Chapter 32 Ye Jinyu

Feeling a little helpless, his uncle Weng Shanqi is the censor of the fourth rank Youqiandu!

The man in front of me dares to curse so openly, his official rank must not be too low, right?

 Hence, he was extra careful when speaking.


Lin Yi said angrily, "No wonder I don't like you. It turns out you are a relative of that old guy Shanqi!"

Whenever he does something big, Shanqi will take the trouble to give the emperor some trouble to find out what happened to him!

Like a fly, staring at him and biting him is annoying.


 The good cause is directly confused.

It is unclear what the uncle Weng and the festival in front of him.

Lin Yi turned around and said, "Three Jinshi in one school, nine talents in one lane, your literary talent must be good. I'll give you a chance. If you can write a poem in three steps, I'll spare you for today!"

 “Sir, I am a fourth Jinshi”

After Shan Yin corrected him, he smiled bitterly and said, "I have been practicing martial arts since I was a child, and I only know a little bit about writing. It is really difficult for me to write poetry."

Writing poetry is okay, but there are three steps to a poem...

 “You’re the only one with a scholarly family background?” Lin Yi said disdainfully.

“Your Majesty, you have misunderstood,” Shan Yin explained hurriedly. “My uncle and three uncles are literary scholars. From my grandfather to my father, nine of them are martial arts scholars!”

 “Wuju people?”

Lin Yi did not expect this at all. He smiled and said, "So, you are a martial arts scholar?"

"I don't dare, I'm planning on taking the exam." Shan Yin said with confidence.

"You're such a coward, and you still take the martial arts test," Lin Yi pointed at Hong Ying and said, "You can't even beat him, so you should take a break as soon as possible."

What he most admired about Hong Ying was that he was very good at shooting birds with his embroidery needle. He never expected that he could hit people with such accuracy, and he could even tap on people's acupuncture points.

 It seems that my decision to let him practice embroidery needles was a wise one!

 “I am nineteen this year, already in the seventh grade!”

 There is an age limit for the martial arts examination, and the applicant must not be over 25 years old.

 There are very few people in the world who can break through the seventh level before the age of twenty-five!

 The only ones he knew were those few people.

Some of them will definitely not compete with him, such as the princess of Huaiyang in the palace who is known as the most talented woman in the world.

Furthermore, the martial arts examiners not only take the test of martial arts, but also the skills of bow and horse, and the literary skills in the field are also necessary.

He was educated at home since he was a child, and he was confident that it would be no problem to pass the martial arts examination.

However, he is now mired in self-doubt.

He glanced at Hong Ying and couldn't feel the breath of this man at all.

You're not even twenty-five, are you?

 “Bah, the seventh grade is amazing.”

Lin Yi is very proud that his sister is the seventh grade.

 After saying that, he stopped talking to Shankar and just looked at the woman and said, "Beauty, this kind of deceitful person, I support you with both hands to chop him down."

 “Who are you?”

The woman also discovered something unusual about Lin Yi. He was definitely not an ordinary official's son.

 Otherwise, how could you possibly have the ability to bring such a master around?

 His eyes unconsciously glanced at Wen Zhaoyi, who was holding the child.

She knows her own abilities, how could an ordinary person subdue her with just one move?

 “Easy to say” Lin Yi winked at Hong Ying proudly.

Hong Ying stood up in time and said loudly, "This is the current Ninth Prince, the Lord of Sanhe, and Prince He!"

 “Greetings to Prince He!”

Shan Yin's whole body was tied up, and he instinctively wanted to kneel down, but he suddenly fell to the ground. It was very difficult to get up.

“So you are the King He who is called the ‘weird’ one,” the woman snorted and said disdainfully, “It’s better to see once than to hear a hundred times.”

Lin Yi's face suddenly fell.

 He can't accept a woman looking down on her!

 “That’s disrespectful, you deserve to die!”

Mingyue stepped forward and slapped the woman twice without hesitation.


 The woman bit the corner of her mouth that was bleeding, with a look of disbelief on her face.

 “Hey, why bother.”

Lin Yi sighed and said, "Back off, don't be rough with the beautiful woman, it's not good."


Mingyue bowed and retreated.

Lin Yi spread his hands and said, "If you talk nicely, won't everything be fine for everyone?

Don’t you know that sweet words keep me warm for three winters, but harsh words hurt others and keep me cold for six months?

 Learning to speak is very important. "

 “It’s exactly what the prince said!”

   Shan Yin quickly praised him.

"As for you, I won't embarrass you any more. Go away quickly. If this woman catches up with you, you won't be able to beat her."

 After Lin Yi finished speaking, the two guards were untied by Shan Yin.

 “Thank you, Your Majesty.”

After Shan Yin finished speaking, he glanced at the woman and disappeared into the dense forest.

Lin Yi said to the woman, "Can I ask for your name?"

The woman snorted coldly and pretended not to hear.

Lin Yi was helpless, it was too disrespectful.

Wen Zhaoyi suddenly sighed and said, "The saintess of Jizhao'an has fallen to such a low level."

Hearing this, the woman's face changed drastically and she asked, "Who are you?"

Wen Zhaoyi smiled lightly and said, "Master Jingyi is okay. I count on my fingers and I haven't seen her for more than fifty years."

 “What is your relationship with your tutor?”

 The woman couldn’t believe it.

 Looking at Wen Zhaoyi's appearance, she is still a little girl at best. How could she be related to her master?

Wen Zhaoyi smiled and said, "If I remember correctly, the move you just performed is called Three Body of the Moon, and it is the superior technique of your Jizhao Temple.

It’s a pity that you can’t get home yet.

When your master was your age, even if he used the most common trick to get past a girl's heart, he could hardly meet his opponent. "

The woman said proudly, "My teacher is naturally extremely talented, how can he be compared to ordinary people!"

Wen Zhaoyi smiled and said, "What's your name?"

 The woman hesitated and said, "Ye Jinyu."

Wen Zhaoyi said, "It's a good name. For your master's sake, you can leave."

 Shen Chu and Song Cheng both looked at Lin Yi, and Lin Yi waved his hands towards them.

"Thank you very much," Ye Jinyu stood up and looked at the beautiful woman, who did not show her age. He didn't know how to address her for a moment, so he cupped his hands and said, "Goodbye!"

 He turned around and left.

Lin Yi looked at the woman's back and said unwillingly, "Just let her go?"

He really wants to experience what it's like to be a dandy and tease a good girl!

 Not to mention she is a so-called saint!

Wen Zhaoyi smiled and said, "If you beat the younger one, aren't you afraid of attracting the older one?"


Lin Yi asked curiously, "Very powerful?"

Wen Zhaoyi nodded and said, "Of course."

Lin Yidao, "I am the prince, what can you do to me?"

Wen Zhaoyi smiled and said, "Even if your father sees her, he must be polite."


Lin Yi thought she was joking.

 The emperor must show courtesy when meeting martial arts masters?

Wen Zhaoyi smiled and said, "There are not many great masters in the world, and she is one of them."

Lin Yi sneered and said, "You can't beat me?"

 He has no idea about the level of martial arts.

Wen Zhaoyi shook his head and said, "She may not be able to defeat me."

Lin Yi asked curiously, "How many masters are there in this bullshit?"

“It used to be seven,” Wen Zhaoyi glanced at Hong Ying playfully and said slowly, “There will be an eighth soon.”

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 (End of this chapter)

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