I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 295: Don't dare to calculate all the hexagrams

Chapter 295 Don’t dare to calculate all the hexagrams

 “I don’t have much hope in him,”

He Jixiang said very gratifiedly, "I am very relieved that he can live in peace in this life, marry a wife and have children."

 While the two were talking, the carriage had stopped steadily at He Wang's Mansion.

Hong Ying stood at the door. Hong An knelt down and kowtowed, "Disciple, please pay your respects to Master."

After Hong Ying nodded, he ignored her and looked directly at Xing Keshou and said, "Mr.

See you tomorrow. "

Xing Keshou said, "The manager is too polite, and I don't dare to keep the prince waiting for a long time. I just want the manager to prepare something for me first, and I wash up before I dare to go see the prince."

 The clothes are not neat and tidy, which is really a bit abrupt. "

After speaking, he straightened his already stooped waist and followed Hong Ying into the house.

Hong An stood at the door with all the officers and soldiers, motionless.

 She can't enter unless the master lets her in.

 This is the rule.

 If the rules are broken, the relationship between master and disciple will be gone.

 This is what Master said.

Wang Tuozi said, "Hong Baotou, come with me to the Chief Secretary's Yamen."

Hong An cupped his hands and said, "Thank you very much."

Wang Tuozi smiled and said, "Hong Captou, we are acquaintances, don't get so quarrelsome, otherwise I will be embarrassed."

He took the lead and walked in front. Halfway through, he looked at Tao Yingyi, who was riding a horse beside him, and said curiously, "Aren't you in Nanzhou?

 Why are you here? "

Tao Yingyi said, "This is Mr. Chen Desheng's intention. Now I am also a fast hunter, riding on the front and back of Hong's head.

However, I am still a bit confused. If Hong Patou comes to Wuzhou, who will go to Yongan? "

 I think back then, he was the first one to climb onto the top of Wulin City!

According to his merits, he should have no problem at all when he is appointed as the chief arrester of Yong'an Chief Secretary Yamen, right?

 At that time, one of the characters, if you think about it, he will still be very impressive!

 However, he didn't expect that he would come to Wuzhou and could only serve as Hong An's deputy.

Wang Tuozi seemed to have read through his mind and said with a smile, "Wang Dahai went to Yong'an a few days ago. Didn't you meet him on the way here?"

 “It turns out it’s him,”

Hearing that it was Wang Dahai, Tao Yingyi lowered his head and said with a forced smile, "Although he originally followed Zhang Mian, he is now close to General Shen Chu. The general may not be able to stay away from him."

 He can compare with others, certainly not Wang Dahai.

That guy is a seventh-grade man, he is really a ruthless person!

  In war, life is never spared.

Wang Tuozi pointed at his chest and said proudly as he walked, "Isn't there still me here?

I am now joining the army and following directly behind the general!

When we meet in the future, be careful what you say, or I won't be polite to you. "

 “Hmph, **** you, stop showing off in front of me to be real,”

Tao Yingyi said angrily, "Which of us doesn't know who the other is?"

 They are both from Yuezhou, so they appear to be closer than others.

 Lin Yi was sitting in the hall of He Wang's Mansion, holding a tea cup as a habit. When Xing Keshou entered the door, he knelt down and said, "Okay, I'm an old man. Stop fussing. Sit down and talk."

 “Don’t dare.”

Xing Keshu still knelt down and kowtowed three times respectfully.

Lin Yi looked at the gray hair, feeling a little unbearable, and waved his hand towards Xiao Xizi.

Xiao Xizi stepped forward, helped Xing Keshu to sit on a chair, waited for the servant to bring the tea, brought it to Xing Keshu himself, and then added a little charcoal to his heater.

 Xing Keshou said, "Thank you very much, father-in-law."

Xiao Xizi smiled and retreated behind Prince He.

Lin Yi said, "Then Peng Guishou, I really can't trust him, so I asked you to come over. It's a bit embarrassing for you."

Xing obeyed and said, "I dare not deceive the prince. I have known Peng Guishou for a long time.

In the twenty-seventh year of Yongguang's reign, he saw that the fourth prince could not do anything, so he devoted himself to assisting the emperor. Only then did he achieve such great achievements. In the prosperous land of Wuzhou, he served as the chief envoy for ten years!

 No one can shake it!

 It can be said to be a blessing of divine grace. "

Lin Yi said, “That’s why I cannot trust him.

The day I say something, he will have to sell me out for nothing? "

Xing Keshou said, "Your Majesty, I don't know something. This man has a gentle and courteous appearance. He will smile happily when talking to others, but he is wary of underhanded thieves.

  Since you are in a position of demanding power, you want others to be attached to you, and those who are slightly dissatisfied will often fall into trouble.

 There is a saying in ancient times that there is a knife in the turtle's smile.

 He is best at maneuvering, and his ability to adapt to the wind is second to none, but his loyalty may not be the same.

Now that the prince has achieved great success, I don’t think he will be half-hearted. "

Lin Yidao, "You mean that I will continue to use him?"

Xing abides by Dao, "I think that although he has selfish motives, he is indeed a talented person who can do business. Wuzhou has just been established and the people's sentiment is unstable. I think it is better to use it for good."

Lin Yi frowned and sighed, "Then keep it, but you still have the final say."

 Xing abides by Dao, "Yes."

Lin Yi said, "I will not hold a banquet today. You can have something to eat and rest quickly. If you have any questions, we will talk about it tomorrow."

 “Thank you, Your Majesty.”

 After Xing Keshu finished speaking, he carefully withdrew and went to the Chief Secretary's Yamen with He Jixiang.

This is not only the residence of the prince, but also the residence of the empress and princess. It is not convenient for them to stay for a long time to avoid collision.

 Including the blind man, everyone still lives in the Chief Secretary’s Yamen.

The blind man is sitting on the corridor in the backyard of the Yamen, holding it in his hands, feeling the snowflakes one after another.

The monk suddenly said, "Why don't you tell me your fortune?


 The blind man shook his head and said, "I dare not calculate all the hexagrams because I am afraid of the impermanence of heaven."

The monk sighed and said, "You just like to play aggressive."

 The blind man said with a smile, "To keep your nature intact when you are busy, you need to have a clear mind when you are free. You need to be calm when you are dead, and you need to be able to see through things when you are alive."

The monk asked, "Do you have to talk to me like this?"

 The blind man tilted his head and said, "Monk, I have already listened to you and did not kill her."

 “Okay, thank you very much.”

The monk said helplessly, "Blind man, my mind is so confused. I haven't meditated for two days."

 The blind man said, “Then follow your heart.

 You are not a real monk to begin with. "

The monk stood up and said, "You are talking nonsense again."

Without waiting for the blind man to speak, he went straight.

Hong An walked out of the corridor, looked at the monk's retreating figure, and said with a smile, "Brother Monk has moved my heart."

The blind man smiled and said, "He himself doesn't know the things that you all know. Maybe this is because the authorities are confused, but the onlookers are clear."

Hong An said, "Brother Monk is a good person."

 The blind man said, "Xie Xiaoqing is not necessarily a bad person.

 Hey, you are still young, why am I telling you this? "

 “Blind man, I am sixteen, not too young,”

Hong An smiled and said, "Don't treat me like a child anymore."

They both grew up together in Qidian Orphanage, and she always smiled more at him than others.

 “Yes, when you grow up and I get old, I always say some stupid things.”

 The blind man said calmly.

 “You are not much older than me.”

 Hong An was not in a good mood.

 (End of this chapter)

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