I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 321: Jinluan Hall

Chapter 321 Golden Palace

The butcher said proudly, "Your information is too ill-informed. Lian Ren and Li Ren have been with the mountains and forests since they were young, and now they have practiced martial arts. Mr. He said that they were born scouts, so he asked them to disperse. I went to inquire about the news.”

The shirtless Wang Xiaoshuan said, “Winter in the North is difficult, but summer is pretty good. It’s not that hot. It’s really hot at home.

 I want to stay a little longer before going back. "

Pork Rong teased, "You know what the heck, it's not even hot yet. When it's hot, you still can't stand it."

Wang Xiaoshuan was about to speak when the drum beat sounded.

 “Three long and four short, we have to make way.”

Zhu Rong jumped down from the grain truck, put a rope around the donkey's neck, shouted, whipped out his whip, and drove the donkey aside.

The same is true for other civilians. For a time, dust was flying, people neighed and horses roared, and it was a mess.

 After a while, the official road was vacated.

 “Line up!”

 The officers and soldiers were wearing armor and holding sharp swords, running back and forth, the sound of the armor scales clashing with each other rose and fell.

 “Take a break!”

"turn back!"

ˆ “.”

 “Start points for each battalion!”

ˆ “.”

 The butcher, Pork Rong and other civilians hid far away and looked at the officers and soldiers who suddenly lined up on both sides of the official road with great curiosity.

The general butcher said, "We can't attack the city, how about we attack first?"

Pork Rong rolled his eyes at him and said, "Stop talking nonsense, this is a welcome ceremony."

 “The welcome ceremony, who the **** has such a grand ceremony?”

Before the butcher finished speaking, a hand covered his mouth. He turned his head and saw that it was Wang Xiaoshuan. He glared angrily, opened his hand and said, "You want to murder me."

Pork Rong snorted coldly, "You want to die yourself. If we don't stop you, don't take us with you. Use your pig brain to think about it. Who else can make the three armies line up?"


Pork Rong only mentioned this sentence, and the butcher understood it immediately.

 After the drums stopped, the trumpets sounded again.

Li Sanniang whispered, "Everyone should be silent and no noise is allowed."

 The butcher and others immediately shut their mouths in a wise manner.

 The military orders are overwhelming. If they make a joke, the military judge will not spare them.

 Being punished is a trivial matter. What I fear most is being disqualified as a supplier.

So what if his daughter is the chief catcher?

 In front of military discipline, there is no humane thing to say.

 For a time, the camp of more than 20,000 people suddenly became so silent that you could hear a pin drop.

The guard Han Long, who had been standing on the city wall observing the situation below the city, began to feel restless after hearing the sound of the drums. When the last trumpet sound ended, he was very nervous looking at the orderly and brightly armored Sanhe Army.

Just when he was about to send people into the palace to report, he saw a man riding a donkey coming out of the official road. The flying dust around him had not yet completely settled and was shining in the sun.


Han Long doesn’t need to see the person clearly, he just needs to look at the black donkey.

 “The prince is a thousand years old!”

 The shouts of the three armies shook the sky.

Lin Yi didn't say anything, just smiled and waved his hand, letting Xiao Xizi lead the donkey and continue walking towards the city wall.

 “The prince is a thousand years old!”

Han Long looked at Lin Yi who was approaching from a distance and finally stopped at the edge of the moat. He couldn't help but kneel down and shout loudly.

 “The prince is a thousand years old!”

The defenders behind Han Long also knelt down.

 “Open the door,”

Lin Yi yawned and said, "I am hungry and want to go in to eat."

Han Long couldn't laugh or cry after hearing this.

 You asked me to open the door just to eat?

 However, he still said with a smile on his face, "The Holy Father has given instructions. When you enter the capital with the prince, you can enter the palace directly.

 Open the city gate and welcome the prince into the city! "

 As soon as he finished speaking, the suspension bridge suddenly fell down.

 Finally, the door slowly opened with a creaking sound.

Under the gaze of tens of thousands of people, Lin Yi rode a donkey into the city leisurely.

Out of the gloomy city gate, my eyes suddenly opened up and the sun was shining brightly.

Walking on the broad street, he could feel the gazes coming from the door panels of the houses on both sides, including admiration, disdain, and curiosity.

“Your Majesty, I’m finally waiting for you here.”

Guo Zhao came towards us with a carriage.

Lin Yi waved his hand and said, "Just ride the donkey."

 Then ride the donkey and continue walking towards the palace.

By the time he saw the majestic palace gate, he was already hungry.

 “Your Majesty.”

He Jin suddenly walked out of the shadow of the palace gate and stood in front of Lin Yi.

 “Hey, Mr. He, long time no see.”

Lin Yi rode the donkey directly into the palace without getting off the donkey. The donkey stepped on the bluestone, and the ticking sound was particularly loud in the empty square.

He Jin looked at Lin Yi who was slowly walking away and wanted to shout to stop, but finally gave up.

  Sanhe’s army is already outside the city. What’s the point of worrying about the rule of not riding horses in the palace at this moment?

 Having grown up in the palace since childhood, he is familiar with every plant and tree here. When he sees a palace blocking the road, he will naturally bypass it. He knows the nearest way.

Going to the platform of Jinluan Hall, he got off the donkey with the help of Xiao Xizi.

Looking at the back of the majestic Jinluan Palace, he straightened his clothes and slowly climbed up the steps with his hands behind his back.

 “Prince Xuanhe has an audience!”

 When Lin Yi walked up the last step and walked to the door, the little **** He Lian shouted loudly at the top of his lungs.

 “Xiao Lianzi, lower your voice,”

Lin Yi put his fingers through his ears and said angrily, "My ears are deafened by your noise."

He Lian was very angry, but he lowered his head and did not dare to say a word.

In the Jinluan Palace, Lin Yi glanced at the courtiers on both sides, and finally set his sights on the old man sitting on the dragon chair. The shining dragon robe covered his body, which was obviously wider.

He thought, wouldn’t his father be so poor that he wouldn’t even have money to change his clothes?

Lin Yi was stunned for a moment, and under the gaze of all the courtiers, he leaned over and cupped his hands and said, "See my father, long live my father, long live my father."

 He still did not kneel.

After all, he has a criminal record. The ministers in the DPRK are already used to it and are not too surprised.

 They just feel like they are in a dream.

I have never imagined that with so many princes, why is it that the least favored Prince He is the one standing here at the end?

 “You’re fine.”

 Emperor Delong's voice contained a slight sigh.

“My son heard that the Wadan people were going south and would soon enter De’en, so he hurriedly went north.”

Lin Yi met his father's sharp gaze and said without any shyness, "My son's filial piety can be learned from heaven and earth."

Emperor Delong snorted coldly and said, "Tell me, what do you want?"

Lin Yi said in surprise, "Father, have you forgotten?

It was you who ordered your son to enter the capital. "

 He told the truth. If it hadn't been for his father's decree, he really wouldn't have come.

 (End of this chapter)

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