Chapter 322 The Regent

 “I am getting older, but I am not old and stupid yet.”

Emperor Delong snorted coldly.

“Yes, my father is wise and mighty, so naturally he will not be confused,”

Lin Yi smiled and said, "It's just that the ministers in the court deliberately deceived my father, so that my father didn't know how difficult it was for the people in the world.

White bones are exposed in the wild, and there is no rooster crowing for thousands of miles. "

 Along the way, there were refugees all over the place, selling their sons and daughters, and eating each other's children during the famine. He really couldn't bear to see all kinds of human tragedies.

However, these carnivores in the court still sang and danced endlessly, not loving their children and their people, and eating only on their corpses.

 He was very angry, he couldn't bear to see the suffering of the people, and it was not worth it for the people of the world.

Since no one cares about the people of the world, let him support the people of the world.

 This was an idea that suddenly came to him along the way.

After hearing Lin Yi's words, the civil and military officials in the court were all frightened. These words to the prince were tantamount to scolding the emperor for being foolish.

 “Are you questioning me?”

 Emperor Delong said expressionlessly.

“I dare not, because my father never stopped speaking irritating words and indulged in pleasure.”

Lin Yi said with a smile, "Everyone knows that my father is a rare wise king who abandons extravagance but is frugal and governs with dignity.

 The world is in ruins now because these rebels and Wadan people do not know how to show sympathy for their father and are just causing trouble.

Even though my father is enjoying his old age, when his son leads the troops over, he will teach them what the emperor's wrath means, laying down millions of corpses and bleeding for thousands of miles.

 When the sea, rivers and rivers are clear and the world is at peace, the father will surely be proud of his son. "

 Enjoy your old age in peace?

Everyone in Jinluan Hall held their breath, not daring to take a breath.

Is this a direct attempt to force the uterus?

How dare He Wang!

You enter the palace alone, with no one to rely on, and if the Holy Spirit becomes cruel, aren't you afraid that you won't be able to get out?

 “What a good son I am!

Ha ha"

Emperor Delong laughed, and then kept coughing, as if someone had strangled his neck.

He Jin trotted up the steps and kept helping him carry water and giving him water. Seeing that the emperor's cough was getting worse and worse, he was about to call the imperial doctor in desperation, but Emperor Delong waved his hand to stop him.

 After a long time, Emperor Delong, whose face turned red, stopped coughing.

 “Father, please take care of the dragon body,”

Lin Yi sighed, "My son will be very uneasy if my father behaves like this."

“I said, you can only take what I give you!”

Emperor Delong said loudly, "You can't take what's not given to you!"

“My son feels sorry for his father. He has worked hard for our Daliang Kingdom all his life, and it’s time to take care of his grandson in his old age.”

Lin Yi said calmly, "Why do you have to work so hard?"

If it weren't for the people of the world, how could a lazy person like him be willing to be a paper poster?

 He just wants to keep the people fed, nothing more.

 Then my life was not in vain, I finally did something meaningful.

 “What if I don’t want to?”

Emperor Delong looked straight at Lin Yida and said, "What should you do?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Yu Wenshe, the commander of the Forbidden Army, ran in in a panic. Just as he was about to speak, Emperor Delong glanced at him and said, "There's no need to say anything, just step back."


Yu Wenshe glanced at Lin Yi meaningfully and then quietly stepped back.

"Since the father is willing to continue to work hard, it is not easy for the son to stop him,"

After finishing speaking, Lin Yi turned around, carrying the old emperor on his back, looked at the civil and military officials of the dynasty, and said with a smile, "All of you are the pillars of the country. You are loyal to the emperor and support the country. You eat the emperor's salary and share the emperor's worries.

For our country, Daliang, and for the sake of His Majesty, you should advise His Majesty to take more rest and not be so worried and tired. "

 The heads of the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty were lowered.

Each one is bitter.

What does it mean to advise the Holy One to rest more and not to worry or work too hard?

 Isn’t it just for them to persuade the Holy One to abdicate?

Unexpectedly, it was not forced to force the palace, and they forced them to stand in line!

 This is what the **** was done by humans!

 How do they choose?

The king and the king are powerful in front of them, and a large army is surrounding the city. Everyone in the city is in danger and cannot clearly see the situation.

 However, in Ankang City, the Holy Spirit still has the final say!

 In this palace, the Holy One still says the same thing!

Zhan He Wang, the Holy Emperor is so angry that he might die now. Zhan Sheng Wang, if he gets out alive, he will settle accounts later and die later.

 Looking at He Wangye's determined look, they always felt that he still had some trump cards.

You can't really come to force me to have a baby alone, right?

Thinking of Yu Wenshe's panicked look just now, someone seemed to vaguely understand something.

 But I’m not sure.

  After all, according to the rumors, this Prince He is not very smart. It would not be surprising at all if he really has no backup plan.

Facing the naked threat from Prince He, everyone was at a loss.

 At the court, it became even quieter.

 No one dared to answer the previous sentence, this is not only about their own life or death, but also about the life of the whole family.

 Throughout the ages, when dynasties changed, countless people were massacred.

 Emperor Delong was cruel, and they could not figure out Prince He's temperament, so they did not dare to make a bet easily.


Hello, all the elders are mute and don’t know how to speak?

 Aren’t you usually pretty talkative?

 I remember that when I played the king's music before, no one stopped."

