I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 323: Extermination of relatives for righteousness

Chapter 323: Killing relatives for justice

 No one is a fool, they finally understood that the Sanhe army not only entered the city, but also directly entered the palace!

 Everyone is a little panicked.

Especially the palace guards armed with weapons, looking at the continuous influx of Sanhe soldiers, they were at a loss what to do. They understood that the situation had become such that they could not resist, but they also shouldered the responsibility of guarding the palace!

 Where is the dignity in surrendering so easily?

In desperation, they finally looked at the guard commander Yu Wenshe.

After Yu Wenshe shook his head slightly, all the guards were unwilling to give up. They put down their weapons one after another and watched helplessly as the three soldiers walked up to him and captured him without any help.

 After a while, both sides of the Jinluan Hall were filled with sergeants.

 The civil and military officials were uneasy, wondering how the regent would deal with them.

This is not only related to your own life and death, but also that of your whole family, old and young.

Jinluan Hall became quiet again, and suddenly they heard footsteps, which seemed particularly loud in the quiet Jinluan Hall.

  After all, some people couldn't help but turn around. They saw an old man. When he walked to the front, he knelt down and said, "How auspicious, I see the regent. I am a thousand years old!"

 “He Jixiang”

 Everyone in the hall couldn't help but whisper. Many people were no strangers to the former governor of Beijing.

But seeing that his beard and hair were all white, people who were familiar with him still dared not recognize him.

  After all, He Jixiang is now very old and no longer as energetic as he was more than thirty years ago.

"General He, please pass on the order and do not disturb the people. Otherwise, we will deal with you according to military law. From now on, we will dance and dance as usual."

Lin Yi looked down at the people below, feeling a little unreal.

He was already prepared to kill people, but he didn't expect these people to be so obedient, and he was helpless.


He Jixiang said loudly.

Lin Yi continued, "General He has worked hard and made great achievements. I will make you the Grand Marshal of the world's troops and horses, commanding the world's troops and horses to resist foreign enemies."

 “Thank you, Prince Regent!”

 He Jixiang did not refuse.

 He is on his deathbed and his energy is low. However, what an important position he holds as the commander-in-chief of the world's troops!

There is no one worthy of entrustment in front of him. In any case, this military affairs must be managed by him.

 If the entrustment is done to someone else, the consequences will be disastrous.

 “Everyone, please go home and eat, don’t delay your meal,”

Lin Yi looked at Qi Yong and others, "It's just that there is so much chaos in front of us. You still have to be careful. It's best to take good care of yourself at home. If nothing happens, don't go out."

 “I will obey the regent’s order!”

Everyone said in unison again.

Anyone who is not stupid will understand that they are under house arrest. What's more, there is a sword hanging on their necks, and they don't know when it will fall.

They will have no peace for a day unless the prince and the prince announce how to deal with them.

As expected, it was a group of soldiers who escorted them out of the Jinluan Palace.

 The only good thing is that I am confined in my own home, not a ghastly prison.

The others left, but Yuan Ang stood there, glaring angrily at the two officers and soldiers who came over.

 “Zhu Guo, you should go back as well.”

Lin Yi looked at Yuan Ang, who was still aggrieved, and said with a smile, "If you don't think about yourself, you should also think about the old lady. At such an old age, it will be so sad when the white-haired person gives away the black-haired person. ?”

 He was a little angry too.

As his biological grandfather, he didn’t care about helping him. Instead, he repeatedly competed with him, rubbed his nose in his face, and hurt himself.

 Do you really think you are easy to talk to?

 That’s almost it!

 How about being close to your grandpa?

 He is not polite to his relatives!

Being close to my grandfather made him angry, so he killed his relatives out of justice.

 The rabbit bites people when he is anxious!

 “I have a family full of loyal people, so there is nothing to fear about death!”

Zhu Guo showed no fear towards Lin Yi, "The villain succeeds.


He Jixiang interrupted him sharply and said, "Be careful!

 Why are you still standing there?

 Send the general home. "

 “General, please!”

