I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 269: The battle for the throne {Additional update for the leader}

Chapter 269: The Battle for the Throne {Added update for the leader}

 Why did you suddenly turn your back on me?

  No wonder people say that a woman can fall out of love faster than she can read a book, and my mother is no exception.

Seeing Lin Yi like this, Concubine Yuan Gui became even more angry and said, "Tell me, it's fine if you don't have the ability, but what a great opportunity you have in front of you, and you just missed it like that?

What's the use of just picking me up?

 Is my face very bright after becoming an abandoned wife?

Do you think you make people angry or not? "

 A series of questions made Lin Yi feel a little confused.

I really want to ask, why did you become an abandoned woman?

Obviously he is your son, so I worked hard to pick you up, okay?

 Don’t know what’s good or bad?

 Such a scene was beyond his reach.

Lin Ning hurriedly said, "Concubine, it's not appropriate to stay here for a long time. Let's talk about it later."

 “Go away, you have nothing to do here,”

Concubine Yuan Gui rolled her eyes at her daughter, and when she looked at Lin Yi again, tears were already welling up in her eyes. Lihua said with rain, "My biggest wish in my life is that you will succeed, and all my hopes are on you."

As long as you have the ability, you are willing to die as your mother.

 Tell me, what is the use of letting your mother come out when you are like this?

 It is better to die in the palace and go back to Sanhe with you, that is not shameful enough. "

Lin Yi looked at her mother's tears as she finished speaking, and was not surprised at all.

  After all, he has been receiving teachings since he was a child.

He said bravely, "My mother, can't you have some confidence in your son?"

Concubine Yuan Guifei raised her head and wiped her tears as she said, "I have absolutely no faith in you. I believe in you too much, and that's why I'm so disappointed now."

Lin Yi sighed and said, "Hey, there are more than 100,000 Jizhou and Qizhou troops stationed outside the north of the city, and more than 100,000 Jingying, Ankang, and Yulin troops are stationed in the city.

Moreover, Mei Jingzhi’s 100,000-strong army is watching covetously outside.

The son only has so few men in his hands, not to mention that it will not be easy to capture. Even if he captures it, the son will have to lose his troops and generals.

 It is not easy to save such a small amount of money, but you still have to cherish your son. "


Concubine Yuan Guifei said angrily, "Stop trying to coax me, do you think I don't know what it means to meet in a narrow road, the brave will win?"

You've come to this point, why don't you give it a try? "

Lin Yi said with a smile, “Because it’s unnecessary, and it’s not a thank you to be burdened.

 So that the mother and concubine know that the son is determined to take the throne, it is just a matter of sooner or later. "

Not to mention the thankless effort of defeating it, even now the emperor begs me to give it to him, and he doesn’t hesitate to ask for it.

 It’s burning your butt!

  internal and external troubles, a lot of trouble.

 He has to let the bullets fly a little longer!

Concubine Yuan Guifei said in surprise, "Why do you say this?"

Lin Yidao, "My father did not ask his son for the land of the seven states."

As long as the land of Qizhou is there, his capital will be there, and his family fortune will become stronger and stronger.

Concubine Yuan Guifei asked curiously, "Why?"

Lin Yi said, “Because he knew that even if he wanted it, his son would definitely not give it to him.

 He is too lazy to ask for trouble. "

 He thinks this is his advantage as the emperor.

While being conceited, you will also weigh the pros and cons.

  Not really the kind of confused emperor who acts arbitrarily and regardless of the consequences.

Concubine Yuan Guifei said angrily, "So what? If you act like this, why do you think that the position of unification is confirmed?"

Lin Yi said, "Because this time, I have let them know what pain is. They will probably stay away from my son when they see him in the future."

He still doesn’t know the specific situation of the battle between Sanhe soldiers and Yang Changchun and others outside Ankang City.

 But the most important thing is that he won.

  I guess it’s pretty cool to win!

 Otherwise, the emperor's face wouldn't be so ugly.

Lin Ning nodded in agreement as if he were pecking at rice, "What my brother said is that he defeated his uncle!"

 “That’s your uncle’s sincere concession.”

After speaking, Concubine Yuan opened the car curtain and stopped talking to her son and daughter.

Lin Yi got out of the carriage angrily, and then said to Hong, "Drive carefully, don't let the empress and princess suffer any bumps."

Hong Yingqi smiled and said, "Young master is driving, so you can rest assured."

Lin Yi nodded and got on Guo Zhao's carriage.

The other empty carriage, after Guo Zhao blew a whistle, the two horses snorted and followed directly behind the carriage held by Guo Zhao.

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Lao Guo, you, a gardener, are better at serving horses than that old boy from Sundu."

 Guo Zhao cracked his whip, then turned around and said, "My lord, you have forgotten that I was originally a groom, but there was no one to take care of the palace garden, so you took care of the garden as a kid."

 He was actually very frustrated.

He was originally a horseman, but because he loved flowers and plants, he planted some flowers in the yard where the horseman lived. He was lucky and the flowers bloomed very beautifully.

 The prince actually thinks that he is good at growing flowers and grass!

 Let him become a gardener directly!

Later on, old man Sun Du broke his leg. He originally had a chance to continue driving the carriage.

As a result, Sun Du directly asked his son Sun Yi to step up!

  I didn’t even give myself a chance to react.

Every time I think of this, my teeth itch with hatred.

 “Is this happening?”

Lin Yi really couldn't remember such a trivial matter.

Guo Zhao said happily, "Now that I can drive the carriage for the prince again, it is really a blessing for this little man."

Lin Yi saw the four maids who had followed his mother out of the palace and were sweating profusely as they ran after his mother's carriage, so he said to Guo Zhao, "Let them sit in the carriage at the back."

 Guo Zhao hurriedly responded.

Jumped out of the car, chased after him, and put the four maids directly into the carriage. He only asked them to hold the reins.


He Jin, who was riding behind Lin Yi and leading a pair of imperial guards, dismounted, walked to Lin Yi's carriage, cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty."

 “No need to say more, I know how to do it.”

Lin Yi interrupted him directly.

He Jin smiled and said, "Thank you so much, old slave.

I just wonder if the prince wants to send someone out to make a announcement first? "

Hong Ying said, "My father-in-law is too cautious. You might as well stand on the city wall and take a look."

When He Jin was puzzled, Han Long came down from the city wall and whispered twice in front of him before he nodded.

Han Long shouted, "Open the city gate!"

 Dozens of people worked together to open the heavy city gate.

There was also a fire across the Juma River. In the middle was a carriage. Ye Qiu was standing on it, supporting a woman in white.

He Jin squinted his eyes and looked at it again and again, and finally said to Han Long, "Let's release the suspension bridge."

 With a roar.

 The suspension bridge lands directly on the ground.

 Ye Qiu's carriage drove directly across the wide suspension bridge.

At the same time, Hong Ying also passed slowly in the opposite direction with his carriage.

ps: Thank you to the big guys like Ke Yan Ke Tian Xiao Wan Zi, Woshi2b, Huo Lin Jian Duan Lang, Quiet is Good iy, Xiao…Bian, Liu Ya Chuan Xin and others for joining the alliance again and again!

˜Thank you to all the cute hosts for your support!

Even if the old man really kneels down, he still straightens his back!

 Start paying off your debt today!

 18-year-old little fresh meat, any debts must be repaid!

 (End of this chapter)

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