Lin Yi walked forward slowly, walked in front of Qi Yong, and said to Qi Yong, "Prime Minister, you are the head of all officials, why don't you express your position?

 As a human being, you must speak from your heart, tell the truth, and don't ignore your conscience, otherwise your conscience will hurt. "

His voice was not loud, but everyone in the civil and military dynasties could hear him clearly.

After a long time, Qi Yong raised his head and his eyes fell directly on Emperor Delong who was sitting on the dragon throne. Then he knelt down and said, "Your Majesty, I think what the prince said is reasonable. I second my opinion!"

This statement shocked everyone.

How dare Qi Yong do this!

How could he betray so easily!

Lin Yi was also surprised, isn't this old guy Qi Yong so easy to talk to?

 Why do you stand up for yourself so easily?

 And you are not afraid of him at all?

 It's a bit too courageous.

 He originally thought that this old thing would struggle.

 “Old minister seconded the proposal!”

Gong Xiang, Minister of the Ministry of Personnel, looked at him when he saw Lin Yi. He also knelt down like Qi Yong, his thin body trembling constantly.

 “Old minister seconded the proposal”

Ma Jin, the great scholar, choked with sobs and said, "Old minister, I only wish that the Holy Dragon is in good health and that he will no longer have to worry about state affairs."

 “I second the proposal!”

Seeing the great scholar Ma Jin, he also knelt down, and all the cultural relics officials in the court also knelt down.

 “You treacherous ministers and traitors have disregarded the grace of God!”

The only person standing in the field was Zhuguo Yuan Ang, his eyes wide open as he faced the kneeling ministers.

 “Why does Zhuguo need to be angry?”

Lin Yi never expected that the person who would oppose him in the end would be his own grandfather, and said with a smile, "Calm down, calm down."

 “You are all fine,”

Emperor Delong bent down, looked at the panicked He Jin next to him and said, "Retreat from the court."

He Jin even forgot to shout "Retreat from the court" and only helped Delong away.

 “Bear your Majesty to you.”

 The ministers shouted.

Watched the old emperor walking out of the Jinluan Palace with his waist raised.

“Father is really old,”

Lin Yi sighed, and then walked along the steps, step by step, to the edge of the large dragon chair under the gaze of the officials.

 The ministers were still in a state of high spirits and did not dare to speak out.

Lin Yi suddenly wanted to laugh.

 It was clearly a coup, but there was no serious atmosphere at all.

 “Shu Zi!”

 Zhu Guo’s beard and hair were spread out, and he glared at Lin Yi angrily and said, “Don’t do anything rebellious, otherwise I will never let you go!”

Lin Yi ignored him, stroking the golden dragon carved on the dragon chair with his right hand, and said with a smile, "It is indeed gold, so it will cost a lot of money, right?"

 Is it too luxurious to sit under your butt? "

After hearing this, everyone was dumbfounded and didn't know how to answer for a while.

 “Please come to the throne with your Majesty!”

 Qi Yong suddenly said loudly.

 “Please come to the throne with your Majesty!”

 The ministers also hurriedly knelt down and shouted together, fearing that the shouting would be too slow.

 “You dare!”

With a cry, Yuan Ang pulled out a knife from the waist of the guard in Jinluan Palace.

Everyone knew Zhu Guo's bad temper, and he would chop people when he was told. The civil and military officials next to him were so frightened that they quickly got up and took a few steps away. Everyone is afraid of being affected.

“Zhuguo, no iron weapons are allowed in the court. This has been the rule for many years.”

Yu Boxu stroked his beard, stopped in front of Yuan Ang, and said with a smile, "Did you forget?"

Lin Yi, who was standing next to the dragon chair, saw all this clearly. He couldn't understand why Yu Boxu stood on his side so readily.

Did Yu Boxu get mixed up with him?

There’s no need to talk about his son, right?

Thinking of this, he was very happy. He really had the spirit of a bastard!

 He patted the dragon chair and said with a smile, "I really don't want to be the emperor. This chair is too hard, and I'm afraid it will scratch my **** when I sit on it.

 Forget it, if any of you are interested, you can come up and give it a try.

 Master Prime Minister, why don't you come and see if this chair is soft or hard? "

 There is unspeakable helplessness in my heart.

We are all hard-working people, and hard rice is definitely not as good as soft rice, but for the sake of the world, he has to go to this step.

 “Don’t dare!”

 Not only Qi Yong was confused, but others also didn't understand.

What does it mean?

 A large army is besieging the city, and all the effort is being put into it. If you don't sit on the dragon's throne and become the emperor, what are you trying to do?

“As for my king, I really can’t bear the tiredness of my father and my heartache as a son.”

Lin Yi patted his empty belly. He was really hungry and sighed, "However, the world is in turmoil and the people in the world are not living in peace. There must be someone who can make the decision for them. I thought about it again and again, and reluctantly became the regent. King, what do you think?"

 “The regent is responsible for the administration of the emperor!”

This time the senile Gong Xiang shouted before Qi Yong, "The regent is wise!"

 “The regent is wise!”

Others shouted again.

 “Everyone, it’s getting late, it’s lunch time.”

Lin Yi looked at the group of old men and felt that sooner or later the cadres would be rejuvenated. It was never a good thing for a group of old men to stand around and do nothing.

 “Thank you, Prince Regent!”

 After shouting loudly, no one stood up, and no one dared to leave.

They first heard the rumble of drums, and then the closer and closer sound of armor clashing and rhythmic footsteps.

 (End of this chapter)

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