I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 34: It's none of my business

Chapter 34 It’s none of my business

 After all, he had no one to complain about his grievances, and was thrown into a grain cart like an animal.

Seeing that the sun has no longer appeared, it is pity that he has not seen a drop of water.

I couldn’t help shouting at the top of my lungs, “You are going to starve grandpa to death!”

Arhat cursed, "It's not dinner time yet, what's your name?"

 When he saw this guy, he became very angry.

Today, in front of the prince and everyone, he has lost his master!

He is at the peak of the second grade, but he is helpless against the entry level of the second grade. It is really laughable.

If the prince hadn't told him not to abuse him, he would have beaten this guy up.

The big man said, "Can you give me some water for grandpa?"

 “Who the **** is your grandpa?”

Arhat's knife struck him hard several times back and forth.

 “Oh, murder!”

 The big man screamed like a slaughtering pig.

Lin Yi stopped the donkey, turned around and looked over. Arhat was so frightened that he quickly defended himself, "Your Majesty, I didn't use much strength, and this guy started to moan blindly."

Lin Yi looked at the big man with a smile and said, "Tell me, what is your name?"

 It’s just idleness anyway, so it’s better to get a beating. "

The big man was arrogant. He didn't intend to answer, but suddenly he saw Hong Ying's cold eyes. He trembled all over and said, "I don't want to change my name, I am the Qin Hu of Wufeng Mountain!"

There is a corner there, and I only saw a few donkey carts in front of me, but I didn’t see that there were so many of you!


 How stupid does he have to be to dare to stop such a large team!

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Why do you become a bandit?"

Qin Hu said carelessly, "You don't look stupid, but you still ask stupid questions. Isn't it because there is no silver mine at home?

 If there is a silver mine, how can we enjoy the happiness at home in such a hot weather? "

 After hearing this, Lin Yi was speechless.

 Finally, he sighed and said slowly, "It seems you are really poor."

Qin Hu grinned and said, "You're talking nonsense again."

Lin Yi's mouth twitched, but he still asked curiously, "Are there many bandits in this area?"

They were a huge team along the way, and no bandits dared to touch their beards.

  Qin Hu is the only one, and may also be the last one.

 So, Lin Yi is now particularly interested in the issue of bandits.

"Yes, walk forty miles south along the Xixi River and you will reach Fulong Mountain."

Qin Hu suddenly said in an admiring tone, "The great master, Ge Laoshan, is a fifth-grade master!

Jianghu is known as "having no capital" and has more than thirty brothers under his command. "

 “No capital?”

Lin Yi smiled and said, "This title is quite appropriate.

Then what do you call a person without capital? Do you have money in your hand? "

Qin Hu said loudly, “Of course I have money!

There are many tea merchants in the north and south. Anyone who passes through this place must pay the toll! "

 “To buy money for traveling?”

Lin Yi's eyes lit up, "Don't grab it?"

Qin Hu said with an expression as if he was looking at a fool, "We are already in a remote place, so if we are being robbed, who dares to come here again?"

 Besides, if you are impatient, merchants will risk their lives, and those salt lords are all hungry for money, so I have to hide away when I see them.

The money to buy the road was a little short, but when I sat at home, people gave me money. What a good deal. "

“Yes, he is quite business-minded, you should also learn from him,”

Lin Yi hated Arhat for failing to live up to his expectations, so he kicked him again angrily, "You have no capital, you seem to be a little rich man!"

 “Your Majesty!”

Shen Chu said loudly, "I will send people to kill him right now!

Prevent these people from continuing to kill innocent people! "

Their prince is a master who can't do anything when he sees money. He has served the prince for so many years, and he knows it all too well.

 So he took the initiative to ask for help.

Lin Yi said worriedly, "I'm in the fifth grade, and there are more than thirty minions. Can you handle it?"

There are a total of fifteen guards in the palace, plus the twenty lieutenants and twenty sergeants assigned by the emperor according to the minimum standards for vassal kings, there are a total of fifty-five people. Because the convoy needs people to stay behind, at most there are only I can take more than twenty people with me.

 Such a small number of people is enough!

Shen Chu said, "Prince, please don't worry, it's only fifth grade!

   The young one must bring his head to see me! "

Although he is not as good as Song Cheng, he has already reached the seventh rank.

Moreover, I dare not stop moving. Manager Hong made it very clear that there will be no useless people in the palace.

“It’s not environmentally friendly to kill those who kill them, so we should bring them back,”

Lin Yi pointed at Song Cheng and said, "You can also take some people from the **** agency with you."

 Song Cheng's ability is definitely better than Shen Chu's, he knows this.

However, the royal guards, captains, and sergeants do not necessarily buy the account of Song Cheng, the shopkeeper, and Shen Chu still has to lead the team.


 Shen Chu and Song Cheng surrendered at the same time.

Shen Chu walked up to Qin Hu and took out the knife.

 “Hero, spare your life!”

Seeing that Shen Chu was unmoved, Qin Hu simply cursed, "You bastard!

 Turtle son!

It’s okay to have a son!

Grandpa is still a good man after eighteen years. "

 He watched helplessly as the shiny and sharp knife struck straight at him.

He screamed and instinctively covered his eyes with his hands. After waiting for a long time, the knife still hadn't fallen on him.

 Only heard a "choking" sound.

He boldly pricked open the seams between his fingers to reveal his eyes, and found that Shen Chu's knife had been sheathed.

  He patted his chest with his hand and gasped, "You scared me to death, if I hadn't"

Just as he pointed his finger at Shen Chu, he suddenly realized that he could actually move and the rope on his body was gone.

 Bounced happily several times.

He then raised his hands to Shen Chu and said, "Thank you, thank you very much."

Shen Chu said with a cold face, "Come with me."

Qin Hu asked curiously, "Where to go?"

Shen Chu said, "Of course it's Fulong Mountain."

"No, no," Qin Hu shook his head like a rattle, "I have no friendship with Ge Laoshan, so I won't go. I'm afraid my mother at home is already waiting anxiously.

 Farewell, no need to send you off. "

Shen Chu snorted coldly, "That's not up to you."

 “The legs are on me!”

After Qin Hu finished speaking, seeing Shen Chu making a move to draw his sword, he quickly added, "Of course we are going to Fulong Mountain. My mother told me not to go back as much as she is an eyesore!"

He got on a horse and led the way to Fulong Mountain.

  It was already so dark that I couldn't see my fingers.

The torches were raised, and the procession winding along the mountain road looked like a flaming dragon.

Arhat said, "Your Majesty, after we come down from the mountain, we will reach Dazhu Town. Let's go down in one go and we won't have to suffer on the mountain."

Lin Yi nodded and said, "Then speed up and go down the mountain."

 In the carriage, I fell asleep unconsciously.

When I woke up, the carriage was already parked at the door of the inn.

 After getting off the carriage in a daze, he went to bed and fell asleep without eating anything.

 After nightfall, you can still hear the sad howling of wolves from the mountains from time to time.

 Then another burst of shouting and fighting woke him up.

 As soon as he saw it, he saw Hong Ying standing next to him.

Hong Ying whispered, "My lord, I woke you up."

Lin Yi asked, "What's going on? Someone seems to be fighting?"

Hong Yingdao said, "It's the saint from Jizhao'an. It seems that she is being hunted down."

 “Ye Jinyu?”



  It has nothing to do with yourself and just worry about it.

Lin Yi fell asleep again.

  ps: Old haters are always very direct when asking for votes, otherwise I wouldn’t even know how you would reject me.

 (End of this chapter)

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