I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 273: Israeli servant (additional update for the leader)

 Chapter 273 Israel’s servants (additional updates for the alliance leader)

 “You feel aggrieved?”

Lin Yi asked suddenly.

“No, no, the emperor misunderstood,”

King Yong'an hurriedly said, "I'm not even happy enough to see your brother."

“You are only fifteen this year, right?” Lin Yi asked.

 “Reply to the emperor’s brother,”

 Wang Yong'an said with a smile, "I am sixteen this year."

 “That’s also good,”

Lin Yi said with a smile, "You set up your lofty ambition to be an emperor when you were ten years old. At that time, you were young and no one took your words seriously, and no one cared about you.

 But you have grown up now, so don’t have such a sweet dream. Your maternal family is weak, you have no background in the military, and you have no ability, so don’t do things you shouldn’t do. "

 “That’s what the emperor taught me.”

  King Yong'an's head pressed even lower.

His grandfather was just a small prefect, which was good enough if he was not a burden to him. How could he expect to be able to help him?

As for the military general, he has learned how to be a polite corporal, but no one wants to pay attention to him!

His mother-in-law once said to him: Because of my good looks, I have to be loved and blessed from a humble position.

Now he finally understood the meaning of his mother-in-law's words.

 Israel does not serve people long.

His son will also be looked down upon.

"Okay, no more words. If you don't bother me when I return to Sanhe, my brother won't make it difficult for you."

Lin Yi yawned and said, "If you make things difficult for me, don't blame me for being ruthless."

 “Thank you, Brother Huang.”

 King Yong'an sighed secretly in his heart.

 Then he followed Xiao Xizi out.

After he left, Lin Yi said to Hong Ying, "Jingyi is in Ankang City. I guess things won't be that simple. You and the blind man don't have to guard me at night. You can go to the gate of the empress and princess."

 Hong Ying bowed his head and responded.

 Any matter involving the empress and princess is not open to discussion with the prince.

Before leaving the tent, he called Ye Qiu to him and explained everything.

 At night.

Officers and soldiers patrolling with hounds will give orders from time to time. Anyone who encounters something suspicious will be carefully investigated and will not be let go, including the butcher.

 “The password is correct,”

Liu Kan, who was holding a torch, came closer and looked at the butcher again and again, "What's your name?"

“Kan Zai, you don’t even recognize me anymore?”

He rubbed the butcher's hands on his face again and again, hoping to wipe away the black dust on his face so that Liu Kan could take a closer look, "I, General Dasheng, your father Liu Duo, your grandfather Liu Jianzi, mother, You can’t recognize my dirty face, and you can’t hear my voice?”

 “Jian Dasheng?”

 Liu Kan was still confused.

“The pork seller on West Street will be the butcher.”

 Pork Rong, who went to relieve himself with the butcher, couldn't help but interjected.

 “Yes, yes, I am the butcher.”

Jiang Butcher is very helpless. There are very few people in Baiyun City who know his name. Instead, the name "Jiang Butcher" is very popular.

 “It turns out to be Uncle Jiang.”

Liu Kan smiled and said, "It's dark and everyone is dirty, so it's hard to recognize them."

The butcher said angrily, "Mom, you're from the same street, and I've watched you grow up, so what's wrong with you?"

 Liu Kan cupped his hands and said, "Please be more considerate, uncle. I'll take my leave."

 Speaking, he led the officers and soldiers to continue patrolling the night.

The butcher couldn't help but spit on the ground and said angrily, "This is becoming less and less a joke."

 Marrying your daughter to such a thing?

 He is not happy now.

 “That’s it, it’s my duty, there’s nothing to complain about,”

Zhu Rong supported him again and said, "Hurry up and recover from your injuries, otherwise I will be tortured to death by you."

 When I get up all night, I need him to accompany me!

There is really no other way.

The butcher said, "Doctor Hu said that if you have to move your muscles and bones for a hundred days, you can't move so fast. You can't move around. I don't want to be a cripple."

 “You have so many **** things on your hands, I really don’t mind paying attention to you.”

 When he arrived at the base of a tree that had been burnt to charcoal, Zhu Zhurong laid him down on the ground.

The butcher sighed and said, "I really want to go back tomorrow. It feels a bit pity. We have spent so much effort and still haven't seen what Ankang City is like."

Pork Rong said, "You haven't heard that there are more than 200,000 people in the city. Even if we have four arms, we are no match for them."

 “You are so tall. You are destroying other people’s ambitions and destroying your own prestige!”

Wang Xiaoshuan, who lost two teeth on the battlefield, was not only unable to speak clearly, but his mouth was also in severe pain.

Zhu Rong snorted coldly, "You are good, come on. I listen to the prince and go home to finish my work. I have been away from home for such a long time. I really miss home."

Li Sanniang said with emotion, "We can still go back, but some people can't."

They never thought that so many people would die in the war.

Liang Qingshu said calmly, "Everyone has been prepared before coming out. Just accept your fate."

Jiang Sixi looked at Huang Daoji, the shopkeeper of the blacksmith shop who was also surrounding the fire, and said, "The armor of the Jizhou cavalry is really good. I didn't even cut through it three times. In the end, I just stabbed the one in the neck. If I wait a little longer, Yes, if people come around, I can be chopped into minced meat.

  There is no chance to talk to you at all.

It's like our armor, **** it, it can be shot through with just one arrow. "

Huang Daoji said in a deep voice, "I admit that my skills are not as good as others.

 After returning home, I will naturally apologize to the good Lord, and you don’t need to say more. "

Liang Qingshu shook his head and said, "It's not your fault at all. What's there to apologize for? It's only been in the past few years that Sanhe has really started to fight armor. It's not easy to achieve this level."

 Everyone was silent.

 They admitted that Liang Qingshu was telling the truth.

Li Sanniang waved her hands irritably and said, "Okay, go to bed quickly, we have to go on the road tomorrow."

The armor's scales were made by Huang Daoji's blacksmith shop, but they were sewn by her tailor shop.

Jiang Sixi mentioned this issue, which made her become irritated unconsciously. Many people died because of this, and she was also responsible.

Pork Rong followed, "Go to sleep."

 After saying that, he lay down on the ashes with his clothes on.

 No words all night.

 The next day, before dawn, Lin Yi got up from the hard wooden bed.

 Yawning and looking at the rising sun.

 After Xiao Xizi brought some water, he washed himself briefly, and then asked, "Have you gotten up?"

Xiao Xizi said, "The queen and the princess have gotten up early and have finished their meal."

Lin Yi nodded, ate something casually, and went to his mother's tent.

Concubine Yuan Guifei's hair is messy, her clothes are black and white, and she is holding a mirror and frowning.

Lin Yi cupped his hands and said, "My mother and concubine have been wronged."

Concubine Yuan Guifei sighed and said, "The matter has come to this, what is there to say?"

Lin Yi said cautiously, "The mother-in-law is not willing to go to Sanhe with her son?"

Concubine Yuan Guifei said, "Do you know about the fact that Master Liu Ci is asking for help?"

Lin Yi hesitated and said, "My son only heard about it yesterday."

“Then how can I trust your uncle and your grandfather?”

Concubine Yuan Guifei asked.

 (End of this chapter)

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