Chapter 379 Good show

More importantly, this little **** has a primary school diploma that he doesn’t even have!

Nowadays, to be an official, you have to look at two things. One is qualifications. For example, he was born as a groom in the palace, and later became a concierge. Although he is not old, in terms of qualifications, except for people like He Hong and Jiao Zhong in the palace, There aren't many older than him.

The other is academic qualifications. For example, people like Liu Kan, Jiang Zhen, and Wei Yishan who have studied in school are not qualified enough, but they have good academic qualifications!

The prince himself said that academic qualifications come first. If you want to be an official, you must at least graduate from elementary school!

Now whether in Nanzhou or Yuezhou, some old masters are among the children, racking their brains for a primary school diploma.

As long as you have a primary school diploma, you can take the public examination and become an official!

 The time is short, the results are quick, and it is much simpler than the imperial examination.

Wang Xiaoshuan, that bastard, happened to have a primary school diploma. As a civil servant in Sanhe, he had meritorious service, and he also had a primary school diploma. If he was recommended to the Governor's Mansion, General He would definitely agree.

As for Jiang Qiu, he has insufficient qualifications and has never gone to elementary school. It is already a blessing to be able to stay in Hewangfu.

 After three to five years, maybe the qualifications will be enough, but by then, there will be more people with academic qualifications, where will there be any vacancies for him?

Wang Xiaoshuan said with a smile, "When will you take office?"

He figured it out. In fact, Jiang Qiu was right. No matter how many people squeeze their heads, they may not be able to get an official position!

 Don’t worry about the official position, if you can get a ninth-grade one by yourself, that’s pretty good.

To take a step back, even if you join the Military and Horse Division or the Beijing Camp, you are just an unknown soldier, and there is no comfort in being an official!

 When others see you, they have to call you "Sir."

 Don't take the ninth grade lightly.

 “The day after tomorrow,”

Sun Chongde smiled and said, "I will gather my things in the next two days, and then we will move to Yuanmasi together."

“Hey, for the house I rented, I paid half a year’s money at a time,”

Wang Xiaoshuan sighed, "These Yankees are too difficult to calculate. They will definitely not refund my money."

 “You are just making blind calculations,”

Sun Chongde rolled his eyes at him and said, "If you leave, won't Sun Laizi, Jiang Butcher and the others still have to stay?"

 “That would be an advantage for them, wouldn’t it?”

Wang Xiaoshuan sighed, "Everyone is stingy and they will try to take advantage of me."

 “It sounds like you are very generous.”

 A voice suddenly appeared in the yard.

Wang Xiaoshuan turned around and saw Yu Xiaochun walking into the yard, holding a knife in his left hand and an empty sleeve on his right shoulder.

 “Brother, long time no see.”

Wang Xiaoshuan and Yu Xiaochun grew up together, and they are very familiar with each other.

 After Yu Xiaochun lost one of his hands, his personality became more and more eccentric, and the two of them were not as close as before.

 “It’s not bad, it’s not bad,”

After Yu Xiaochun finished speaking, he threw a piece of paper towards Jiang Qiu and said calmly, "This is what you want."

Jiang Qiu couldn't wait to unfold it, and was overjoyed. Then he asked curiously, "You want to share the money too?"

He didn't expect Fang Pi to be so fast. He only asked about it in the morning, and now he had the news.

 The power of the imperial guards cannot be underestimated!

 “I never share money with anyone,”

Yu Xiaochun said calmly, "I can take it myself."

 “Brother’s atmosphere!”

Jiang Qiu smiled and gave a thumbs up and said, "It's done, I'll treat you to a drink."

 He understood what Yu Xiaochun meant.

Yu Xiaochun is also in the ninth grade!

If he wants to earn this bounty, he doesn't need to rely on Jiang Chou's help at all. He can take care of all the big thieves by himself with the list. How can he give others a chance to share the money?

 “Thank you very much.”

