I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 378: Be an official

 Chapter 378 Being an Official

 “With those bastards, what kind of tricks are they going to use?”

Wang Xiaoshuan said with disdain, "It's enough to just destroy them. There's no need to do so many things."

These people's husbands, all the way from south to the north, are unavoidable to deal with the various characters on the canal. The most difficult thing is the gang.

 In Sanhe, this is a serious crime. Even if you don’t have your head chopped off, you have to be sent to a labor camp.

Naihe, General He Jixiang said: The law does not punish the masses.

 Whether it is officers, soldiers or civilians, there is nothing they can do.

If it weren't for military discipline, they would have stopped being so angry and would have just drawn their swords to kill people. They would never have tolerated this group of people.

Jiang Qiu snorted coldly and said, "There is not only one canal gang in the North-South Canal, but there are hundreds of thousands of people who rely on it for their livelihood. Are you going to kill them all?"

If governing the world was as simple as you say, then the world would really be at peace, and there wouldn't be so many things happening right now. "

 “That’s the truth,”

Wang Xiaoshuan frowned and said, "It's just such a slow process, it's a bit frustrating and not satisfying enough."

"You, even if you are not a householder, you don't know how expensive firewood and rice are. Running a country is just like living a life. You have to calculate carefully and slowly, and you can't do anything haphazardly."

Jiang Chou looked at the tall city not far away and said, "It is easy to kill people, but it is difficult to win people's hearts.

  It’s scary to kill people today, who will handle water transportation in the future?

 Do I count on you? "

Wang Xiaoshuan glanced at Jiang Chou in surprise. He couldn't believe that these words came from Jiang Chou's mouth.

Jiang Qiu, the scar-faced man, has always been a loner and taciturn.

 I didn’t expect this guy to have a lot of money in his stomach.

 “Brother Jiang has read books?”

Jiang Qiu glanced at him and said, "Do you think I've been hanging out with the prince all these years in vain?"

 As a concierge in Hewang Mansion, I have never seen anyone come and go, so I naturally know a lot under the influence of my ears and eyes.

“Brother Jiang said that my younger brother has learned a lesson.”

Wang Xiaoshuan said with a sneer.

As the two of them were talking, they arrived at the city gate without realizing it.

The newly appointed Minister of Health, Hu Shilu, rode on a tall horse and cursed directly at the soldiers and horses, "Hygiene! Hygiene! Still hygiene!

 How many times have I told you this!

No one is listening?

There is sewage flowing all over the city and the stench is high. You say that the place is big and there are many people, and you can't handle it. I can still be considerate, so I won't say more. But you can't clean it under your noses, so you are deliberately fooling people. .

Who peed in this city gate?

I smelled the smell of urine even though I was far away. It’s disgusting!

 No one cares about it? "

Jiang Yi, who was standing opposite him, glanced at Zhang Mian and saw that he was motionless, so he knew that he had to bear the blame. After all, Zhang Mian had just arrived, and he could shirk all the responsibilities without knowing anything.

He took a step forward, cupped his hands and said, "Don't worry, sir. I will discipline you strictly in this humble position and do a good job in this hygiene work."

 He is not too clear about the specific content of the Ministry of Health’s responsibilities.

But he knew that the sanitation inside and outside the city was under the control of the Ministry of Health.

 At this moment, he could have ignored Hu Shilu.

 They are soldiers and horses, how can they be under the control of the so-called Ministry of Health?

But Hu Shilu’s title of Shangshu is actually the second grade!

 He can't afford to offend him!

What's more, he is still a so-called surrendered general. If Hu Shilu wants to wear small shoes for him, no one can help him, so he has to endure it honestly.

“Prince He has repeatedly emphasized that health work is a top priority and cannot be taken lightly.”

Hu Shilu continued, "You can ignore what I said to the prince, but what, do you want to rebel?"

 “Don’t dare!”

Jiang Yi was so frightened that his legs became weak and he almost knelt down.

This hat is too big for him to bear!

 “Making rectifications seriously, once the prince knows about it,”

Hu Shilu snorted coldly, "You guys can't afford to suffer, so don't say you didn't predict what you said!"

 “Master Hu,”

Zhang Mian took a step forward, and then said with a smile, "It's all the fault of Beizhi. I accept my punishment. Please give me a week's grace. I will immediately join forces with Ankang Prefecture's people to clean up the whole city. They will supervise carefully. Anyone who dares to disobey the order will be punished." Severe punishment will not be given.”

They, Sanhe people, all know how much the prince and his wife attach great importance to health work.

Hu Shilu was right. They couldn't bear it once they got into serious trouble with the prince.

Strictly speaking, Hu Shilu proposed it today for their own good.

The most fearful thing is the outbreak of plague, and the consequences are simply unimaginable!

Jiang Yi next to him breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Zhang Mian coming forward.

