I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 342: Become a Buddha immediately

Chapter 342 Becoming a Buddha immediately

 After his parents passed away, he cried all day long and was depressed.

He and the prince tried to comfort him: When you come to the human world, you should look at the sun. Don’t bend your waist or shrink your neck. Raise your head a little higher to see the wider world.

Thinking of this, he strode boldly and continued to the southwest. He used Qinggong and traveled day and night. He entered Yingdu, the capital of Jingzhou in only five days.

Relying on the military token placed close to the body, the journey in Yingdu was smooth.

 After leaving Yingdu, he met the old monk Fahui again.

But this time it was daytime and the sun was shining brightly.

Fahui was alone, sitting cross-legged under a dove tree about six feet high.

The body is missing.

However, even though Jihai was far away, he still smelled a stench. Fahui's eyes were sunken and he had no eyeballs. Next to the empty black hole were pieces of rotten flesh. He could clearly see white maggots crawling out of them. Come and drill.

He was more horrified than seeing the female corpse.


Ji Hai held back the discomfort in his heart, slowly approached, bowed and clasped his hands towards Fa Hui.

"You came."

 There was neither sadness nor joy in Fa Huiping's flat tone.

 “Master, where is your wife?”

Ji Hai couldn't help but ask.

Where the female corpse went became his biggest question.

He did not believe that Fahui would throw away the body casually. Fahui had clearly regarded it as a living person and muttered to it every day.

Fa Hui sighed and said, "I didn't fight for the incense anymore and gave it to her. Unfortunately, she passed away after all. We are destined, so I will give you the last half of the incense."


Fa Hui’s words left Ji Hai a little confused.

“During his whole life, I have been studying the magical prescriptions for changing the bones and the magical art of rejuvenating the gods.

 Haunted the Buddha and scolded the ancestors, and did everything. He participated in living sentences but not in dead sentences. He became a great master at the age of forty. Others said that Lao Monk was a rare talent in the Vajra Stage that could only be seen in a hundred years. "

Fahui then said, "Little Master, kneel down and kowtow three times to me. I will accept you as my disciple and learn the skill of becoming a Buddha immediately."

“It is okay to perform discipleship rituals and kowtow in front of elders,”

Ji Hai kowtowed three times, and then said, "But the young monk is a monk of the Baiyun Temple. It is absolutely impossible to change the door. Please forgive me, Master."

“Although it is easy to know, it is not easy to know.

 If you don’t ask for it from others, you will never get it for the rest of your life.”

Fa Hui didn’t give Ji Hai a chance to speak and continued, “When I see smoke across the mountain, I would have known it was fire.

 You can tell it’s an ox when you see its horns across the wall. You can tell three by raising one, and you can tell by looking at it that it’s two baht. It’s the ordinary tea and rice in Monk’s house.

You are far behind. Listen carefully. I will explain it to you for the time being. "

 “Let the master take the trouble, the young monk is too stupid to learn such skills.”

Jihai refused without hesitation.

 He has never even learned Huiyuan Gong, how can he learn other people's kung fu?

Fa Hui asked curiously, "Why don't you learn?"

“Only those who have hands and feet that can kill without batting an eye can become a Buddha immediately;

 A person who has attained Buddhahood will naturally kill people without batting an eyelid, only then can he be free and at ease."

Ji Hai shook his head and said, "It's better for the young monk not to learn."

To become a Buddha immediately is not to become a Buddha yourself, but to let others put down their butcher’s knives and become a Buddha.

Anyone who is unwilling to put down the butcher's knife will be killed.

  If you kill them all, you will achieve your own way.

 He is unwilling to kill people to preach.

Fa Hui said, "One sentence can be understood, and thousands of sentences can be understood at once. Very good, very good. Little Dharma Master, you are so wise that you have to learn it."

Ji Hai was about to argue when his eyelids suddenly became heavy and he could not open them no matter how hard he tried. The moment before he fell to the ground, he felt that there was a ball of fire in front of his eyes and his whole body was burning.

 When I woke up, I felt dizzy, but I stood up unsteadily as soon as possible. There was ashes in my eyes.


He endured the pain all over his body and picked up the unburned bone fragments the size of fingernails from the ground, carefully hid them close to his chest, and then put the ashes into his bag.

A pit was dug with an alms bowl, the ashes and their belongings were put in, and finally buried.

I think I will dig it out again in the future and send it back to the Vajra Platform in person.

 After sitting cross-legged and resting under the setting sun for a while, we continued on our way.

Every day in Ankang City, there are groups of troops coming from the south, and groups of civilians.

Although the official road to the north is spacious, it cannot avoid occasional traffic jams.

Lin Yi stood on the city wall, yawned and said, "My uncle has finally enlightened himself. Since he is willing to help me, he will arrange for people to send food, grass and baggage there.

Autumn is coming soon, and these cotton-padded clothes and quilts are indispensable. "

He Jixiang said, "Your Majesty, don't worry, these have been prepared in De'en and will be sent to General Yuan Qing's tent in three days."

"That's good,"

Lin Yi nodded and said, "Send a message to Shen Chu, Bao Kui and others. My uncle is not a person who pretends to be a public servant. His character is trustworthy. When marching and fighting, you should listen to him more."

Because Sanhe officers and soldiers beheaded 20,000 people in Liangshuihe, a turnaround was achieved, and the people of the world were all rejoicing.

 So he was in a good mood these days.

“Isn’t there any news about Fa Hui, that old bald donkey?”

Lin Yi looked at Xiao Xizi.

Xiao Xizi hurriedly knelt down and said, "I am incompetent, please forgive me, Your Majesty."

 “How are I doing these days?”

Lin Yi then asked.

Xiao Xizi said, "Since the Holy Emperor knew that the Queen's body had been robbed, he has thrown a lot of tea cups. There hasn't been much movement in the past few days. He seems to be in a good mood. Yesterday he went to the Imperial Garden to enjoy the flowers."


Lin Yi frowned and said, "How did he know?"

 “Reporting to the prince, this **** who does not know his rank has been killed in battle.”

Xiao Xizi kowtowed several times.

Lin Yi sighed and said, "Your time in charge of the palace is not short. The confidentiality work still needs to be strengthened."


 Xiao Xizi hurriedly responded.

Lin Yidao, "Does the prince know?"

 Xiao Xizi said, "The prince doesn't know."

“Those who should know don’t know, and those who shouldn’t know know it.”

Lin Yi shook his head and sighed, "You're not doing very well at this. Okay, stop kowtowing and get off quickly."

 “The little one is resigning.”

Xiao Xizi bowed and stepped back. Before leaving, he glanced at the twelfth prince who was already kneeling on the ground.

 I couldn’t help feeling sad for him. Killing someone was such a simple matter, but it had taken so long and it still hadn’t been done. It would be unreasonable for the prince not to beat him.

 “Emperor brother,”

Lao Twelve said with a bitter face, "Then Chen Jingzhi is too cunning. He should accept whatever my brother says. There is no one who disagrees. I really can't find an excuse."

"The reason why he is an old fox is because he can live as you like at any time,"

Lin Yi couldn't help but sigh, "You are still too young, and he can actually see your habits and preferences at a glance."

 (End of this chapter)

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