Yu Xiaochun nodded, turned around and left.

Sun Chongde asked curiously, "What secrets do you have?"

Jiang Qiu quickly put the note into his coat and said with a smile, "I just asked the imperial guards to help me inquire about some things, and now I have some clues."

 “What can involve money?”

Sun Chongde followed up and asked.

 “I have no comment on this.”

Jiang Qiu laughed and left.

Wang Xiaoshuan looked at Sun Chongde, hesitated for a moment, and then caught up with Jiang Qiu.

 “Hey, ungrateful thing,”

Sun Chongde looked at Wang Xiaoshuan's back and cursed, "I gave you a wasted promotion."

“This little bastard’s ability to cause trouble is top-notch among other things.

Jiao Zhong held the piece of wood in his hand, carving one knife after another. He never said a word from the beginning to the end. At this moment, he couldn't help but say, "Take him to Yuanma Temple, be careful he gets you into trouble."

“Yuanma Temple is a bunch of old stubborn people who have the ability to do things but have no heart to do them.”

Sun Chongde smiled and said, "For example, Ling Hui, the shepherd supervisor, is our ancestor when it comes to talking about horses and herding horses. I have heard his father read it to me since I was a child, and I still know how to read it." These things are all in this book.

 It's just that Mr. Ling spends all day drinking, and doesn't care about the affairs of Yuanma Temple.

 After I take office, I will definitely not let him live too comfortably. If Wang Xiaoshuan is going to cause trouble, that's fine. Give them some slack. "

Jiao Zhong nodded and said, "That's right. A place like Yuanma Temple is not useful just for showing off your authority. You must have the real ability to raise horses, otherwise it will be difficult to convince the public."

While he was speaking, the knife in his hand never stopped for a moment. After a while, the wood in his hand changed. First, a body wearing a skirt appeared, and then the nose and eyes on his face became clearer and clearer.

Sun Chongde leaned over, looked carefully and saw again, and said in an uncertain tone, "Is this the roar of the Hedong lion?"

This lifelike woman is indeed Cao Xiaohuan!

 Cao Xiaohuan was once beaten by her husband. Later, she practiced Huiyuan Gong and beat her husband directly. She went to the Chief Secretary's Yamen to ask for a divorce.

At that time, everyone in Baiyun City knew about this incident.

Later, the Chief Secretary Yamen of Sanhe recruited female police officers, and Cao Xiaohuan was directly selected. In the end, she directly took the position of the chief female police officer of Sanhe.

  She is the second person in Sanhe to practice the lion's roar skill besides the monk. Sanhe is clearing up wasteland in the swamps east of Xijiang River. There are many crocodiles in there, and they are all very ferocious.

They are often ordered to catch crocodiles. Others kill crocodiles with a knife and a shot, but she only needs to roar, and all the crocodiles within a radius of several miles will die one after another, which is shocking.

 Everyone calls her "Hedong Lion's Roar" behind her back.

 “It’s okay if someone has a name,”

Jiao Zhong glared at him with dissatisfaction, then gently blew the wood chips off the wood carving, and said proudly, "How is it? The carving is good, isn't it?"

“Brother, I am stupid. I don’t know what you mean, brother?”

Sun Chongde chuckled.

"What's the meaning?

It's not obvious that there are lice on a bald man's head, you ask the question knowingly,"

Jiao Zhong snorted coldly, "I like this girl, do you have any objections?"

"How could it be possible? It's too late for me to congratulate my brother."

Sun Chongde still couldn't believe it when he heard this.

What are the hobbies of these guards in the palace?

 He Hong likes Wei Yishan!

Although the charm is still there, she is still an old woman like Xu!

 The Cao Xiaohuan that Jiao Zhong likes in front of him is divorced again!

Is there something wrong with these two people?

 There are so many big girls who are not allowed to marry, so look for this kind of thing!