“Although you are not very old, you are still an old man in Sanhe,”

Hu Shilu smiled at Zhang Mian and said, "I am saying this for your own good, so you must take it into your heart."

  “What your Lord said is,”

Zhang Mian cupped his hands and said, "In this humble position, I must do my best to do a good job in sanitation work in the city."

As the commander of the Army and Horses Division, he actually does not need to pay attention to Hu Shilu, let alone such a humble person.

He respected Hu Shilu not because he was a so-called second-grade official, but because Hu Shilu was a "miraculous doctor".

People who eat whole grains are exposed to three disasters and six disasters. It is obviously not a good deal to offend a miracle doctor.

 “I hope you two will do well.”

Hu Shilu was very satisfied with Zhang Mian's attitude.


Jiang Yi only dared to wipe the cold sweat from his forehead when he saw Hu Shilu walking away.

Wang Xiaoshuan on the side looked dumbfounded.

“Isn’t this old guy’s official power low?”

Although Wang Xiaoshuan disdained Hu Shilu's style, he sincerely admired Hu Shilu, who was known as a miracle doctor.

The year Hu Shilu first entered Baiyun City, his sister was only five years old and suffered from pustulitis. The little girl was covered in blisters and pus. Everyone thought there was no way to save her.

Hu Shilu ignored everyone's objections and mixed some pig excrement. Unexpectedly, the disease miraculously healed.

His sister is now in good health and has no illness or disaster.

 “Humph, he is a native of Ankang City,”

Jiang Qiu said with a smile, "If he doesn't show off his authority in front of people he knows, wouldn't his official position be in vain?"

Wang Xiaoshuan grinned and said, "When I become rich one day, I will definitely give it a good shake when I return to Baiyun City."

 After entering the city, Wang Xiaoshuan still followed Jiang Qiu unconsciously.

The reward money was promised to be shared with him. If Jiang Qiu acted on his own, wouldn't he lose nothing?

 So, he did not dare to run around.

Jiang Chou, like the groom, gardener, and bodyguard, all lived in the horse hall of the prince's palace.

Wang Xiaoshuan is no stranger to this place. He doesn’t know how many times he has been here.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Cui Gengsheng squatting on a wooden post holding a wine jar and drinking. He smiled and said, "Dai, aren't you on duty today?"

Ah-Dai glanced at him sideways, then shook his head and burped without saying a word.

Sun Chongde was basking in the sun in the yard. He raised his eyelids and said, "You're pretty **** free. You're just wandering around all day, and you're not serious at all."

Wang Xiaoshuan said carelessly, "The Sanhe army is preparing to come back from Saibei. We don't need so much military resources. What else can I do?"

Sun Chongde took a sip of tea and said, "Aren't you going back to Sanhe?"

"No return,"

Wang Xiaoshuan looked around and said, "Everyone is saying that the prince is planning to use troops against Liangzhou. Wouldn't it be a pity if I leave like this and miss the opportunity?"

 “Who spread this nonsense?”

Sun Chongde glared at him and said, "I don't know.

How can we easily inquire into such secrets?

 You, you still have the same temper, this is the capital, not Sanhe, so take it easy. "


Wang Xiaoshuan said, "I have no plans to return to Sanhe. Even if I don't do business, I can still go to the Military and Horse Division to hang out.

I have already applied, and the notification will probably come out in a few days. "

Sun Chongde yawned and said, "I really want to hang out, but I can't go to the Army and Horses Department. It's the twelfth month of winter. Even the commander has to patrol the streets. What's more, you are a little guy, aren't you afraid of freezing to death?"

Wang Xiaoshuan smiled and said, "This is really a **** miscalculation. Then where do you think it is more appropriate for me to go?"

He couldn't help but shudder when he thought about the winter weather in the north.

 Let him go on patrol in the middle of winter, and he might not be able to endure it.

But if you really join the Army and Horses Division, you have to endure it, otherwise you will be a deserter.

 Military law never shows mercy when it comes to deserters.

“Nowadays, it’s not easy to get around anywhere. Go join the army. Not only do you have to go out for drills every day, but you also have to run around. Today you are in the south, and you may not be able to go to the north tomorrow.”

Sun Chongde said slowly and leisurely, "Just do the paperwork. You won't be able to control your temper, and you will probably go crazy. So, just do your business honestly. In the future, you will become a first-class supplier, and you will have no worries about food and drink for the rest of your life."


Wang Xiaoshuan said loudly, "I must become an official!"

“Being an official does not necessarily mean joining the army or a government office,”

Sun Chongde smiled and said, "Just think about how Huang Daoji, Mo Shun, Hu Shilu, Sang Pozi, and Liang Yuanzhi became officials. You can just follow them and learn from them."

“Old lady Sang is already old enough to be an official?”

Wang Xiaoshuan said with a look of disbelief, "Is this old lady sixty years old?"

