Chapter 377 Bounty

 The only good thing is that Mingyue just let himself go to the garden and did not punish him severely.

As long as he doesn’t leave the big tree of He Wangye, he will one day turn around.

Thinking of this, he walked up to Sun Cheng with his head held high and said with a smile, "Not everyone can be a concierge. Brother Sun will have to work harder in the future."

It's a pity that the other party has a brother named Sun Chengde. Although Sun Chengde's position is not high and his skills are average, he has a wide range of contacts. Whether in the government or the military, there is no one he doesn't know, and he gets along well with them all.

Even in front of the prince, you can still add a few words.

Unlike me, who lives like a lonely ghost, I still got the position of concierge through good deeds.

 Otherwise, with his bad temper, Sun Cheng’s parents would not even know him if he beat him up!

Son of a bitch!

How dare you take advantage of yourself!

Damn it!

 Having a good backer is great!

 Because, I really can’t afford to offend him.

“Brother, who is willing to be the concierge?”

Sun Cheng sighed and said, "I am a grown man, and I look at the door every day. What does it look like?"

 A few years ago, he was working in the city of Fangniao Island. The wind on the island was strong and the sun was poisonous. He was tanned in less than half a year. He couldn't bear the pain, so he begged his brother Sun Chongde to transfer the militia to Wang Xing to assist Wang Xing.

 What a beautiful job!

The wind can't blow, the rain can't catch, and there aren't that many rules. Besides, Wang Xing also looks after his elder brother.

 The most important thing is that the monthly payment is quite enough.

Having not been doing such a good job for two years, his elder brother actually asked him to go north back to Ankang City!

After arriving in Ankang City, he has been hanging out with the royal horseman in his eldest brother's former territory. He said he was a groom, but in fact he just fed and walked the horses. Apart from being a bit boring, there was nothing wrong with him.

However, I never thought that I would be reduced to a concierge one day.

 He is a pen-holder after all.

 “Humph, you are still young,”

Seeing that he was getting an advantage and acting like a good boy, Jiang Qiu became even more angry. He snorted coldly, "When you get into my position, you are just smoking from your ancestral grave. You will know the benefits of being a concierge in a few days."

“Isn’t it just a matter of getting a few more toys?”

Sun Cheng said disdainfully, "Do you think I'm rare?"

 “Don’t let your big brother hear this, or he’ll slap you with his big mouth,”

Jiang Qiu became even more angry when he heard this, "The boss of your family is digging for money, and no one dares to spend more. Where did you get the courage to treat money like dirt?"

 “I want you to take care of it!”

Sun Cheng suddenly lost his composure.

 “You’re not a good guy at first glance.”

Jiang Chou didn't dare to beat him, but he didn't stop himself from scolding him a few more times.

 Seeing someone coming out of the house from afar, he couldn't stay here for long, so he turned around and left.

Walking aimlessly along Hewangfu Street, whether drinking or drinking tea, I felt it was boring.

Suddenly a flash of inspiration struck him, and he thought of Ma Jie.

It was this old **** who caused him to lose his job. If he didn't rip him off, he would be sorry for himself.

  Go as you say and go straight to Ankang Prefecture.

Meeted a lot of people saying hello on the way, but he didn't pay attention to any of them, let alone stop.

 Mainly because I don’t know what to say when I meet someone, so I cry to them that I lost my job?

 He was sure that what he received would not be sympathy, but ridicule.

As soon as I arrived at the gate of Ankang Prefecture, I saw a circle of people surrounding the public notice board that was modeled on the one made by Baiyun City.

Wang Xiaoshuan stood aside with his arms folded and said to Jiang Qiu, "Brother Jiang, are you so free today?"

 “Of course I’m free,”

Jiang Qiu sighed and said, "The free days will come later."

 “I heard that Brother Jiang is going to buy a house?”

Wang Xiaoshuan continued to ask.

  "I just bought a **** thing, and now I'm so poor."

Jiang Qiu squeezed forward a little, squinted his eyes and looked at the wanted notice on the wall.

Wang Xiaoshuan smiled and said, "Brother Jiang, you are joking. Who doesn't know that you make a lot of money every day?"

This concierge's position makes everyone jealous.

 After all, you can really make money standing up!

 This is a good job that many people dream of.

“It’s true that every day makes money,”

Jiang Qiu looked at the wanted notice on the wall, his eyes widened, and he grinned, "I'm going to get rich. I'm going to get rich."

 “Brother Jiang.”

Wang Xiaoshuan couldn't believe it. I just said you were fat, and you couldn't be out of breath right now, right?

 “What’s the future of being a concierge?”

Jiang Qiu happily pointed to the notice on the wall and said, "The real rich are here."

 “You said there was a reward,”

Wang Xiaoshuan said with a smile, "The Jiangyang Thief has a maximum reward of five thousand taels. Who doesn't want this? You have to be able to catch him."

