I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 226: lion roar skill

Chapter 226 Lion’s Roar Skill

The courtyard wall has long since collapsed, and the dilapidated small courtyard is full of weeds, and mosquitoes are dancing wildly. Xie Jiuyun is very skilled, but he has no way to deal with these mosquitoes. He can only wave his sword in vain, and the sword is covered with a thick layer of mosquitoes. corpse.

Seeing that Ji Hai still ignored her, he lit a fire and roasted rabbit meat on the fire. From time to time, he dangled the wooden sticks with the meat in front of Ji Hai and said with a smile, "Smell it. Isn’t this rabbit meat delicious?

Why don’t you take a bite?

You monks are indeed the same as those nuns at Jizhao'an. You say not to kill, but when you turn around and kill people with your sword, you don't hesitate at all. "


Ji Hai finally couldn't help but speak. After all, this was related to his Buddhist reputation, so he had to say a few words, "Jizhao'an bullies the weak and loves to fight bravely. How can it be compared with my Baiyun Temple."

Xie Jiuyun saw him speaking and said happily, "Then you haven't eaten meat?"

Ji Haidao said, "The young monk had eaten meat before he became a monk."

 “What is this place and why are you sitting here?”

 Xie Jiuyun asked curiously.

Ji Haidao said, “This is the little monk’s home. The little monk was born here and grew up here.”

Xie Jiuyun was very surprised and said, "Is this your home?

 Hey, it’s all in disrepair. "

Seeing that Ji Hai still refused to take the barbecue in her hand, he put it in his mouth and took a bite, chewing it with great strength, muttering about how delicious it was from time to time.

Ji Hai stood up, looked at the leafy peach tree in front of him and said, "This was planted when the little monk's parents got married. They are even older than the little monk."

 “It turns out you miss your parents,”

Xie Jiuyun said at the same time, "But you are better than me. You remember your parents at least. I have never even seen my parents. I was adopted by my master since I was a child.

But it’s true that I am from Chuanzhou, and it was in Chuanzhou that my master took me back. "

Ji Haidao said, “If you haven’t seen it, you won’t miss it.”


Xie Jiuyun said with a smile, "What people are most afraid of is having thoughts. Once they have thoughts, they will be very uncomfortable.

 It’s a good thing I haven’t met my parents. "

 Ji Hai put his hands together, bowed his head and said nothing.

Xie Jiuyun continued, "Are you really not hungry?"

 “The little monk has something to eat.”

Ji Hai took out a sweet potato from his arms, carried it on his back, and bit it loudly.

 “Hey, idiot, why don’t you know how to bake it?

Have you never eaten roasted sweet potatoes? "

Xie Jiuyun snatched the sweet potato from his hand, handed over a handful of fruit, and said with a smile, "You can eat this first, and I will roast the sweet potato for you. I also saw these Fanren things for the first time in Sanhe. We are in Sichuan." The state doesn’t.”

 “Thank you very much.”

Jihai hesitated for a moment, then took the red fruit.

Suddenly, a loud "coo-coo" bird call appeared in the surrounding area, each sound sharper and louder than the last.

Xie Jiuyun said, "This is not a real bird call, it is blown by a person. The sound is filled with real energy. He is obviously a fifth-grade master, and it is not far from here. You stay here and don't move. I will go and see what it is." People do tricks.”

"Girl, stay," Ji Hai said. "Girl is right. This is indeed not a bird call, but a sound made by a human being."

Xie Jiuyun said in surprise, "I guessed it. Why are you so sure?"

Ji Hai smiled and said, "Girl, it's better not to ask any more questions."

Three long and two short bird calls are the unique way for Sanhe officers and soldiers to communicate. Naturally, he would not reveal this kind of military secret to Xie Jiuyun.

He was just curious as to why Sanhe officers and soldiers came to Songyang. Could it be that they came to find him?

 But when I think about it carefully, it is unlikely that I am not an officer or soldier. I just follow the civilians to give porridge and salvation, and have no actual role in the army.


Xie Jiuyun said angrily, "If they were rebels, with your three-legged cat skills, you would have found a way to hide them, and there would be no time to talk to me.

 Looking at how confident you are, you must be a Sanhe soldier. "

 “The girl is really smart.”

Ji Hai listened carefully and heard several more bird calls. It was obviously not coming from one person, but from several people.

Finally he couldn't help but walked out of the yard and roared into the dark forest, the sound shaking the forest.

 “Hey, what kind of skill are you doing?”

Xie Jiuyun covered his ears and said, "It makes people feel uncomfortable. Those who are worse at martial arts than you will definitely be injured internally by you.

Wow, you still say you don’t kill animals. Look at this bird. "

Xie Jiuyun walked to the foot of a big tree, picked up a motionless bird, and questioned Ji Hai.


Ji Hai's face turned red, he took the bird from Xie Jiuyun's hand, put it in the palm of his hand, and said with a smile, "It just fainted, and it will be alive and kicking again soon."

As soon as he finished speaking, the little bird in his hand slowly woke up, turned his eyes, and just after fluttering its wings, it hit its head on the ground with a pop. It was stunned for a long time, and then it flapped its wings again and disappeared into the forest.

 “What will happen if you practice your throat-playing skills to the best of your ability?”

 Xie Jiuyun asked curiously.

Ji Hai shook his head and said, "I don't know."

Neither did he nor the prince.

 However, I told the prince that someone had perfected the Toad Kung Fu, which is similar to the Lion's Roar Kung Fu, and had few opponents in the world.

 “Someone is coming.”

Xie Jiuyun was about to draw her sword when Ji Hai put his hand on her scabbard and said with a smile, "Girl, wait a minute."

Xie Jiuyun's hand was touched by him, her pretty face turned red and she lowered her head.


 A voice spoke in the darkness.

 “Wang Tuozi, come here.”

The monk felt that calling people nicknames was a bit insulting, but he didn't know the other person's real name, so he could only shout along with everyone else.

 “Mom, you scared me to death, I’m the only one who’s brave enough to come here,”

Wang Tuozi glanced at Xie Jiuyun, looked at the monk, and said with a playful smile, "But, except for you, no one in the world knows the lion's roar skill. My ears hurt so much."

Ji Haidao, “Why are you here?”

Wang Tuozi said, "That guy Pan Duo's news is really good. He said that Jiang Kan was on an island called Niangniang'ao. I followed Zhang Mian's ship all the way from the south, and used those foreign devils' cannons to force Jiang Kan's ship to ashore.

If the prince hadn't wanted to stay alive, he would have turned them into hedgehogs one by one, and they would have chased Songyang unknowingly.

It's hard to find anyone if you go into the old forest one by one. "

Ji Hai folded his hands and said, "Amitabha."

“Bye Amitabha, it’s Amitabha’s. You’re talking as if you’ve never seen a dead person.”

Wang Tuozi said angrily.

“Little brother, don’t worry, I’ll help you find someone.”

 Xie Jiuyun was sincerely happy when he saw that Ji Hai was deflated, and he also looked kindly towards Wang Tuozi.

 (End of this chapter)

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