I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 265: Brothers, friends and brothers

Chapter 265 Respect from Brothers and Friends

 Thinking about it too much, I can’t help but feel sad. The past days are really nostalgic.

 After Sanhe, he never enjoyed it again.

 From time to time, I was threatened by Jizhao'an.

Life is really miserable.

 The donkey was very powerful today, every step was even and powerful. When he stepped on the bluestone, the sound of the donkey was particularly clear in the streets and alleys.

When passing by South Street, there was a carriage parked in the middle of the road. Next to it stood an old man in gray. He didn’t wait for Lin Yi to approach, but he knelt down and said, “Young man, please see your lord. Your lord is a thousand years old!”

 “Guo Zhao?”

Lin Yi recognized this old man, who was responsible for staying in Ankang City and the gardener of the palace. "Why are you here, an old man? Looking at your body, it won't be a problem to live for another twenty years."

 “Thank you for the compliment, Your Majesty,”

Guo Zhao said with tears in his eyes, "I just heard that the prince has entered the city, so he quickly brought the carriage out of the mansion and asked the prince to get on the carriage."

 “It seems you have a heart.”

Lin Yi couldn't help but refuse his kind offer. At this moment, he was entering the city alone, and his luck and fortune were unpredictable. He was actually a little touched by having such a loyal servant.

With Hong Ying’s help, he got off the donkey and got into the carriage.

Hong Ying waved his hand towards Guo Zhao, signaling him to go home. He did not need to stay here for a long time.

Guo Zhao hesitated for a moment, jumped off the carriage, and then watched Lin Yi's carriage drive away.

When He Jin saw Lin Yi getting on the carriage, he waved the whip in his hand and galloped his horse on the street.

Hong Ying mounted the carriage and walked towards the palace at a leisurely pace.

By the time they arrived at the entrance of the palace, Lin Yi was already sleepy. He yawned and said, "The time is too short and I didn't even fall asleep in the carriage. I really want to have a good sleep."

Hold up both hands, swing his waist from side to side, and glance at the majestic palace gate. On both sides are the imperial guards with swords and guns, extending all the way to the Golden Palace. The momentum is astonishing.

Lin Yi sighed, "It's really rare for me to show off my power with my son."

Hong Yingdao said, "Even if I risk my life, I will protect the prince."

Lin Yi said with a smile, "No need, you can't do anything. Just run away. If I get caught, it doesn't matter. No matter what, I am his son. Even if he really wants to kill me, he will go through the motions."

 You are different. They will definitely not hesitate to kill you.

 If you are dead, you are really dead, and there is no one who can even tell the outside world.

Let’s act according to the original plan. If my father and I really fall out, just attack the city directly. If I’m not happy, no one else will be able to live in peace. "

He really doesn’t want to have a fight with his father unless he has to!

 It’s not easy to be labeled as “unfilial” and “disobedient” one after another.

Yu Wenshe, the commander of the imperial army, was wearing heavy armor. He walked up to Lin Yi and cupped his hands and said, "I am wearing armor, so it is difficult for me to salute. I hope you will forgive me."

 “General Yuwenshe, long time no see,”

Lin Yi waved his hand lazily, "I wonder how your sister is doing lately?"

It’s really not a day or two since I had thoughts about Yu Wenshe’s sister and Yu Boxu’s fourth daughter!

At this moment, when I saw Yu Wenshe, I finally couldn't help but ask.

 Is the longer one more beautiful?

I have not been in the capital for many years. Have you married?

 “The prince is still so fond of joking,”

Yu Wenshe's face was ashen. He couldn't understand why He and the prince could still laugh in such a situation!

Suppressing his anger, he said coldly, "Your Majesty, please don't keep your Majesty waiting."

 “Let’s go,”

Lin Yi looked around casually as he walked, "This palace is still the same as before. I remember that I raised a lot of goldfish and tortoises in the pond in the imperial garden before, and I didn't take them with me when I left the palace. Now I don't Now that I know what’s going on, I’ll have to go take a look when I have time.”

 “The prince’s interest has not diminished, and the subordinates admire him.”

Yu Wenshe is already imagining what it will be like when he and the prince meet Emperor Delong!

Can you talk freely in front of the emperor?

Lin Yi then asked, "Who in the DPRK is engaging in such a big battle today?"

Yu Wenshe said expressionlessly, "Of course he is a civil and military official of the DPRK."

Lin Yi followed behind him calmly and said, "Prince Yong must be here too. Who else is there besides him?"

Yu Wenshe said, "You will know when the prince arrives."

 Speaking, he unconsciously quickened his pace.

 Arriving in front of the Jinluan Palace, Lin Yi was about to go in when he was stopped by Yu Wenshe. Yu Wenshe said, "Your Majesty, please wait a moment."

 Then someone in the Jinluan Palace shouted, "Prince Xuanhe has an audience!"

Yu Wenshe then raised his hand and said, "Your Majesty, please!"

 “Hey, what time has it been and still engaging in these formalisms is really terrible.”

Lin Yi straightened his clothes very dissatisfied and walked in slowly.

Hong Ying stood at the door with his hands down, looking at the court without blinking.

There are hundreds of civil and military officials kneeling on both sides of the large hall. Sitting on top of the hall is an old man wearing a bright yellow dragon robe. His face is thin, but his eyes are sharp, as if he is looking down at the world and all living things.

