Chapter 300 Saibei

As soon as he reached the pavilion, he saw Tao Yingyi warming wine on the stove.

Tao Yingyi was shirtless, holding wine in one hand and chopsticks in the other, chewing peanuts in his mouth. He waved to Pan Duo and said, "Brother Pan, if I remember correctly, we should be from the same hometown. Come and have a drink." a little."

His hometown is in the north of Yongzhou, and he and Pando are not from the same place. However, Saibei has been a family since ancient times, and their language and customs are almost the same, so in a true sense, they are indeed from the same hometown.

 “Thank you very much.”

Pando hesitated for a moment, then sat directly on the chair next to him, took the wine glass, drank three glasses in a row, and then also took off his outer gown.

Stretched out his big hand like a cattail leaf fan, leaned down and grabbed a handful of snow on the ground, and wiped it on his majestic body, not afraid of the cold at all.

"Ha ha,"

Tao Yingyi laughed, gave a thumbs up and said, "Brother, after staying in the Southland for so many years, I still retain the pride of the Northland!

admire! "

He could feel that Pan Duo, who was a ninth-grade man, did not use his true energy to keep out the cold, but relied on his physical body to hold himself up.

“The coldness in Jinling City is also limited,”

Pando took another sip of wine and said with a smile, "In our hometown, the snow is buried up to the neck, which is really cold. When you go out to relieve yourself, you have to use a stick."


Tao Yingyi said with emotion, “In the middle of winter, I still go to the mountains to hunt and go down to the river to cut ice and fish.

  It would be really happy to think about it, but unfortunately later the Wadan people came and they had to leave their hometown and flee everywhere.

 Hands of calculation, I haven’t been back for more than ten years.

If one day the prince can fight back to Saibei, I will not be a policeman. I will fight with a bunch of street gangsters all day long, which is really useless.

If you want to do it, you must be a vanguard. If Saibei is recovered, you will disband and return to the fields. You will die in Saibei and never come out again. This southern land is not a place for humans. Where can we find such a corner! "

Pan Duo smiled and said, "That's what I have in mind, and I want to marry a woman from Saibei!

I don’t care about these pretty girls from the south.

 Going back, I can earn at least two bucks from this pile, so I won’t starve to death, right? "

 After a few glasses of wine, he suddenly opened his mind.

  He didn’t even know that he hadn’t chatted like this with anyone for how many years.

 He was originally a handsome young man who loved to talk and laugh.

 “Brother, it’s all the truth,”

Tao Yingyi burped from wine, touched his bald head, looked around, and sneered in a low voice, "We girls in Saibei, if we say we like it, we like it, and if we don't like it, we don't like it.

Unlike them, they are really capable, but they are not very fluent in speaking and doing things. Their intestines are twisted and twisted, and outsiders feel tired when they look at them. "

 “You also know about them?”

Pando was surprised.

 “Everyone is not a fool, who can’t see it?”

Tao Yingyi threw another peanut into his mouth and said while chewing, "They are the only ones who think that everyone doesn't know. They act coy all day long and don't look like children of the world at all."

Who doesn’t know what this little girl Hong An is thinking?

 It’s just that everyone doesn’t understand her vision.

 No matter how skilled a blind man is, he is still blind.

Pan Duo smiled and said, "But I can tell who is a hero and who is a good man.

 Fangpi is really good. "

Tao Yingyi asked curiously, "Even if this is the case, are you still a good man?"

 “Because he has a big heart, even if he loses, he doesn’t complain.”

Pan Duo did not wait for Tao Yingyi to pour the wine, but drank by himself and said, "I told the prince that people who have no ambition, whether they are poor or rich, are inferior people and cannot be considered heroes."

Tao Yingyi smacked his lips and said, "Don't say it, it's really reasonable."

 I say so, but in fact I don’t think so.

How could their prince have the nerve to say such a thing?

 In fact, the one who is the most heartless is He Wangye!

 Small belly chicken intestines!

 This is almost universally known in Sanhe.

 However, even if he and Pando were alone in front of him at this moment, he did not have the courage to say it.

 In the Chief Secretary's Yamen, there are too many people who are willing to listen to the wind, so we must not look for trouble.

As long as a little bit of news reaches the ears of the general manager, he will die or lose his skin.

The two of them were drinking and chatting, and before they knew it, they had finished a large jar of wine.

Pan Duo stood up and cupped his hands and said, "Next time I'm hosting, I'll greet Ho Hong. We who came from the North can have another drink."


Tao Yingyi watched Pan Duo go away.

Then he put on his clothes and walked out of the Chief Secretary's Yamen. He shouted to the officers and soldiers waiting at the door, "Let's go."

We just arrived at Jinling City today.

  I’m tired from traveling all the way, but I can’t get a moment’s rest.

 According to He Jixiang's words, it is urgent to improve the security of Jinling City.

Although the officers and soldiers of Sanhe are very capable, when it comes to detecting thieves and suppressing bandits, they are the most professional police officers.

 This is what is called specialization in a profession.

The Jinling City policemen, who had been assembled for less than three hours, each held a torch, and a fire dragon circled the streets and alleys of Jinling City.

 Occasionally they will encounter some beggars and homeless people huddled in the temple, at the corner gate, or under the red wall.

At this time, they would stop and try to breathe one by one, then throw the frozen and hard bodies into the carriage behind them, waiting to be taken to the outside of the city for burial tomorrow.

As for those who were still breathing, they were sent directly to the hospital, where they were put under a machete and the doctor who opened the door yawning did not dare to complain.

Of course, they have nothing to complain about. After all, the Chief Secretary’s Yamen has left money, and it is quite sufficient.

 This is the advantage of "Southern Barbarians".

The only thing I can complain about is that I don’t get any rest.

“There are quite a lot of dead people. In a short while, there will be sixteen of them, right?”

Tao Yingyi looked at the carriage piled with corpses behind him and sighed, "It's cold in the twelfth lunar month. The soil is frozen, making it difficult to dig a hole."

  Cannot help but feel a sense of compassion.

It’s really not easy to survive these days.

 Some people are really hungry and have no way to survive, so they have to climb over the wall to enter their homes.

 After that, when he encountered petty thieves along the way, he just let them go.

The sky has the virtue of good life, and he is not willing to do things so absolutely.

Du Mazi, who was walking side by side with Tao Yingyi, had been shrinking his neck from the cold. At this moment, he said angrily, "If you do this, you can't explain it to Mr. Xing later?"

“If you really want to chop their heads off, I can’t do it. As I said, as long as they haven’t hurt anyone, let them go. If anything happens, I’ll take full responsibility for it.”

After Tao Yingyi finished speaking, he looked at Du Mazi again and asked curiously, "You and You Mazi are both called Mazi. Are you related?"

 “Fuck your mother!

His surname is You, and I have many surnames! "

He is an officer and soldier who was seconded by Tao Yingyi. He has no superior-subordinate relationship with Tao Yingyi, so his words are naturally rude.

 (End of this chapter)

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