Just now Liu Kan was worried that this man was the prince's grandfather and did not dare to use force, so he let him do whatever he wanted. Now seeing the attitude of the prince and He Jixiang, he boldly stepped forward and drew his sword directly.


Yuan Ang flicked his sleeves and left angrily.

 “Grandma is such a bear, it’s really frustrating,”

Lin Yi sighed, looked at Yu Boxu and Yu Wenshe, the father and son who were left behind, and said with a smile, "I'll let you two see the joke."

 “Don’t dare.”

The father and son leaned over and cupped their hands at the same time.

 “How is the prince doing lately?”

Lin Yi asked with a smile.

Yu Boxudao said, "Back to the regent, the prince is still in Dali Temple."

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Do you think the prince brought it upon himself or through bad luck?"

“I have only been loyal to the Holy One from beginning to end. Now that the Holy One is willing to retire, the prince has returned to his destiny, so I should devote myself to death!”

Yu Boxu is not stupid. He understands the meaning of He Wangye's words. The fact that the prince has fallen into this situation is because of their father and son's betrayal.

At present, he can only try his best to express his attitude!

 I won’t betray you in the future!

 “I hope so,”

Lin Yi looked at Yu Wenshe, "Commander Yu, now that my father is enjoying his old age, I wonder if Commander Yu is willing to guard Qilin Palace?"

“Thank you very much, Prince Regent. I will try my best.”

Yu Wenshe was shocked. Qilin Palace was the residence of the Holy Sage. He never expected that Lin Yi would entrust him with the responsibility of guarding Qilin Palace.

“Father is getting older, and although his mind is still clear, there are inevitably some villains around who are making trouble and cannot distinguish between good and evil. It is better to be more vigilant,”

Lin Yi said calmly, "General Yu needs to understand that I can trust a person once, but I will never give him a second chance."

 “I understand.”

 The father and son knelt down and kowtowed again.

He Jin and the prince targeted him.

"very good,"

Lin Yi continued to say to the two of them, "You two, please go down. Don't let me down."

 “I retire.”

 The father and son stood up and left.

Lin Yi looked at the backs of the father and son who were gradually retreating, and said coldly, "Where's Pan Duo?"

 “Your Majesty.”

 Pando stands out from the crowd.

 “Keep an eye on these two bastards,”

Lin Yi continued, "If I can't pick it up clearly, I'll just rub it. Kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself."

 He is not only responsible for himself, but also for the 70,000 to 80,000 officers, soldiers and civilians under his command.

Most of them have wives and children, because if their so-called "kindness" is ignored here, it would be a great sin.

He Jixiang said, "Your Majesty, what should we do with He Jin?"

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Let him hand over his position as the commander of the imperial guards, then retire and return to his hometown. I hope he has a safe journey and does not encounter bandits on the way."

Just having the title of Imperial Guard Commander is not enough, He Jin has to hand over the power, so as to save worry and effort.

 “I understand.”

He Jixiang smiled, revealing his yellowed teeth.

“The deputy commander of the Imperial Guard has entrusted the position to you.”

Lin Yi looked at Pan Duo.

 “Thank you, Prince Regent!”

Pando’s head banged with joy!

 Deputy Commander of the Imperial Guard, what a great authority this is!

Of course he knows!

Furthermore, he himself has become the deputy commander, so the position of the Imperial Guard Command Department must belong to their family boss!

His shopkeeper is becoming more and more idle now. Isn’t he the one who has the final say over the imperial guards?

 In my excitement, I knocked so loudly that I didn’t feel any pain at all.

"Okay," Lin Yi waved his hand and said, "Find Jiang Zhong and kill him without mercy."

Dark guard?

 He was not going to keep it any longer.


Pando responded loudly.

Lin Yi walked out of the Jinluan Palace, looked at the high sun and said, "I'm hungry."

Xiao Xizi said, "Your Majesty, Prince Regent, I have taken it upon myself to teach the food to the Qinzheng Palace."

The changes were so rapid in the past half day that he couldn't change his name for a while.

 “Then go to Qinzheng Hall.”

Lin Yi did not need Xiao Xizi to lead the way and walked directly in front.

