I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 274: frozen age

Chapter 274: Frozen Age

Lin Yi sat down by the case in front of my mother, then filled the tea cup, pushed it in front of my mother and said, "Drink some tea first, I just want to have some in the morning.

Mother and concubine, please rest assured that as long as the son is alive, nothing will happen to the uncle's family. The son can guarantee this. "


Concubine Yuan Guifei did not take the tea, but still asked herself, "As the saying goes, the fox is sad when the rabbit dies, and the firewood sighs.

I and the Queen have never been at odds with each other, but when I think of Liu Cishi’s family and the Queen, I can’t sleep all night long. "

Lin Yi said with a smile, "The Yuan family is loyal to the father. Naturally, the father can trust them, so the mother and concubine don't have to worry too much."

Of course, if King Yong ascends the throne, it will be difficult to say.

  King Yong even wanted to kill him and would not give him face.

 So it is entirely possible to kill his maternal family and his entire family in the end.


Lin Ning also hurriedly spoke to comfort him, "Brother Huang is absolutely right. My father relies heavily on my grandfather and uncle, so don't think too much."

Concubine Yuan stood up, and with Lin Ning's support, she walked to the door of the camp. She looked at the tall walls of Ankang City under the sun in the distance, and sighed, "I only followed your maternal ancestors when I was young. After entering the palace, he never left the palace gate."

As he spoke, tears welled up in his eyes again.

 “Mother’s concubine.”

Lin Ning took out a handkerchief and wiped it with her.

Lin Yi gritted his teeth and said, "Don't worry, concubine, as long as there is a son here, concubine will definitely not be wronged when she goes south.

The son remembered that his mother-in-law once said that she once wanted to travel the world with a sword. When the world was peaceful, the son would arrange for her to take a good walk from south to north, from east to west, and see all the mountains and rivers in the world. "

Concubine Yuan Guifei said helplessly, "Those are just silly words from before. It's hard for you to remember them."

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Son, you take it seriously. What's more, your son is so filial and came all the way to pick you up. Don't put on such a showy face. This will hurt your son very much."

 “You are the only one who knows how to talk.”

Concubine Yuan Guifei gouged him out.

While the mother and son were talking, Hong Ying came over. Lin Yi knew that something was going on, so he said goodbye to Concubine Yuan Guifei. Accompanied by Hong Ying, he walked to a hill and watched the groups of people coming from the south. .

Wang Tuozi pointed to the big flag in the distance and said, "Your Majesty, that is the flag of King Yong."

Lin Yi said, "Is this the person who is taking King Yong out?"

Wang Tuozi said, "My lord, I don't know about this young man, but I saw him from a distance. The leader is Ye Jinyu, the saint of Jizhao'an."

“Grandma is such a bear, Jizhaoan really wants to get involved in everything,”

Lin Yi said helplessly, "Grandmaster, didn't you say that with all the arrows fired, we could make her stay away?

How about we give it a try? "

Ye Qiu said calmly, "Your Majesty, we don't have that many archers in Sanhe."

 “You think I don’t know?”

Lin Yi rolled his eyes at him, "Just tell the **** truth if you like."

He just wants to find someone to talk to.

 Ye Qiu sneered.

The flags of King Yong's army were getting closer and closer to Ankang City. Wang Tuozi suddenly pointed to the south gate of Ankang City and said, "Your Majesty, the city gate is open."

By the time Lin Yi looked over, the suspension bridge over the Juma River had already been lowered.

Then, he saw King Yong riding out of the city, followed by a man in plain clothes with a shiny bald head.

After King Yong joined the army, he also stood on his horse and looked towards Lin Yi.

Lin Yi had a feeling that the bald man was also looking at him.

Lin Yi said, "I'm afraid she is Jingyi."

Pan Duo said, "Your Majesty, he is Jingkuan, the head of Jizhao Temple."

Lin Yi snorted coldly, "It doesn't matter if she is Jingyi or Jingkuan, sooner or later, let her warm my bed."

“Your Majesty, it is said that she is over seventy years old.”

 Ye Qiu suddenly said coldly.

 “You talk a lot lately”

Lin Yi looked at him sharply.

 “Your Majesty, please calm down.”

Ye Qiu saw Hong Ying looking over and quickly lowered his head to admit his mistake.

Lin Yi saw that King Yong had no intention of leaving, so he got on the donkey and said with a smile, "Let's go and say hello to King Yong. As a man, you still have to be polite. He is my brother."

If Jing Kuan is really as powerful as the legend says, whether he goes or not, it is actually the same result.

Hong Ying hesitated for a moment, then held the reins in front, with Blind Man and Ye Qiu guarding him on the left and right. Behind him were three thousand cavalry who quickly assembled, spreading their wings and heading towards King Yong's army.

Yongwang’s soldiers and horses raised their bows. Yongwang waved his hands to the soldiers behind him and put away all their bows.

Han Long and others in Ankang City watched the confrontation between King Yong and King He. They couldn't help but be excited and excited. They almost shouted: Fight, you guys fight!

 “Third brother, it’s like not seeing you for one day, it’s like three autumns.”

Lin Yi was riding on the donkey, waving lazily towards King Yong and saying, "I didn't expect that my brother can come out today. I'm really happy and congratulated."

While speaking, he inadvertently glanced at the woman behind King Yong. Because of Wen Zhaoyi and the eldest princess, he was no longer surprised to see such a "frozen" girl again.

She is obviously an old lady. Not only does she not look old, she is also very beautiful.

 “I let my ninth brother down.”

King Yong said with sinister eyes.

“Brother, you are judging a gentleman’s heart with a villain’s heart,”

Lin Yi shook his head helplessly and said, "Brother, I hope my brother can come out the most.

 Otherwise, my younger brother will be bored without a rival.

 The longer the elder brother lives, the happier the younger brother will be.

Hey, who is this beautiful woman behind my brother?

 Won’t you make an introduction? "

 “He Wangye, I have heard about the famous name for a long time,”

The woman behind King Yong finally spoke. She hugged Fo Chen and bowed slightly towards Lin Yi and said, "Jing Kuan, a poor nun, is going to pay homage to the prince."

 “You’re welcome, you’re welcome,”

Lin Yi stared at Jing Kuan’s shining bald head and said with a smile, “Master Tai Chang is really smart. I don’t know where to become a monk and practice?”

King Yong scolded, "Be careful with your words!"

 Everyone behind him was shocked by King He's words!

How dare you be so frivolous in front of the Grand Master!

  But what is unexpected is that Jing Kuan did not get angry, and still had a gentle face. He saluted Lin Yi and said, "Your Majesty, you are joking."

"I am not joking. Master is as beautiful as a flower. It is a pity to become a monk and practice."

Lin Yi smiled on his face, but in fact he was very worried. If the other party suddenly attacked, would Hong Ying, Blind Man and others be able to withstand it?

 “He Wang, don’t go too far!”

King Yong said in a deep voice.

“Okay, let’s not say much more. I wish Third Brother a safe journey back to Yongzhou this time,”

Lin Yi cupped his hands and said, "When my brother has time, I will definitely go to Yongzhou to see my brother."

King Yong snorted coldly, "I hope you have this opportunity."

 “Brother, just wait.”

Lin Yi looked at King Yong who was riding away and Jing Kuan who was gradually walking away, and he breathed a long sigh of relief.

 (End of this chapter)

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