I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 343: Entering the capital on behalf of the king

Chapter 343 Entering the capital on behalf of the king

 “My brother knows his crime,”

Lao Twelve said helplessly, "Brother Emperor, I really tried my best. I really can't find a reason to kill him. I hope Brother Huang will make it clear."

After all, no matter what he said, Chen Jingzhi said yes, and there was nothing he disagreed with, including directly killing the Wadan envoy.

 He really has no choice.

“Is it possible to confuse right and wrong by referring to a deer as a horse?”

Lin Yi said angrily.

  "In reply to the emperor's brother, I am not such a shameless person."

 Old Twelve was helpless.

Although Chen Jingzhi is not a good person, he is a member of the elite and enjoys a high reputation among scholars.

If he dares to do this, his imperial brother may have to pull him out and support him to calm the anger of the scholars in the world.

Lin Yi said angrily, "Do you want face or your Yong'an Prince's Mansion?


 Lao Twelve was in a very difficult position, and finally couldn't help but said, "Brother, does Chen Jingzhi have to be killed?

Since the other party is on the verge of reining in, can you let him live temporarily? "

“It’s not impossible to let him go,”

Lin Yi touched his chin, pondered for a while and then said, "It's disrespectful to come and not return. The Wadan people have sent a mission, and we have to send people over. Let me go alone to persuade Hulagu to retreat. I'll spare it." Killed him."


 Lao Twelve was stunned for a long time and sighed, "Brother Emperor, this is tantamount to asking him to die."

He really couldn't figure out what the grudge was between the Nine Emperors brothers and Chen Jingzhi, and he, the Nine Emperors brothers, insisted on putting him to death.

“No, no, we still have to have dreams. What if we succeed?”

Lin Yi said with a smile.

 Lao Twelve said bravely, "That's what the emperor said."

It is completely impossible to make Han Hulagu, who has hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses, retreat voluntarily by just talking!

Hulagu is not a fool!

 Going back like this is a loss-making business!

Lin Yi saw that he was about to speak but hesitated, so he asked, "Is there anything else?"

 Lao Twelve said, "Reporting to Brother Nine Emperors, the Wadan delegation has been clamoring to see you these days."

Lin Yi snorted coldly, "Is this king someone they can just say they see?

 When the two countries are at war, if you don’t kill them, you will already be giving them a lot of face. Let them be more honest and don’t go too far, otherwise killing them will boost their morale. "

 Lao Twelve said, "My brother understands."

 He has to continue arguing with these Wadan people.

Lin Yi waved his hand and said, "Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. I will go pick up your Sixth Brother later on behalf of my brother."

 “Brother Sixth Emperor?”

 Lao Twelve said in surprise, "Brother Sixth Emperor has returned to Ankang City?"

He didn't know what was wrong with his brother, the Sixth Emperor. If the earthly emperor didn't do anything good, why would he go to Ankang City to suffer?

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Maybe your Sixth Emperor brother misses me. I haven't even written a letter yet, so I can't wait to come here."

 “I really envy the friendship between the Nine Emperor Brothers and the Six Emperor Brothers.”

Lao Twelve admires himself more and more, and now he doesn’t even blush when he lies.

Lin Yi said, "Stop talking nonsense and hurry up to the northwest gate. I guess we should be here by now."

 “My younger brother retires.”

 Lao Twelve led two guards specially arranged for him by Lin Yi down the city wall and then rode towards the northwest gate.

Standing on the high wall of the northwest gate is Jiang Yi, the new deputy commander of the Military and Horse Division. Next to him is Liu Kan, the new Beijing camp garrison.

He glanced at the approaching army of King Dai outside the city gate, and said to Liu Kan, "Master Liu, is it appropriate not to close this city gate?"

 In terms of position, he is naturally inferior to Liu Kan.

 But when it comes to guarding the city gate, he is the professional!