Those who were guarding everywhere along the way were all Sanhe officers and soldiers. They were unfamiliar with and curious about everything in the palace, but everyone suppressed their excitement and stood guard there honestly.

 The Qinzheng Hall had not changed much from the last time he came. As soon as he sat down, more than a dozen maids and eunuchs began to pass food in.

 It wasn’t until the tenth dish that Lin Yi asked them to stop.

"I am not a pig, so I can't eat so much. From now on, four dishes will be enough."

Lin Yi said with a smile.

 “The little one understands.”

 Xiao Xizi carefully prepared food for him.

“That roasted suckling pig is pretty good, put some on it.”

Lin Yi said happily.

 Because I was too hungry, I ate quickly and was full in a short time.

After holding the tea cup in his arms, he remembered something and said to Xiao Xizi, "Your master is not here, so you should take care of the affairs in the palace first. Dear ladies, please follow the previous monthly routine. Don't change it, and no one is allowed." Bully them."

 “The little one understands.”

Xiao Xizi was very happy, she finally had a day to be proud in this palace!

This time we really have to repay injustice with injustice and take revenge with hatred!

 “Have I eaten yet?

 What is the situation now? "

Lin Yi asked curiously.

Xiao Xizi said, "Your Majesty, nothing happened when Your Majesty returned to Qilin Palace, except that He Jin was nowhere to be found behind, so he got very angry, threw a bunch of things, and didn't eat anything.

 I lay down on the bed and rested directly. "

Lin Yi nodded and said, "Let's go and have a look."

Xiao Xizi ordered the two young eunuchs to hold the tea tray and the teapot, and hurriedly followed Lin Yi.

Qilin Palace is now deserted except for the guards guarding it. There are not even any eunuchs or maids to serve.

Lin Yi walked in, looked at the mess on the ground, and frowned.

Xiao Xizi waved her hand behind her, and the two young eunuchs hurried forward to clean it up.

Lin Yi walked to Emperor Delong's bed and said to Emperor Delong, who had his eyes closed, "Father, why are you so angry? You are still the emperor today, and my son is just doing things for your convenience."

Emperor Delong opened his eyes suddenly, looked at Lin Yi blankly for a while, then put one hand on the bed and sat up halfway.

Xiao Xizi quickly picked up a pillow and put it on the back of the emperor's head, then retreated behind Lin Yi.

 “You are really lucky”

Emperor Delong coughed and said, "I made a mistake."

 “Your Majesty, please have some tea.”

Xiao Xizi knelt on the ground and held the tea tray in front of Emperor Delong.

Emperor Delong waved his hand and did not pick it up. He got off the ground directly, staggered to a chair and sat down.

 “Son, this is all for the good of the father,”

Lin Yi saw that he was still coughing and couldn't help but rub his back with his hand, "Father, it's better that you pay less attention to state affairs."

 Everything his hands touched were hard bones, not a piece of soft flesh.

 He actually felt a little sad.

 What is the emperor doing this for?

"I lost my mother and concubine when I was ten years old, and I am all alone. No one in the palace wants to see me, and there is only one He Jin who never leaves me."

Emperor Delong suddenly sighed with emotion, "After that, when I joined the army, he suffered all the humiliation in the palace, but he never had any second thoughts about me.

 A quick calculation shows that he has been with me for more than 40 years, and I promised him to let him spend his old age peacefully.

 Once you get what you want, let him go back to his hometown. "

Lin Yi was a little surprised.

 In his impression, his father was an extremely cold-blooded person. He showed no mercy to ministers, brothers and sisters, or even the queen whom he had known since he was a young man.

 Unexpectedly, he would plead for a **** now.

After a long time, Lin Yi sighed and said, "My son will forgive him, but I can't guarantee whether the people in the world will forgive him."

He Jin’s crimes are too numerous to list.

He Jin without power is like a tiger without teeth. If he doesn’t kill He Jin, others will.

ps: The moderator said that the lucky draw gifts are large, including speakers and Chanel perfume. For details, please see the top comment section.

 (End of this chapter)

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