 “So, I am rich,”

Jiang Qiu walked out of the crowd and snorted, "I know all the seven wanted criminals here."

 “Do you know them all?”

Wang Xiaoshuan couldn't believe it and always felt that he was bragging.

“Hmph, do you know what I was doing before I went to Baiyun City?”

 Jiang Qiu said proudly.

Wang Xiaoshuan said, "I know that Brother Jiang, you have been in the martial arts world before."

 In fact, he is a robber. This is not a secret in Sanhe.

“Brothers from Jianghu gave me the title of ‘city knight’ as a gift to my elder brother, and I was invincible across the seven states.”

Jiang Qiu said proudly, "That poisonous Hou Bailun above is just a fifth-grade man. I don't think he was even qualified to carry my shoes back then!"

 Seventh grade!

 At that time, I was in the seventh rank!

Wandering across Nanzhou, Yuezhou, and Jingzhou, the people in the rivers and lakes who can take his own blow will not be more than a slap in the face.

He has been working as a concierge for a long time, and he has almost forgotten how brilliant he was back then!

 The mistake was that I entered Sanhe.

 There are so many masters in Sanhe. Now that he is in the ninth rank, he is still living so cautiously and humbly.

 “Nine grades.”

 He murmured to himself, "I am a ninth grader!"

He wanted to slap himself!

In such a moment, he realized how could he have fallen so low?

  I lost my job as a concierge and am still worrying about gains and losses.

There are not many ninth-grade people in the world who are as unambitious as me!

As a ninth-grade person, the world is so big that he can’t go anywhere!

 He felt it was necessary for him to restore his former glory!

“Brother Jiang, everyone knows that you are at the ninth level, and you will be able to enter the Grand Master soon.”

Wang Xiaoshuan was frightened by Jiang Qiu's red eyes. Wasn't he going crazy?


After Jiang Qiu heard these three words, his neck immediately shrank again.

 He once again remembered why he was hiding in Hewang's Mansion.

 Like Shan Yin, he is still on Jizhao'an's hunting list.

 In Jizhao'an's eyes, his ninth rank is not enough.

From this point of view, it would be safer for me to stay in Hewangfu.


Wang Xiaoshuan said in an envious tone, "Brother Jiang is extremely talented. Isn't this great master already within reach?"

 “Easy for you to say,”

Jiang Qiu snorted coldly, "We Sanhe are catching a lot of people who have entered the ninth level, but look at the people who have entered the Grand Master besides the blind man and that **** Ye Qiu, who else has entered?

 This great master is incomparable to reaching heaven.

Okay, let’s not talk about the useless stuff. Help me copy the names, catch these wanted criminals, and go get the reward. "

“Brother Jiang, it’s useless for you to know these people,”

Wang Xiaoshuan said with a grimace, "The main thing is that we can't find these people."

 If these people can be found, where will it be Jiang Qiu's turn?

 After all, the first place with a reward is only a fifth-grade one!

 Just arrange for anyone to be arrested!

These people are like mice, they are very good at hiding and cannot catch them at all.

 “Hmph, who said I couldn’t find it?”

Jiang Qiu snorted coldly, "Just because you can't find it doesn't mean I can't find it."

 “Brother Jiang, be sure to take your little brother with you,”

Wang Xiaoshuan's eyes were shining as he said, "My brother will ride on your horse and back for you, even if I die."

 “Well, they are a bunch of ineffective things, so what’s the need for immortality?”

Jiang Qiu thought for a while and said, "Let's do this. You find two horses and we go out of the city."

"Out of town?"

Wang Xiaoshuan said in surprise.

 “Just go if you are told, there is so much nonsense,”

Jiang Chou said impatiently, "If you don't go, I will go by myself."

 “Go, go.”

Wang Xiaoshuan ran away in a hurry.

Soon two horses were brought over.

Jiang Chou took the reins and turned to the door. He had just run for a while before he remembered the city's ban on riding horses except for military purposes, so he couldn't help but slow down his horse.

It's not worth being surrounded by people from the Military and Horse Division for such a trivial matter.

Seeing Jiang Qiu stop, Wang Xiaoshuan breathed a sigh of relief and continued to follow him unhurriedly.

 The two of them left the city one after another. The wind was freezing and everything was withering.

 At this time, Jiang Qiu quickened his horse speed.

Wang Xiaoshuan chased him all the way, and unknowingly traveled twenty miles, and finally stopped in front of a dilapidated house.

“This inn has basically been abandoned. A few days ago, Mr. He was talking about reopening all the inns under his control. There is no regulation yet.”

Wang Xiaoshuan's hand holding the reins was shivering with cold.

"What do you know."

Jiang Qiu dismounted and banged the black door that was about to fall apart.