The ministers who were kneeling and bowing their heads in the middle of the court unconsciously looked at Lin Yi who was slowly walking in and looking around.

Lin Yi was walking in the silent hall and could only hear his own footsteps. It felt a bit weird and depressing!

 After walking closer, he raised his head. The first thing he saw was the golden dragon embroidered on the bright yellow dragon robe, and then the two dagger-like eyes of his father.

 He had to admit, he was a little frightened.

Throughout his two lives, he has been very timid, not even daring to trample an ant to death.

 However, now that we have reached this point, there is really no way to retreat. The life and death of tens of millions of people in the seven states are in his hands!

With only a moment of hesitation, he directly met his father's eyes, then leaned down and bowed his head and said, "My son, I would like to send my regards to my father. I am very happy to say that my father is in good health."

 The ministers in the court were shocked!

 He actually didn’t kneel down!

How dare he not kneel!

Why doesn’t he kneel down?

 What exactly does He Wang want to do?

When Lin Yi saw that his father was silent, he raised his head and saw the princes kneeling on one side. He smiled and said, "Hey, third brother, I really miss my younger brother.

Hey, fourth brother, I heard that you ran back to Jinzhou. Why are you here too? "

 He was very curious.

The news he received was that King Jin ran back to Jinzhou, and he only saw King Yong entering the city at the south gate, but not King Jin?

The King of Jin said bitterly, "Don't be arrogant in front of your father!"

 He really wanted to strangle He Wang to death!

 This idea has not occurred for a day or two!

"I understand, I understand. I will definitely not tell anyone else about the fact that you and the third child went south to rebel."

Lin Yi deliberately lowered his voice, but everyone in the court could still hear him clearly.

 “It’s nonsense, what a shame!”

 Prince Jin almost jumped up!

It's one thing for everyone to know, but it's another thing for you to say it in public.

 How about pretending to be confused together?

 Everyone has a way to go.

Lin Yi ignored him and looked at King Yong'an who had his head lowered deliberately and just wanted to avoid his gaze. He said happily, "Old Twelve, brother finally sees you. Really, you are so long." Time has passed and I really miss you.

I heard that you have been serving filial piety in the palace. It is really a good example for my brothers, and of course the prince brother. It really puts all the brothers like me to shame.

 Hey, why didn’t you see Brother Prince? "

Old Twelve was trembling with anger and boldly glanced at his father and empress on the throne. No matter what Lin Yi said, he remained silent.

All the civil and military officials above the imperial court also held their breath, not daring to take a breath.

According to rumors, Prince He is just unlearned and unskilled, but no one calls him a fool!

 Can’t you say something nice?

Which pot is not opened and which pot is picked up?

This Prince He is really bold.

Lin Yi felt a little bored when he saw the twelve old people ignoring him. Suddenly, he saw Chu King Lin Zhan kneeling in the corner and said in surprise, "It turns out that brother is here too. I heard that after Chuzhou was lost, brother, I have trouble sleeping and eating." "


Lin Yi was interrupted by a startled shout before he finished speaking.

The people who bowed their heads below the hall felt their ears piercing with a sharp voice, their eyes were dim and it was difficult to distinguish things.

Lin Yi raised his head and said with a smile, "Father, please calm down, my son just suddenly saw all the brothers being friendly, and suddenly he got a little carried away.

We brothers love each other so much that there will never be such a thing as "boiling beans to make soup, draining bean sprouts to make juice, burning bean sprouts under the cauldron, and beans weeping in the cauldron. They are originally from the same root, so there is no need to fry each other in a hurry." "

They are originally born from the same root, so why rush each other?

 Hearing such a wonderful poem, everyone's first reaction was that it must not have been done by the prince.

The first thing they thought of was Xie Zan and Chen Desheng, the article masters from Sanhe.

“Good, very good, you are my good son,”

Emperor Delong, who was sitting on the dragon throne, finally spoke, "You treat me like this, how should I treat you?"

Lin Yi smiled and said, "A father is kind and his son is filial, and his nature is ethical. Why should my father care about me?"

 If you act like me, your son will be like his son!

You yourself don’t act like me, so what’s the use of just complaining about your son?

 Just tell the truth. Sometimes it doesn’t sit well with you, but you have to tell it.

“I have met many people in my life, but I never thought that I would misjudge my own son.”

Emperor Delong stood up with the help of He Jin and paced on the steps with a slight trembling, "Unexpected, unexpected."

 I said two unexpected things in a row.

Lin Yi smiled and said, "My son has had good luck since he was a child, and he has been lucky now, and I'm afraid he will also be lucky in the future."

 The heads of the ministers were lowered.

what do you want to say?

 Where is destiny?

Even King Yong and King Jin next to him looked incredulous. They really couldn't figure out where Lin Yi got the courage to confront his father!

Emperor Delong shook his head, sighed, then waved his hand feebly and said, "Retreat from the court."


Following He Jin's loud shout, the civil and military officials slowly backed away, turned around and walked out of the hall when they were near the door. Before leaving, they all looked towards Lin Yi.

Lin Yi was stunned.

That's it?

 He still has a lot to say!

 The ministers are gone, the emperor is gone.

 For a while, only the princes were left in the hall.

 (End of this chapter)

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