At present, although King Dai said he was here to serve the prince, he still had 30,000 officers and soldiers behind him. If King Dai had other intentions and the army swarmed into the city, the consequences would be unimaginable.

“Hmph, after all, I still have more than 10,000 soldiers and horses from the Beijing camp in Ankang City,”

Liu Kan seemed to have read through his mind and said with a smile, "The prince said, if you are not afraid of him entering, you are afraid that he will not enter."

 Do you also know that there are only more than 10,000 troops?

If it is really captured, the Sanhe army far away in Saibei will not be able to save it in time!

 However, when he heard the order from the prince, he immediately withered.

He could only say angrily, "Master Liu, you still have to take precautions, not for us, but for the safety of the prince."

Their prince doesn't know how to separate the grains from the grains and the six limbs are not diligent. How do you expect him to take command?

 Can these people survive?

 So, he strongly suggested Liu Kan to block the city gate.

Unexpectedly, Liu Kan said proudly, "Where there is Sanhe's army, there is no need for city gates."

After He and Wang Ye took control of Ankang City, He Jixiang, the Commander-in-Chief of the Fifth Army Governor's Mansion, personally reorganized the Beijing camp.

 Those who are lower than the third grade will not be accepted by the Jingying camp.

  After all, this is the force to guard the capital. It is too weak to sleep with the prince.

 “That’s what Mr. Liu said.”

Jiang Yi really doesn’t know how to refute.

 An officer and soldier ran up the steps and said, "My lords, King Yong'an is here."

Liu Kan smiled and said, "Let's go."

The two of them walked down the city wall together, bowed their hands to King Yong'an, and said in unison, "See you, Your Majesty."

 “You two are welcome.”

Old Twelve looked at the city gate with the cave door wide open, and then at the army of King Dai in the dust not far away. He felt that the ground was shaking, and he looked at Liu Kan and Jiang Yi in fear.

Jiang Yi lowered his head and said nothing because he didn't know what to say. He only heard Liu Kan say, "Your Majesty, there is no need to worry too much. Your Majesty and my Prince are brothers. The city gates are closed, which is not the way to entertain guests."

King Yong'an smiled and said, "I am here to greet the King on behalf of my brother."

 He really wanted to curse Liu Kan!

 You are a **** fool!

At this time, what is brotherhood talking about?

Liu Kan bowed and said, "We all rely on the twelve princes to make the decision."

“Then let’s go out and have a look?”

 Lao Twelve looked at the approaching army. Although he had entered the barbican city, he never dared to take a step out of the city gate.


 Liu Kan raised his hand.

Lao Twelve had no choice but to bite the bullet and leave the city gate.

When he arrived at the edge of the moat, he found that the army was no longer moving. In the flying dust, a figure wearing a white cloth slowly emerged, riding a horse, slowly coming towards this side.

 Lao Twelve finally had the courage to cross the moat. Without waiting for the white figure to approach, he cupped his hands and said, "See Brother Sixth Emperor."

 “It turned out to be the twelfth brother,”

One of the guards pulled the reins, stood up for the king and dismounted. He also cupped his hands towards the old twelfth brother and said, "Long time no see, the twelfth brother is looking more and more energetic."

 “Brother Huang has given you too much praise,”

 Lao Twelve smiled and said, "Brother Nine Emperors has specially ordered me to welcome Brother Six Emperors here. Brother Six Emperors, please!"

 “Please ask my twelfth brother to lead the way.”

 The king of Dai mounted his horse again and followed Lao Twelve into the city.

Ankang Prefecture Yin's third team of yamenmen knocked on the gong to clear the way, and finally stopped at the gate of Prince Dai's residence.

 “My twelfth brother is still considerate.”

The king looked at his mansion and laughed.

 “This is what Brother Nine Emperors means.”

 Lao Twelve’s eyes were red with envy.

 Is the gap between his treatment and that of King Dai so big?

 (End of this chapter)

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