I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 301: Concubine Yuan Guifei's Ambition

Chapter 301 Concubine Yuan’s Ambition

Tao Yingyi smiled and said, "Hey, I remembered, your real name is Duo Hong."

Tamazi said angrily, "You're just asking questions knowingly and looking for trouble."

 Like You Mazi, he was nicknamed just because of the pockmarks on his face.

 Over time, almost no one can remember their real names.

 In fact, it is not just the two of them who are like this, but also everyone else, including Zhu Zhurong, the butcher Jiang, and Li Sanniang. Only a few of them know their real names.

Tao Yingyi joked, "This is a good surname. From now on, your son can be called Duo Cai, Duo Fu, Duo Yu, and your daughter can be called Duo Mei, Duo Mei."

Domazi shook the pockmarks on his face and retorted, "Get out!

 Stop talking nonsense with me. "

The two were riding horses, bickering all the way, and the people around them couldn't help but laugh.

On the day when the snow stopped, the weather cleared up and the ice and snow slowly melted.

On New Year’s Eve, except for the howling cold wind, there was no snow at all.

This New Year's Eve, Lin Yi was not alone after all, and he was very happy.

He asked Ming Yue to take care of the kitchen, make sure it is as rich as possible, and make sure to satisfy my mother.

 When I turned on the lamp, there were fireworks outside.

The living room was brightly lit, and Concubine Yuan Guifei, who was sitting on the main seat, frowned while looking at the dishes on the table.

Lin Yi said carefully, "Old lady, you are still unhappy after these days. If anything happens, just say it. My son will definitely satisfy you."

Concubine Yuan Guifei shook her head and said, "This is already very good. There's nothing wrong with it. I heard that some people's families don't even have food to eat, and how many of them starve to death."

 The people can carry a boat, but they can also overturn it. My son, you must not be careless. "

Lin Yi was a little confused after hearing this. Why did he suddenly talk about people's livelihood?

Isn't this his mother's temperament?

 “Old lady, my son is wise and mighty, so he is naturally what the people want,”

 Lin Yi peeled the shrimp for her as he spoke, "This prawn was specially sent from the sea at my son's command. It was still alive and fresh when it arrived."

"You child, you are too troublesome. You have wasted people and money, been extravagant and licentious, and lost the support of the people. I'm afraid your days will not last long."

Concubine Yuan Guifei sighed, "The examples from the previous dynasty still exist, you must be on guard against them."

“My father is diligent and caring for the people, but isn’t the world now in a state of chaos?”

Lin Yi smiled and said, "If your son doesn't even cherish himself, how can you expect your son to love everyone in the world?"

He was really aggrieved for his father, who worked all year round and was more diligent than a nine-ninety-six-year-old worker. In the end, all the people complained and the world was corrupted.

Concubine Yuan Guifei said helplessly, "You are still full of lies."

  After drinking some wine and eating something with Lin Yi and Lin Ning, they went back to the house to rest with the help of the maid.

Lin Yi looked at Lin Ning and said, "What happened to this old lady today?"

Lin Ning covered her mouth and smiled and said, "My mother-in-law read the "Family of Relatives" in "The Legend of the Fierce Girl" today, especially the page about Queen Ruicheng and recited it twice. She probably had some feelings about it."

 “This old lady.”

Lin Yi couldn't laugh or cry, "This is because I want to imitate Queen Ruicheng's training."

Lin Ning smiled and said, "You know the temperament of my mother-in-law, and you will probably forget about it tomorrow."

Lin Yi smiled bitterly, "I'm so stressed."

His mother expects him to be the emperor for eternity!

 On the morning of the first day of the Lunar New Year, although the weather was cold and gloomy, the sun came out early.

Lin Yi was about to take people out of the city to chase rabbits, but got news that Song Cheng had returned with Luo Han and Yu Xiaochun.

 “Let them in.”

As soon as Lin Yi entered the living room, he saw three people kneeling on the ground.

 “The prince is a thousand years old!”

Three people banged and banged their heads three times.

 “Get up, sit down,”

Lin Yi looked at one of Yu Xiaochun's empty sleeves and sighed, "Serve tea."

 “Thank you, Your Majesty.”

 Three people stood up, but no one sat down.

Seeing this, Lin Yi didn't force it and just asked, "I heard that you guys came out of Ankang City a few days ago. Why did it take so long?"

Song Cheng said, "There were secret guards and imperial guards chasing us all the way. Fortunately, the Pan Duo brothers helped us. The three of us left Ankang City, Dong Duo Tibet and entered Wuzhou. They retreated after encountering Ma Gui's soldiers and horses. "

 “These people are too arrogant,”

Lin Yi suddenly asked curiously, "Did you really blow up the palace? Let them chase after you?"

Song Cheng said with a sneer, "Your Highness, the villain, Pan Duo and others have tried their best to bury the explosives all the way from the palace. There were indeed quite a lot of them. They were afraid of disturbing the situation, so they didn't dare to dig them out anymore. Just wait until it rains.

Unexpectedly, it was rather unlucky. On the fifth day after the prince left, a flood broke out in the Jingying camp, and the explosives were detonated directly, causing over a hundred casualties.

The porters lurking in the Beijing camp were timid by nature and were afraid of implicating themselves, so they fled overnight. This alerted the secret guards, who followed the clues and pursued him.

 I just escaped in embarrassment, and then I was chased all the way. "

 “I must be very angry,”

Lin Yi rubbed his brows and said, "This is a big basket."

Pan Duo knelt down and said, "He Jin's palace was purged of spies, and more than a hundred people were killed in the battle. Zhou Sucheng, the general of the Beijing camp, was beheaded in public, and was demoted to Sichuan Province. Yin Wentai, the governor of Ankang City, promoted him to the governor of Sichuan Province and military admiral. "

Lin Yi waved his hand and said, "Get up, it's not your fault in the first place."

It was his own idea to plant explosives in Ankang City, and no one else was to blame.

As Song Cheng said, it is difficult enough to bury explosives, and it is even more difficult to take them out.

 “They are all incompetent!”

 Song Cheng knelt down again.

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Okay, just come back. Whether you want to continue doing business or join the army, you can choose for yourself."

Song Chengdao said, "Everything will be subject to the prince's arrangements."

Lin Yi pondered for a while and said, "Then let's continue doing business. Jinling City and Wulin City are both my territory. Doing business is naturally much more convenient than Ankang City. If I can't make any more money, I will really lose it." I know what else to say.”

 “Thank you, Your Majesty for your grace!”

 Song Cheng lowered his head in shame.

 If he can't make money as an official or businessman, he really won't be worthy of doing business in the future.

Lin Yi said to Yu Xiaochun, "How is your injury?"

Yu Xiaochun said expressionlessly, "To tell you what the prince is saying, it's just that I lost one hand, it's not a serious problem."

 “Hey, if I saw it, I would faint immediately.”

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Don't stay in Jinling City. Come back to Sanhe to cultivate yourself."

Yu Xiaochun shook his head and said, "Your Majesty, I have sworn that as long as there is one secret guard left, I will not return home for a day."


Lin Yi did not continue to persuade, and just said to Pan Duo, "In the future, if something goes wrong under your hands, I will take it upon you."


Pando was complaining in his heart, but he couldn't refuse.

 (End of this chapter)

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