Chapter 296 Brothers

 The blind man shook his head and said, "I feel that your temper is different from before."

Hong An was always taciturn and inarticulate in his impression.

I didn’t expect that I would actually take the initiative to talk to someone now.

“Of course, I used to have a bad temper, but now I am suppressing my temper.”

Hong An crossed his arms and snorted coldly, "If it weren't for my incompetence, I would definitely let you try to see which one is harder, my hands or your mouth."

The blind man smiled and said, "Everyone who has a dream is great if you try hard enough. I hope that the girl will soon have a long sword across the nine fields and a high crown to touch the mysterious sky."

 At that time, whatever you say will be whatever it is, and I won’t dare to violate it. "

“The prince said, what you say is called poisonous chicken soup,”

Hong An knew he couldn't see, but couldn't help but roll his eyes at him, "The reason why I feed people chicken soup is because all the meat has been eaten by successful people like you, so you only give soup to others."

The blind man said, "I am telling the truth, but in ancient times, those who accomplished great things not only had extraordinary talents, but also must have perseverance.

 Girls need to be more diligent. "

 “You mean I’m not diligent enough?”

Hong An asked angrily.

"you misunderstood,"

 The blind man shook his head and changed the subject, "I mean you are lazy."


 Hong An’s face turned red with anger.

 The most irritating thing is that the other person can't see his face and doesn't know that he is angry!

“A horse has a journey of a thousand miles, but it cannot go without a rider.

 People have aspirations to reach the sky, and they cannot achieve it without luck."

The blind man was still minding his own business and said, "The only thing you and I have in common is that we are lucky enough to meet such talented people as the steward and the prince."

His parents died in the hurricane, and he was blind, so he was really alone.

 And Hong An's situation is not much better than his. Having parents is worse than not having them at all.

 Fortunately, neither of them had good luck. They both met the manager and the prince, who saved them from the sea of ​​suffering and gave them great fortune.

 “My luck has always been good.”

 After hearing what the blind man said, Hong An could not argue for a while.

 She had to admit that the blind man was right.

Without the steward and Prince He, she would probably have married young like many girls from poor families in Ankang City. At this moment, she should be carrying her children on her back to fetch water and wash clothes in the cold wind.

She could hardly imagine those dark days now.

 “It’s cold, go inside, don’t freeze.”

 The blind man smiled, turned around and left.

 “You are blind and I am a fool.”

Hong An stared blankly at his figure gradually submerging in the heavy snow and muttered to himself.

Standing at the Chief Secretary's Yamen was a slender young man, wearing a white fox fur shawl. He was completely unaware of the snow falling on his body. He still cupped his hands to Liu Kan who was guarding the door and said, "Kan Zai, you and I are brothers. , please pass it on to me, it’s a great kindness that I will never forget.”

“Ye Chen, didn’t you get enough beating last time?

If you call him out again this time, I'm really afraid that he will beat you to death. "

Liu Kan looked at the young man in front of him with helplessness.

 This is Ye Chen, Ye Qiu’s younger brother.

Although the Ye family has a large business and is considered a wealthy family in Baiyun City, the Liu family cannot compare with them.

But they are all from Baiyun City, and they never look up when they look down. Unlike the arrogant Ye Qiu, Ye Chen is humble and treats ordinary people like Liu Kan sincerely.

 So, the relationship between the two has been barely acceptable.

At this moment, Liu Kan sincerely tried to persuade him and wanted to shout, "Don't come here to beat me. Your brother is really no joke!"


Ye Chen still insisted, "Kan Zai, I know this, I'll help you."

“Hey, I don’t know why your two brothers are here, but if you insist on seeing them, there’s nothing I can do about it.”

Liu Kan patted the snow on his body and said, "I don't ask you to repay the favor. I just hope it doesn't involve me."

He remembered that the last time Jiang Qiu went to communicate, his mouth was swollen for seven or eight days because he talked too much.

At this moment, with the determination to "die", he strode into the Yamen. After turning left and right, he walked to the door of Ye Qiu's wing.

I knocked on the door several times. Suddenly the door opened a crack and I found that it was only ajar.

Just when he was about to bravely open the door and go in to take a look, there were footsteps behind him.

He bravely turned around and saw that it was Hong An. He let out a sigh of relief, patted his chest and said, "It turns out to be you. It scared me to death."

Hong An smiled and said, "If it's Ye Qiu, he walks silently. He doesn't want you to notice, and you can't."

Liu Kan smiled and said, "Yeah, I didn't expect this."

Hong An said, "What are you trying to do in a sneaky way?"

Liu Kan said angrily, "What do you mean by being sneaky?

I just knocked on the door and found no one, so I wanted to go in and take a look. "

Hong An said, "If there is someone in the house, you don't need to knock on the door."

 “Okay, you’re right,”

Liu Kan sighed. With Ye Qiu's skill, he could feel his every move from a long distance away, "Then do you know where he went?"

Hong An was about to speak when he suddenly frowned and walked away.

When Liu Kan was curious about what was going on, he suddenly felt that the air was suffocating and seemed to be colder than before.

Turning his head to the side, he saw the person he was looking for but suddenly didn't dare to face at this moment.

 “Are you looking for me?”

 Ye Qiu said calmly with his hands behind his back.


Liu Kan gritted his teeth and said, "No, someone is looking for you at the door. I just want to send you a message."

Without waiting for Ye Qiu's reply, he ran away without looking back.

Staying in front of such a person for any longer is torture. He is really afraid that he is going crazy.

 He ran to the door panting heavily and found that Ye Chen was no longer there.

  Earlier, you vowed not to leave until you see your brother, but now there is no trace of him?

Isn’t this just a trick?

What if Ye Qiu couldn't see anyone when he turned around and blamed himself?

The guard next to me, Sun Tai, whispered, "Ye Qiu came over just now and took Ye Chen away."

"Oh I got it."

 Thinking of Ye Qiu's terrifying Qinggong, Liu Kan suddenly realized.

No matter how fast you run, it's not as good as someone else jumping.

 Since Ye Chen was taken away by Ye Qiu, he could only mourn for Ye Chen in his heart.

 After all, he couldn’t help even if he wanted to!

Ye Chen inadvertently had his brother lift his collar from behind. Because of his extremely fast speed, the originally light snowflakes hit his face, which was as painful as a knife.

 He endured the pain without making a sound.

Fortunately, it didn't take long before he felt the wind and snow slowly decreasing in front of him, and with a pop, he was thrown directly to the ground.

Standing up unsteadily, he instinctively touched his face with his hand, and found ice shards. He carefully peeled it off, and it turned out to be made of his own blood.

 (End of this chapter)

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