Chapter 33 Duel

Lin Yi peeled off an orange, threw it into his mouth, and muttered, "Are you a grandmaster too?"

Hong Ying, who was standing not far away, suddenly had his ears pricked up.

 Including Song Cheng, Luo Han, Shen Chu and others, everyone held their breath and kept their voices low.

Except Hong Ying, no one knows the origin of this woman who suddenly appeared, but her kung fu seems to be very high and unfathomable.

Wen Zhaoyi just lowered her head and looked at the sleeping child in her arms, and said with waning interest, "I was already here thirty years ago."

 Thirty years ago!

Except for Lin Yi and Hong Ying, everyone present was shocked.

 Grand Master!

 He is indeed a great master!

Even though I had expected it, hearing it with my own ears now is still a different feeling.

 And they discovered that she had changed her name.

 At this age, it is completely invisible!

 No wonder their prince calls him sister at one time and grandma at another.

 “Can a great master live forever?”

Lin Yi took a closer look at her flawless face.

 “Do you think you are a god?”

Wen Zhaoyi asked rhetorically.

“Can the great master turn over mountains and seas and swallow up the sun and the moon with just a raise of his hand?”

Lin Yi asked again.

“Of course I can’t do it. It’s easier than ordinary people to cross mountains and ridges.”

Wen Zhaoyi's face gradually became worried.

 “If one is worth ten thousand, ten thousand will be invincible?”

Lin Yi finished the last orange segment nonchalantly.

“What makes you a great master?

 Do you think you are writing a novel? "

Wen Zhaoyi was so angry that his teeth itched.

"That's nothing. It's just that the body is better than ordinary people, and the martial arts is higher than ordinary people."

Lin Yi was finally relieved. The Grand Master was not a deity with boundless magic power, nor was he a cultivator who was still in vain. He could not defeat ten thousand people with one person.

 It can be beaten to death!

 At that time, whoever dares to offend him and cannot gather 10,000 people, he will improve the cannon!

 Bomb him to death!

 Let’s see whether you are good at martial arts or I’m the one who fired the cannon!

 “Ignorant fool!”

Wen Zhaoyi waved his sleeves and walked away.

Everyone looked at Wen Zhaoyi's retreating figure, and then looked at Prince He in front of them.

 The feeling of admiration arises spontaneously.

Their prince is probably the only one in the world who dares to talk to the Grand Master like this!

 Only Hong Ying smiled and cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty is wise."

 “Your Majesty is wise!”

Arhat hurriedly followed and added a sentence.

Lin Yi got into the carriage proudly and started on the road again.

 The episode that just happened was quickly forgotten.

Sitting on the bumpy carriage, yawning profusely but still unable to sleep, he opened the curtains and said to Mingyue, who was riding a horse outside, "I didn't notice, you have been quite irritable recently.

 If you say you hit someone, hit them. "

 Is menopause coming soon?

Mingyue said, "Being disrespectful to the prince is naturally a death penalty. The prince is compassionate, which is also the fate of this bitch."

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Don't curse, it's not good."

Ming Yue said, "I know my crime."

Lin Yi sighed and retracted his head from the car window.

 The two maids beside him chatted to death.

 Zixia jumped on the carriage and brought him a cup of hot tea. He drank it and lay down in the carriage with his eyes closed to relax.

The sun sets, and the glow gradually fades into the twilight.

The further you go to the top of the mountain, the cooler it becomes.

Lin Yi got out of the carriage and sat on the donkey, feeling the rare cool breeze.

 The birds in the woods startled.

When Lin Yi was confused, a big man wrapped in tiger skin jumped out from the forest and shouted loudly, "I opened this road, this tree"

 Shaking his head, before he finished speaking, he suddenly found a long queue in front of him, at least seven or eight hundred people!

Everyone was also stunned at this moment.

 Where did this idiot come from!

  A person would block the road and rob him?

Lin Yi pushed away Shen Chu who was protecting him in front of him, and rode the donkey two steps forward, "Brother, where are you doing?"

 “I want you to take care of it!” The big man put the knife back and said, “Goodbye!”