He is not surprised that women serve as officials. After all, Sanhe has already had precedents. Hong An, Jiang Zhen, Zhou Xun, Cao Xiaohuan and others are all heroic women.

 The most important thing is Mrs. Sang’s age!

 How can you still be an official at such an old age?

Sun Chongde smiled and said, "You are too old to be an official?

Which of these people, Mr. Xie, Mr. Shan, and Mr. He, is not living a long life? "


Wang Xiaoshuan was speechless for a moment.

Sun Chongde said, "Mrs. Sang has managed Sanhe's Qidian Orphanage in an orderly manner. She has told the prince that meritorious service will be rewarded.

Lord Shan transferred Mrs. Sang to Ankang City. Yesterday, she was officially appointed as a Xingren Siyousiren, from the ninth rank, specializing in the care of orphans, poor people and abandoned children. "

“Next time I see her, do I have to call her “sir?”

Wang Xiaoshuan smiled bitterly.

 Hands on by myself for a long time and I'm not even as good as an old lady!

"Of course,"

Sun Chongde grabbed a handful of melon seeds and said while eating them, "So, you don't have to be in the army or the yamen to be an official. You, think about it yourself in business, how can it be beneficial to the development of our country, Liang?" Helps improve production levels.

 At that time, all the elders will see it and you will no longer be an official if you don’t want to. "

 “Mom, that’s easy to say,”

Wang Xiaoshuan sighed, "But it's not that easy."

 “I remember that you are quite good at raising livestock, don’t you?”

Sun Chongde turned his eyes and said.

 “That’s natural!”

Wang Xiaoshuan said proudly, "In Sanhe, when it comes to raising horses, I don't agree with anyone except you and your old man!"

 “Hmph, where did you put the old man of the Hu family?”

Sun Chongde said angrily.

 “Hey, I forgot about him.”

Wang Xiaoshuan smiled sheepishly.

Hu Shilu’s father, Hu Da, was also a coachman and had been serving horses all his life.

 In terms of level, he is definitely higher than him.

 “There are also Luohan, Tian Sixi, Liang Qingshu, and Wang Xun.”

Sun Chongde started counting on his fingers. The more he talked, the lower Wang Xiaoshuan's head became.

“There are really many people here who know how to raise horses.”

Wang Xiaoshuan was not as good as Tian Sixi and Luo Han, so he just accepted them.

But when he thought that he was not even as good as Wang Xing's brother Wang Xun, a prodigal son, he sighed deeply.

Sun Chongde said seriously, "Since you want to be an official so much, I will show you a clear path. Do you want to do it or not?"

 “Brother, just say it,”

Wang Xiaoshuan said happily, "Brother, I will definitely do it!"

  "Thanks to Sir He's favor, brother, I will soon serve as the Minister of Yuanmasi Temple. You know this,"

Sun Chongde said with a smile, "You and I will take office together, and I will give you an official title. What do you think?"

 “What official?”

Wang Xiaoshuan’s eyes shone.

 “The chief of the encirclement is also a ninth grader,”

Sun Chongde patted him on the shoulder and said, "Brother, I'm not treating you wrong, am I?"

He is about to take office. By then, the huge Yuanma Temple cannot be without even one close confidant, right?

 So, he has been thinking about who to take these days.

Although the Wang Xiaoshuan in front of me has many shortcomings, he also has many advantages. He is undoubtedly a very suitable candidate.

 “I’ll go and raise horses with you,”

Wang Xiaoshuan said with a bitter face, "Brother, how about I think about it?"

 “Do it or not, it’s just a matter of words, don’t be harried about it,”

Sun Chongde said impatiently, "If I make a public announcement to recruit people, believe it or not, the threshold will be broken tomorrow."

 He is telling the truth!

 At any rate, he is a ninth-grade official!

   No matter how many people want to ask for it, they can’t get it.

 “You bastard, you deserve to lose your job,”

Jiang Qiu, who was next to him, snorted coldly, "In the past, if you wanted to be a ninth grader, you would have to study hard for at least ten years in Hanchuang, be a civil servant, and you have to have connections. You got an official position for nothing, and you are still pushing back and forth. I really don’t know what to do.”

 He is actually a little jealous!

His relationship with Sun Chongde is not bad, right?

  Why didn’t Sun Chongde, that bastard, come to him?

Are you looking for Wang Xiaoshuan?

Have you done nothing to offend Sun Chongde?

Did Sun Cheng accuse himself in front of Sun Chongde?

 “Okay, then I will hang out with my brother from now on!”

When Wang Xiaoshuan heard what Jiang Qiu said, he immediately made up his mind and said to Sun Chongde, "Whatever my brother asks me to do, I will do it without saying anything.

 Brother, if I get along well, brother, you will be my reborn parents! "

If he dares to trick himself, his sword will not recognize anyone!

 “Then it’s settled.”

Sun Chongde especially appreciated Wang Xiaoshuan's shameless energy.

 (End of this chapter)

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