I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 299: miserable man

Chapter 299 The Poor Man

 After it became completely dark, the snow began to drift again.

The road is eerily quiet, and the occasional owl’s cry can make people’s hair stand on end.

He Hong, who had just been promoted to the commander of the palace guards, said cautiously, "Your Majesty, it's cold outside, why don't you go inside?"

Lin Yi smiled and said, "This talent is nothing compared to Ankang City.

 I have forgotten where you are from? "

He Hongdao said, "Returning to the prince, the villain and Pan Duo are from the same hometown. Their home is in Yongzhou, and they are not more than fifty miles apart."

 “Is there anyone else at home?”

Lin Yi asked repeatedly.

He Hongdao said, "My parents died young, and I have a younger sister at home. I received Sanhe two years ago, and now I have married and started a business in Sanhe."

 This is Shen Chu's request.

 And the people around the prince must not leave any clues to anyone.

 “Yet you are still an old bachelor,”

Lin Yi said jokingly, "I don't have anything you need to guard here. If you need to look for me, just look for my mother-in-law. Don't delay yourself."

He Hongdao said, "I understand the humble position."

Lin Yi then asked, "Has anything interesting happened in the city recently?"

He Hong pondered for a while and said, "Actually, what happened the next night was that Ye Qiu's younger brother Ye Chen waited at the Chief Secretary's Yamen all afternoon before Ye Qiu came out.

After learning that the Ye family was robbed by water bandits from Yong'an Wuhu, he was very angry. He healed Ye Chen's injuries. He just went to the manager to ask for leave and went directly to Wuhu to find the Ye family's enemies. "

Lin Yi smiled and said, "This guy still has some conscience, but he is not as cold-blooded as expected."

The reason why he has never trusted Ye Qiu is that this guy has no "human touch". Even the most beautiful girl wants to sacrifice her flesh and blood to the sword to stabilize its heart.

At this moment, I heard that Ye Qiu was willing to stand up for his family. Instead of blaming him for being unruly, he was actually a little relieved.

He Hongdao, "Another thing is that as soon as Hong An and Tao Yingyi entered the Yamen, they borrowed officers and soldiers from the guard station and started patrolling the streets, killing three people in the street."

Lin Yi sighed, "In troubled times, you should use heavy codes, but it doesn't mean anything."

He was surprised that he had become so hard-hearted now that he could no longer care about dead people.

 A normal mind.

 Is it because I’ve seen too much?

 After nightfall, I drank some wine and fell asleep peacefully.

 The Chief Secretary’s Yamen is still brightly lit.

 Xing Keshou and Peng Guishou, who had just arrived at Jinling City, sat looking at each other.

Xing Keshu picked up the warmed wine, and Peng Guishou quickly stood up, picked up the wine glass, and kept saying, "Don't dare, don't dare."

Xing Keshou smiled and said, "If I count on my fingers, I haven't seen you and I for more than twenty years. Why should Mr. Peng be so polite when we meet old friends?"

Peng Guishou sighed, "I don't dare."

Xing Keshu shook his head and said, "Mr. Peng, has he forgotten that I am still guilty?

 The career of an official is full of laughter and sorrow. Yesterday's glory is today's decline.

 It turns like an autumn leaf with no fixed place, and it lasts longer than a spring dream. "

 “Your Excellency is too modest,”

Peng Guishou and Xing Keshou raised their glasses, drank it down in one gulp, and said with a smile, "Now you are someone close to the prince, everyone knows about it."

Xing Keshou smiled and said, "Master Peng, you are a smart man, why do you need to say polite words to me?"

After hearing this, Peng Guishou drank the wine in his glass again and sneered, "I have been in court for decades, avoiding tigers in the morning and snakes in the evening.

 It grinds its teeth and **** blood, killing people like hemp.

 Master Xing, what do you think I should do in front of you? "

“The rats in the official warehouse are as big as a bucket, and they won’t leave even if someone opens the warehouse.

 The healthy children have no food and the people are hungry. Who will send the king to the king's mouth?

The world has been corrupted to this point. Is there any good destination left for Mr. Peng? "

Xing Jieshou snorted coldly, "If Mr. Peng is willing, he can naturally climb the Qingyun Ladder."

 “Why do you want Master Xing to teach me?”

Peng Guishou stroked his beard without any politeness. He was no longer as cautious as before.

 “The prince now occupies the land of eight states,”

Xing Keshu raised his cup again and said, "Master Peng is so arrogant and conciliatory, how can he be trusted?"

After speaking, he took out a piece of paper from his pocket and threw it directly on the table.

Peng Guishou did not unfold the note, but his face was already livid at this moment.

“Master Peng is indeed a good man.”

Xing Keshou also admired Peng Guishou very much. Among the Chief Secretary's Yamen who were full of masters, he could still pass the news to the outside world.

If Pando hadn't discovered it in time, this note might have entered the palace by now.

"The matter has come to this, and I have no choice but to take this step. I hope Mr. Xing will understand me."

Peng Guishou sighed and said, "I wonder how Mr. Xing should deal with this official?"

Xing Keshou shook his head and said, "Master Peng, don't you still understand what I mean?

  Why do I tell you so much? "

Peng Guishou said, "I am already so old and have no regard for life or death. I just ask you to be kind to the prince and spare my wife, children and young children, and leave a lasting legacy for the Peng family."

Xing Keshou smiled and said, "The prince is kind to you. Even if Mr. Peng wants to retire and return to his hometown, the prince will not make things difficult for you."

“I still have some energy left, and I am willing to serve the prince till my death.”

Peng Guishou naturally would not believe what he said.

According to the current situation, it is really possible that he and his family will be imprisoned for life.

 At present we have to compromise.

 “From now on, I and you will support each other.”

 Xing Keshou laughed happily.

Afterwards, the two continued to drink and reminisce about the past.

 At night.

Hong An, who had been running all the way here, still didn’t feel sleepy. He sat on the rockery and saw Fang Pi approaching, and said expressionlessly, "Why aren't you sleeping yet?"

Fang Pi smiled and said, "I heard you were coming, so I came to see you."

Hong An said angrily, "Your kung fu still hasn't improved, so why do you dare to still be like this?"

"Who said that!"

Fang Pi blushed and said, "My Qinggong is almost catching up with Wang Tuozi!"

 “There is no truth in your mouth,”

Hong An said disdainfully, "I can't even catch up with Wang Tuozi's lightness skills."

 “It’s becoming more and more boring to talk to you.”

After Fang Pi finished speaking, he immediately disappeared into the darkness.

As soon as he opened the door of his room, he saw Pando sitting inside.

 “I know you want to drink.”

Pando said with a smile.

“How dare you peek,”

Fang Pi said angrily, "The blind man's room is next to it. If he finds it, you will definitely get nothing good."

 “Are you jealous of him?”

Pando asked while pouring wine for him.

 “It’s just my fault that I am incompetent, what does it have to do with others.”

 Fang Pi poured the wine directly into his throat.

Pando patted him on the shoulder and said, "A man, why worry about not having a wife?

 Just relax your mind. "

 “What are you talking about?”

Fang Pi said unhappy, "You don't have a wife yourself, how can you have the dignity to talk to me?"

 Lie in bed and ignore Pando.

Pando shook his head, closed the door, and left directly.

 The heavy snow outside is still flying all over the sky.

 (End of this chapter)

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