’t be surprised if he, the emperor, really did such a thing.

 After all, if you can kill your own brother and his entire family, killing your brother-in-law doesn't mean anything.

 “What, you don’t believe it?”

Wen Zhaoyi said.

Lin Yi said, "The person who killed his son and daughter was his own brother. Why can't he see that Princess Leling was a little bit disheartened?

  What’s more, I treat her very well and even let her live in Ci’an Palace. "

 He grew up in the palace, and he has walked around almost every corner of the palace!

 Even called Leng Palace his home.

 But there are only two exceptions, one is the cleansing room and the other is Ci'an Palace.

 Emperor Delong's biological mother was beaten to death by the Empress Dowager in Ci'an Palace.

 After Emperor Delong ascended the throne, the Queen Mother fell into depression and became ill, belching her farts, and the Ci'an Palace became empty.

 Later, I gave Ci'an Palace to his own sister, Princess Leling!

There was once a concubine who insisted on living here because of Emperor Delong's favor. Emperor Delong stabbed her to death without saying a word, and Bai Ling was not even killed.

 In Lin Yi's opinion, he, the emperor, is simply a standard doting lover!

After all, only the Queen Mother and Empress are qualified to live in a place like Ci'an Palace, but I ignored the public opinion and gave it to my own sister!

 Therefore, everyone in the palace becomes displeased when talking about Ci'an Palace, and most people would not feel uncomfortable coming here.

Lin Yi is even more like this. He tries not to go to Ci'an Palace. Even if he is unlucky enough to meet the eldest princess, he will always be as obedient as possible.

 Otherwise, if I offend the eldest princess, who knows what the crazy girl-loving girl will do!

 There are many sons, but only one sister!

"so what?"

Wen Zhaoyi snorted coldly, "For the eldest princess, Emperor Delong is still the enemy who killed her son."

Lin Yi was surprised and said, "So, the two people only have a good relationship on the surface?"

If his aunt is really a great master, it would not be so surprising if she is still so young and incredibly beautiful at fifty years old.

 “There’s one more thing I haven’t told you,”

Wen Zhaoyi said to himself, "Liu Chaoyuan is my disciple."


Lin Yi was shocked again!

How many secrets does Wen Zhaoyi hide, and he doesn’t know them all!

Wen Zhaoyi said calmly, "He is my first disciple. When I first met him, I saw that he was cute and well-behaved, so I taught him the red-sleeved moves. I thought I would seek revenge on Jingyi in the future, and I would also have many helpers around me.

Unexpectedly, he found another way and tampered with the red sleeve move, making it a kung fu suitable only for eunuchs. Anyone who wanted to practice his kung fu could only be eunuchs. "

Lin Yi said, "Then he is still willing to listen to you now?"

“Of course not, because I don’t have the ability to kill him,”

Wen Zhaoyi shook his head and said, "But he will not disobey me. If I want to know any news from the palace, he will still pass it on to me.

 The night before Emperor Delong fell seriously ill, he saw the eldest princess coming out of the emperor's palace with his own eyes. "

Lin Yi said, "So, the boss and my aunt have joined forces?

Coupled with the two brothers Yu Boxu and Yu Wenshe, it is not so difficult to understand that the boss has ascended to the throne. "

 “Much of it is just speculation,”

Wen Zhaoyi sighed, "We still don't know what the real situation is."

 After speaking, he looked at Hong Ying again.

Lin Yi said, "You mean there are two great masters in the palace, and it will be useless if Hong Ying goes?"

Wen Zhaoyi shook his head and said, "For such a trivial matter as protecting your mother and sister, Liu Chaoyuan will not fail to give me this face."

Lin Yi said seriously, "This is no small matter!"

Wen Zhaoyi said, "Then treat it as a big deal."

Lin Yi cupped his hands and said, "Thank you very much."

Even when Hong Ying was sent back to the palace, he still found a place to hide in secret and could not protect his mother and sister openly.

It is better to listen to Wen Zhaoyi and let Liu Chaoyuan take care of it.

 “You’re too polite.”

Wen Zhaoyi said with a smile.

“Please tell Liu Gongfeng so that his work will not be in vain,”

Lin Yi said in a deep voice, "I will thank you deeply afterwards."

Wen Zhaoyi smiled and said nothing.

 Sanhe enters summer.

  The residents of Baiyun City found that this summer was very different from previous years, and there was actually a solemn atmosphere in the air.

For example, in the past, although some refugees were allocated land, if they did not sow it in summer, the Chief Secretary would not care about it.

 But not this year. If the land is not cultivated, the Chief Secretary will take back the land deeds, and even merchants like Liu Duo will be treated the same.

Even if merchants cannot go to the fields themselves, they still have to hire people to plant the fields!

They also found that there were more and more large ships transporting grain in Sanhe, basically two or three every day. Granaries were built one after another on both sides of the Xijiang River, and they were continuously transported to Yuezhou and Hongzhou.

 Shan Qi, Xie Zan and other old men all have a deep sense of crisis.

 In the past, they hoped that this prince and the prince would work hard and attack the capital one day.

 But now they are afraid!

I was afraid that this man and the prince would drink a little bit of wine one day. On impulse, they would ignore the advice and directly shout to lead the army northward!

 So, in order to prevent accidents, they are now doing their best to make preparations.

 The weather in Nanzhou is also so hot that it makes people breathless.

Ji Hai stood at the bottom of a canyon, tears streaming down his eyes unconsciously.

 “Hey, monk, why are you crying?”

Xie Jiuyun was suddenly at a loss. He found a handkerchief and handed it to him. When he didn't accept it, he stamped his feet and said, "You are talking!"

  Long time.

Ji Haidao said, “My parents are buried under here.”

 “Why isn’t there a monument?”

 Xie Jiuyun asked.

“That year, the Songyang hurricane caused countless casualties and could not bury anyone.”

Ji Hai rubbed the corners of his eyes and sighed, "I was afraid that there would be an epidemic and there was nothing the prince could do, so I sent all the dead here."

Xie Jiuyun muttered, "That's too irresponsible. How can it be so scrawled? At least a monument should be erected."

Ji Haidao said, "That year, I was only thirteen years old, and the prince and I allowed my parents to be buried in peace. It was a great kindness that I could not repay."

"I always argue with the prince," Xie Jiuyun said angrily, "You are a monk, not his servant!"

Ji Hai said coldly, "If the girl talks like this again, don't blame the young monk for being rude."

 “You’re welcome, so what can you do?”

Xie Jiuyun stamped his feet and said, "Don't forget, you are only a third-grade person!

 I am the ninth grade!

 I saved your life! "

Ji Hai turned his head and stopped talking to her.

“Hey, this place is already in ruins, let’s not stay here any longer.”

 “What kind of fruit is this? It’s so sweet.”

 “Hey, monk, how can you be so stingy!”

No matter what she said, the monk seemed not to hear him, "Don't you Buddhists talk about persuading people with virtue? What's going on!

 You should say something! "

Ji Hai sat cross-legged on the ground, unmoved.

 (End of this chapter)

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