I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 270: A lonely person {Additional update for the leader}

Chapter 270: Alone {Additional update for the leader}

Just when the two carriages were about to merge together, Ye Qiu and Hong Ying floated up and swapped places with each other. Ye Qiu sat on Concubine Yuan's carriage, while Hong Ying sat directly on the eldest princess's carriage.

He Jin, who had been on guard all the time, was about to shout when he saw this situation, but suddenly found that there was no accident in the eldest princess's carriage, so he suppressed his voice.

When Hong Ying's carriage was getting closer and closer to the city gate, Hong Ying put his palm on the eldest princess's back and said in an inaudible voice, "The prince said that you are always his aunt, and he understands you." "

Just when Lin Yoona was puzzled, she finally felt her blood flowing smoothly again.

Yuan Guifei's carriage passed the suspension bridge first, and when Lin Yi's carriage was about to pass, Hong Ying jumped directly across the Juma River.

 At this time, the suspension bridge suddenly rose.

The wheels of Lin Yi's carriage are still on the suspension bridge.

Lin Ning turned pale with fright. She wanted to save her brother, but it was almost too late!

At the critical moment, Hong Ying grabbed the shaft of the carriage with both hands and pulled the carriage over. He hardly used any force. The carriage landed smoothly. The two horses were galloping. At this moment, the ropes around their necks were loose and they could no longer hold their strength, and they fell directly to the ground. .

Lin Yi also staggered, and was about to be thrown out of the carriage by inertia. Hong Ying floated over again and directly helped Lin Yi to the ground.

 Lin Yi stepped on the soft ground with his feet. When he looked back, he saw that the other side of the river was in a mess. A white shadow was shuttled back and forth among the forest guards, and people were turning their backs on their backs.

 “Hey, Father,”

Lin Yi smiled, "Your son and I are not vegetarian either."

 However, there was no trust between father and son, and he felt helpless sadness inexplicably!

 The most ruthless emperor's family is this.

Just when Lin Yuner was at home in the Royal Forest Army, suddenly there was another figure in front of her.

Lin Yi squinted his eyes and watched, and Hong responded, "Your Majesty, Liu Gongfeng is here."

As long as he waited for the prince's order, he went directly to help the eldest princess.

Lin Yi sighed and said, "Life and death are destiny, wealth is in heaven, go back."

  To this aunt, he has done everything he can to be kind and righteous.

 There is nothing to be owed.

 So I have a clear conscience.

 This is what he has wanted for his whole life.

 He cannot force himself to become a zombie for the sake of power and wealth.

 Although he was abandoned by his parents in his previous life and was an orphan, he has no father's love in this life.

 But he always firmly believes that as long as everyone gives a little love, the world will become a beautiful world.

 Because the human heart is made of flesh.

 Don't hurt the majority of good people because of the few bad people.

The carriage moved forward slowly, and not far away, Lin Yi heard someone shouting, "The prince is back!"

 “The prince is back!”

 The horn sounded.

 The drums are beating loudly.

 In the end, the roars of the Sanhe people drowned out everything.

 Their backbone is back.

Concubine Yuan Guifei, who was sitting in the carriage, was startled.

Lin Yi's eyes became wet unconsciously.

 After all, he did not pay wrongly.

 Sanhe people still care about him.

Looking at the Sanhe people who were kneeling in front of him and looking as far as the eye could see, he said softly, "Get up and go home tomorrow!"

 “The prince is a thousand years old!”

The sound shook the sky.

Ankang City, which was already in chaos, was frightened by the roars of the Sanhe people.

The only thing that comforted them was that Ankang City had a moat - the Juma River in the south and the Bei Canal in the north. The two originally unrelated rivers converged together, making Ankang City the most dangerous and safest fortress in the world.

He Jixiang knelt down and took a step forward, shouting to Concubine Yuan's carriage, "Your Majesty, I wish you a happy life!"

 “May the Queen be blessed, may the princess be blessed!”

Tens of thousands of people shouted together!

Concubine Yuan Guifei cautiously got out of the carriage and was shocked when she looked at the dense crowd in front of her.

 Her son.

  The son who once made her feel very disappointed has actually gained such momentum!

 She always feels like she is dreaming!

 Afraid that I will wake up from my dream at any time.

If it is really a dream, she hopes that this dream can continue.

 She slowly raised her white and tender jade arms and tried, "Flat body!"

 “Thank you, empress!”

 She was not disappointed, she was answered with a loud shout.

Lin Yi stepped forward and helped her into the carriage. He was afraid that she would cry again and said cautiously, "I feel sorry for you, my concubine. Let's go to the tent and sleep in the tent for the time being."

 After watching his mother’s carriage go away, he went directly to the general’s camp.

He Jixiang presented the list of casualties this time and looked at Lin Yi's gloomy face without saying a word.

 After a long time, Lin Yi said, "There are more than three thousand dead and injured, and it's also a embarrassment for you."

More than a thousand people were killed among them!

The remaining injured barely survived, most of them missing arms and legs.

 Basically, they have lost the ability to work.

 They are all old at the top and young at the bottom.

 “Your Majesty, forgive me!”

 Everyone in the camp knelt down together.

Lin Yi said, "You have tried your best, and the fault is not yours.

  After returning, no matter how difficult it is, I will support them and their families for the rest of their lives. "

 “Your Majesty is wise!”

 Everyone said in unison again!

Lin Yidao, "Break camp tomorrow and go home!"

 “Follow the order!”

 The response echoed in the big tent for a long time.

Lin Yi was silent and went directly to the tent where her mother slept.

Concubine Yuan Guifei was sitting in front of a low table. The oil lamp above was swaying, making her even more beautiful.

"You're back."

 Seeing Lin Yi, she just said this lightly.

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Aren't you happy that your son is so famous?"

Concubine Yuan Guifei sighed, "I just feel more and more regretful."

She didn’t know if this was an illusion, but she always felt that as long as her son gave an order, Ankang City would be at her fingertips!

Lin Yi knelt down and said, "There is no need to worry, mother and concubine. My son guarantees that you will be the empress dowager in the future."

After hearing this, Concubine Yuan burst into tears again.

"Mother." Lin Ning was so frightened that she quickly took out a handkerchief to wipe her tears.

Lin Yi could feel that her mother was crying very seriously this time, without any pretense, and said in a deep voice, "Please give me your orders, my son should do whatever he wants."

Concubine Yuan Guifei shed more and more tears, and finally sobbed, "Let your uncle go, your grandfather and the others are also forced to do nothing."

 Suddenly, she felt that she no longer knew this son.

 It wasn't that her son had changed too quickly, but that an inexplicable fear was lingering in her heart.

Lin Yi said without hesitation, "Mom, please rest assured, my son will not let you down."

 After saying this, he left the camp.

 Hand felt unspeakably uncomfortable, his mother actually began to distrust him!

 This is the person closest to him in this world!

 “Your Majesty.”

Hong Ying leaned over and held the saucer, speaking carefully.

Lin Yi remained motionless and sighed, "I obviously haven't changed at all."

 Suddenly had a premonition.

 He seems to be alone now.

 (End of this chapter)

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