 “Don’t leave in a hurry.” The journey was extremely boring, and after finally meeting someone interesting, Lin Yi naturally wouldn’t let him go.

 “What else can you do? I’m lost!”

 The big man is not stupid after all. He is alone and there are so many people on the other side, he will definitely suffer.

Lin Yi cleared his throat, pointed to the tiger skin on his body and said, "Isn't it warm when it's wrapped around you?"

The big man was stunned. He didn't expect Lin Yi to ask this question, and said scornfully, "You are stupid!

 How can it not be hot if you wear such thick clothes? "

This tone did not annoy Lin Yi at all, but instead asked more curiously, "Then why are you still wearing this?"

 “Aren’t all bandits dressed like this?”

 The big man blurted out without hesitation.

 After saying this, he regretted it and said hurriedly, "I was just passing by."

Without waiting for Lin Yi to speak, he drilled into the forest.

"Leave this brother here for me. I want to talk to him at night by candlelight."

Lin Yi finally found a coke person, how could he let him go so easily.

 “I’m coming too!”

 Arhat jumped off his horse excitedly.

 Along the way, Hong Ying, Shen Chu, and Song Cheng continued to give pointers, and his skills improved greatly. He already vaguely felt that he was about to touch the edge of the third grade.

 It is much more powerful than before, and I haven’t had the chance to show it in front of the prince yet.

 This is an opportunity that cannot be lost and will never come back.

He stepped forward with a knife and shouted, "The thief Xiu is gone, come and take a stab at your grandpa!"

Grandpa won’t bully you with his horse, let’s fight on the ground! "

He is at the peak of the second rank. If he beats a bandit who has just barely reached the threshold of the second rank, isn’t that easy?

 “Whose grandfather are you!”

The big man who had climbed up the hillside was unhappy when he heard this. He jumped down directly with the knife in hand, "Let you see how powerful grandpa is!"

 “Grandson, come on!”

Arhat stepped forward with a chopping knife, and the two knives collided with each other, making a clanging sound.

The Arhat sometimes wanders left and right, and sometimes spins in the air, flying up and down with a single sword, making it airtight.


Lin Yi couldn't help but cheer and said to Song Cheng and others, "Look, it's exciting to see it this way!

 How beautiful it is! "

 “Your Majesty, I wish you the best.”

Song Cheng is neither crying nor laughing.

 “Arhat, let me capture him alive!”

Lin Yi shouted.

Hearing the prince's cheers, Arhat was very excited and worked harder and harder, just to keep from letting out a sigh of relief and unable to respond.

 But after twenty moves, Arhat gradually realized something was wrong.

 Why is this guy so resistant to beatings?

Moreover, no matter what moves he made, this guy would just do three moves: lunge and slash, raise his knees to hold the knife, and wrap his head around to sweep the knife!

The more he fought, the more impatient he became, and he began to become ruthless, regardless of the prince's orders to capture him alive.

 He put everything he had learned in his life to use, and became more and more brave.

 After another hundred moves, he has used all his big moves.

This guy still only has three moves.

 Made him completely lose his temper!

 After another hundred moves, nothing was found!

He jumped out of the circle, pointed a knife at the opponent and cursed angrily, "Grandma, you're a bear, can you **** change your moves? Just these three moves back and forth!"

 “Grandpa knows these three moves!”

The big man raised his head proudly, "Grandson, if you have the ability, just let your horse come over!"

"How long has it been? Half an hour, right?"

Lin Yi yawned and felt a little bored. He said to the big man, "Hey, I don't have the patience to mess with you anymore. Let's fight."

As soon as he finished speaking, the four guards rode away, each holding a rope. The more the big man struggled, the tighter the rope became.

 The big man finally gave up his futile struggle and said angrily, "Didn't you agree to fight in a one-on-one fight?"

Lin Yi lazily pointed at the four guards and said, "It's a one-on-one challenge. You're the one to challenge the four of them."

ˆ “”

 The big man was stunned.

 He has never seen such a shameless person.

  ps: It is said that the author will become bad if he has votes. Please give me a chance and let the old man give it a try.

 (End of this chapter)

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