Just when Wang Xiaoshuan was about to say that no one was inside, the door creaked open, and he actually saw Fang Pi.

 Fang Pi is from the Imperial Guard!

 In Hewangfu, this is no secret!

  Needless to say, this dilapidated inn should be the stronghold of the imperial guards.

Why Jiang Qiu knew this place? He was not even aware of his status as an official in the palace.

 What puzzled him was, what was Jiang Chou doing here?

 “What are you two doing here?”

Fang Pi said angrily, "It's scary to come out in broad daylight. If I weren't here, you could shoot people into hedgehogs."

 He also worked as the concierge of Prince He's Mansion. Strictly speaking, he and Jiang Chou were still colleagues.


Jiang Qiu waved his hand, and a big tree next to him fell down, its roots neatly arranged.

 “You two, please come in.”

Fang Pi immediately put on a playful smile. Only then did he remember that this old **** was a ninth grader!

 Just because I have been working as a concierge for so long, everyone has selectively forgotten it!

 Unless they command Pan Duo to come in person, no one will really do anything to Jiang Qiu.

Wang Xiaoshuan followed Jiang Qiu into the house and found that the house was full of cobwebs and dust and was in tatters. The yard was overgrown with weeds. To his surprise, Fang Pi did not enter the front room, but walked into a rockery in the yard.

After Fang Pi moved a stone, a stone slab on the ground suddenly loosened, and then slowly moved to the left, revealing a hole.

Fang Pi jumped down directly, and Jiang Qiu jumped down without hesitation.

Wang Xiaoshuan also followed behind without any hesitation.

Continued to walk inside along the steps. After a while, it suddenly opened up. There were some tables, chairs and benches scattered inside, and there were some steaming soup leftovers on the table. It was obvious that many people had just eaten here.

 On the four walls were burning torches.

“It’s airtight here, and I’m not afraid of suffocating you to death.”

Wang Xiaoshuan, as a person who has received a primary school diploma, naturally knows the harm of this kind of place.

 “Huh, you know very well,”

Fang Pi teased, "Of course I have my own way. Tell me, what are you here for?"

Jiang Qiu threw over the list of wanted criminals copied by Wang Xiaoshuan and said, "Find these people."

Fang Pi yawned, glanced at the note, and said angrily, "This is the person on the Ankang Prefect's wanted list."

 “If I had that skill, wouldn’t it be good for me to make the money myself?”

 “You are just a third-grade person,”

Jiang Chou pointed out a cruel fact. He sneered and said, "If you want to arrest people, you have to mobilize the imperial guards. When there are more people, you have to give more to others, and you will not have much money in your hands.

 It's different when you cooperate with me. There are only two of us sharing the money. "


Fang Pi rolled his eyes, touched his chin and said, "It's not impossible. I'll send you a message tomorrow."

Wang Xiaoshuan was stunned when he heard this.

Can you still play like this?

Had I known that this would work, why would there be any trouble with Jiang Qiu?

 His friendship with Fang Pi is not bad at all!

 “Okay, I’ll wait for your news.”

Jiang Qiu laughed loudly.

Just like that, Wang Xiaoshuan followed Jiang Qiu in a daze to clear out this dilapidated courtyard.

As he approached the city gate, he finally couldn't help but said, "Brother Jiang, this is the stronghold of the imperial guards. We came here without authorization. If the secrets are leaked and we are traced, we won't be able to leave without any consequences."

 Making money is important, but life is equally important!

 Don't put yourself in it just to make money, it's not cost-effective.

Jiang Qiu glanced at him sideways and snorted, "Do you think I'm stupid?

 Where is the secret stronghold here? It is impossible for people like us to know the real secret. "

 “This is true,”

Wang Xiaoshuan scratched his head and said, "Then where is this?"

"Humph, Qi Peng and the others had a group of porters, waiters, and nannies before, and now they include the imperial guards, which total tens of thousands of people. There is always a limit to the money allocated by the prince. They want to live more comfortably. You have to find a way to make money,"

Jiang Qiu said carelessly, "There are restaurants, inns, brothels, and shops, all of which are available, and of course, there are also some activities in the world.

The Qinghe Gang they formed in front of them specializes in water transportation. They were chased and beaten by the Cao Gang a few days ago, so they hid here to avoid the limelight. "


Wang Xiaoshuan suspected that he heard wrongly, "How could the people from Caobang beat them?"

Even if he were beaten to death, he would not believe Jiang Chou's words.

He didn't know that there were many people in the Cao Gang, and the leader of the gang, Zou Shaoquan, was only a seventh-grade man!

 Putting it here in Sanhe people, it’s simply not enough!

 “You know very well,”

Jiang Qiu rolled his eyes at him and said, "This is called showing weakness. When they float up, it will be their death."

 (End of this chapter)

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