I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 264: Entering the city

Chapter 264 Entering the city

 Gradually, he became a little impatient with waiting.

 There is no efficiency in doing things!

It was so hot outside, he really wanted to break down the door and go in!

About half a quarter of an hour later, Hong Ying suddenly said, "Your Majesty."

Lin Yi raised his head and saw a figure appearing on the city wall, **** Bingbi—He Jin.

 “See the prince,”

He Jin bowed to Lin Yi and said, "I wonder why the prince is here at this moment?"

Lin Yi smiled and said, "You old guy, you just say nonsense. Ankang City is my home, and I am going home, but you ask me what's wrong. Isn't it funny?"

 In the past, he would definitely not have spoken to He Jin like this.

After all, he is the commander of the imperial guards, and his father's eyes and ears are wary of He Jin.

However, things are different now. He is ready to fight even his father, so why should he do anything?

The corner of He Jin's mouth twitched unconsciously, and his expression was gloomy, but he was trained in the palace. After taking a deep breath, he looked calm and said with a smile, "The prince also knows that these are troubled times. Of course you have to be careful about everything.”

Lin Yi said angrily, "Stop talking nonsense. I want to enter the palace. Is it okay or not? Please give me a clear answer."

He Jin was helpless, but fortunately he had known the prince's temperament for a long time, and he had always acted and spoken without any scruples.

 He glanced at the carriage behind Lin Yi and said loudly, "Open the city gate."

 “Open the city gate!”

Han Long then shouted.

 “Open the city gate!”

When the order came to the gatekeeper, he opened his voice and directly ordered the soldiers to open the city gate.

The gate slowly opened, and the suspension bridge fell over the Juma River. Under He Jin's gaze, Lin Yi rode the donkey onto the suspension bridge with Hong Ying holding the reins.

However, the carriage did not move for a long time.

 After Lin Yi entered the city cave, the carriage actually turned around.

 “Stop the carriage!”

 He Jin shouted.

The soldiers in the city gate rushed out with spears in hand, and suddenly heard howls one after another, and then flags were fluttering in the forest, with rats embroidered on them.

 While the soldiers inside the city gate were hesitating, the carriage was already running farther and farther away.

"Like soldiers,"

He Jin looked at the elephants rushing down from the mountain, and the dust they stepped on was flying, and he said bitterly, "Close the city gate!"

Without waiting for Han Long Chuan to come over, the door Hou directly picked up He Jin's words and shouted, "Guancheng Gate!"

The soldiers who had been prepared for a long time ran back into the city as if they were running for their lives. The gate was closed again with a roar, and then layers of sandbags were piled on top.

Lin Yi clasped his hands behind his back and looked at the chaos of soldiers inside the city gate and laughed.

 “Your Majesty!”

He Jin walked down from the city wall and snorted coldly, "What do you mean, Your Majesty?"

Lin Yi frowned and said, "Who is He Yi? Is he your brother?"

 “Where is the eldest princess!”

He Jin finally stopped being polite.

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Did I say anything before entering the city?

 Did you say that the eldest princess came in with me? "

ˆ “.”

He Jin’s chest rose and fell.

 I was so angry that I couldn’t speak.

 Fuck it!

 You can't say that what you said to the prince doesn't make sense!

 Everyone took it for granted at first that the eldest princess would definitely come in with the prince.

From outside the city wall, there was one after another the neighing of elephants, the snorting of war horses, and the roar of sergeants.

He Jin quickly walked to the city wall again and looked at Sanhe's army, which was within a stone's throw of the city wall, with a worried look on his face.

This time, He Jixiang allowed civilians to go into battle, and together with Sanhe officers and soldiers, there were more than 70,000 people in total.

These more than 70,000 people, together with countless war horses, mules, donkeys, hounds, and elephants, were densely packed outside the city gate, with flags blocking the sun, and it was impossible to see the end.

The people who shouted loudest were the people of Sanhe.

They have fought many battles and climbed many city walls, but this is the first time they have stood under the city wall openly and cooperated with the officers and soldiers in battle.

 Ankang City—the most powerful place in the world!

 It is also the richest place in the world.

 When it comes to money, their eyes really light up.

He threw the butcher's whole body on a big mule and spat on the big knife several times. The sharpening stone he took out of his pocket made a sharp squeaking sound on the edge of the knife.

Pork Rong said angrily, "What else are you doing at this time?"

The butcher blew on the edge of the knife and said with a smile, "Whether you sharpen your knife before the battle, you will lose all your happiness."

Zhu Rong sighed and said, "I don't know what the prince was thinking. He went in alone. There are not many good people in Ankang City.

The sky is full of gods and Buddhas to protect you. It’s best that nothing happens to the prince. "

 “Bah, bah, you crow’s mouth!”

Li Sanniang said angrily, "Our prince is so wise and powerful, how can anything happen to him?"

 She herself didn’t believe it when she said this.

As we all know, their prince does not know any martial arts. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is powerless.

 Also, he is extremely lazy.

 He might not even bother to dodge if the knife slashes at him.

Although the general manager is highly skilled in martial arts, he may not be able to protect the prince from the rebel army!

In case the prince is really gone, they can't imagine what the entire Sanhe will mess up.

Wang Xiaoshuan whispered, "Master He and the others don't know what they are thinking, and they don't know how to stop the prince."

Unlike Wei Yishan, he studied seriously in school and understood many important principles.

 But he knows the trivial truth.

  Everything in Sanhe is because of Prince He. If something happens to Prince He, Shanqi and others will definitely not be able to stay in Sanhe. By then, Sanhe will have changed its chief officials, and Sanhe will be no different from anywhere else.

 Sanhe is no longer Sanhe.

Thinking too much makes one’s scalp really numb.

 Every time they go into battle, the tribesmen must roar to increase their momentum.

Wang Xiaoshuan was in a irritable mood and couldn't help but roared twice.

 “What is the ghost’s name?”

The butcher also became impatient and said, "The worst we can do is go into the city and chop down the emperor."

Li Sanniang scolded, "Keep your voice down. If it reaches Mr. He's ears, there will be no good fruit."

She was very disrespectful to these elders. After being punished by Emperor Delong, she would often talk about the emperor's great kindness and loyalty to the emperor while holding the bowl with the prince.


Han Long looked at He Jin who was silent and couldn't help but asked, "What should I do now?"

The crowd under the city wall was noisy, as if there was a large gathering, and there was no military discipline at all. He Jin laughed and said, "There is nothing to fear from the mob. Our family will report it to Your Majesty, so you can safely guard it."


Han Long secretly cursed, you are blind!

Can a ragtag group of people take over Nanzhou and Yong'an?

 Can you force King Yong to retreat?

Lin Yi was riding on a donkey, following He Jin.

Walking on the deserted street, looking at the closed shop doors on both sides, I felt very emotional.

He Hu Hansan is back again.

 But I didn’t see the shadow of the young lady in the attic.

How he wished someone would wave to him and shout:

 “Your Majesty, come in.”

“Your Majesty, I miss you.”

 (End of this chapter)

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