Jiao Zhong looked at Sun Chongde’s face and asked, “Are you laughing at me?”

 “No, no, how dare you,”

Sun Chongde quickly took a step back and said with a smile, "I just feel that with my brother's ability, I can't find anyone of that kind."

 “You know nothing!”

Jiao Zhong spat at Sun Chongde.

Sun Chongde was lucky to be able to dodge quickly and avoid it.

 “Can you find another woman like Cao Xiaohuan in the world for me?”

Jiao Zhong said angrily.

Sun Chongde said sincerely, "But it's hard to find."

After all, there are not many men in the world who are weak, and even fewer women who dare to hit men.

This Cao Xiaohuan is like a different kind!

“I have thought about it. When she comes to Ankang City tomorrow, I will find General He Jixiang to be my matchmaker, and I will marry her directly.”

Jiao Zhong grinned and said, "When the time comes, all you have to do is prepare your share of the money."

 “Is Captain Cao also coming to Ankang City?”

Sun Chongde asked curiously.

"General He appointed her as the chief arrester of Ankang Prefecture, and specially kept an eye on this old guy Ma Jie. She was supposed to arrive with Zhou Xun the day before yesterday, but she was delayed on the way and will not be able to arrive until tomorrow."

Jiao Zhong murmured to the wooden sculpture, "Our monthly income is not low, and the house is ready. I will go back and clean it up in the evening. From now on, it will be a happy life."

Sun Chongde said, "Congratulations, congratulations."

 Like Jiao Zhong, he is a native of Ankang City.

  However, there are also differences between locals and locals.

Living in Ankang City is not easy. He is just a horseman. After working hard all his life, he has only saved three shabby houses. The location is very remote.

Jiao Zhong is different. His father runs a grain store. Although he is not rich, he is still well off. He has a small courtyard in the south of the city and several maids at home.

Moreover, Jiao Zhong was a bodyguard of Hewangfu and received a lot of monthly money, so his life was quite comfortable.

 When it gets dark, the north wind gets stronger and stronger.

 Lin Yi stood on the steps wrapped in his coat, looked at Pan Duo in front of him, frowned and said, "Have Xu Liegu and Bodu run away?"


Pan Duo cupped his hands and said, "On the tenth day after General Shen recovered Liangma Terrace, he led his army directly to Hulagu's tent. Unexpectedly, Hulagu led his troops to retreat directly.

  It is already snowing in the north of Saibei, and it is really not suitable for the Dornan people in our army to pursue any more. "

 “Hey, that’s the only way it can be,”

Lin Yi said with a smile, "You guys have boasted about this Wadan man so much, but it seems like it is nothing more than that."

“The prince has great talent and strategy, and the Wadan people will naturally be defeated.”

Pan Duo smiled and said, "General He has ordered General Shen and General Yuan to lead the army back to the court. Sheng Shen Zhan'ao has been appointed as the governor of Northern Saibei and the military admiral, and is stationed at Liangmatai."

“It’s not impossible to arrange it this way,”

Lin Yi yawned and said, "My uncle is back, how should I arrange it?

 Is there any news in the Yuan Mansion recently? "

Pan Duo said, "Back to the prince, there is no one else in the Yuan Mansion except some servants.

The empress asked Eunuch Xi to send things twice, and everyone in the Yuan Mansion also accepted them. "

Lin Yi nodded, waved his hand towards him, and Pan Duo bowed and retreated.

On the second day, Lin Yi saw that the house was decorated with lanterns and decorations, servants were coming in and out, and everyone was busy. He even saw people from the Ministry of Rites, and asked curiously, "What are you so busy with?

 It’s a waste to put up so many lanterns for free? "

Mingyue covered her mouth and smiled, "My lord, you forgot, you are getting married tomorrow."

 “Don’t tell me I’ve forgotten all this,”

Lin Yi put his hand on his forehead and said, "It's just about right, no need to bother."

 He didn't expect time to fly by so fast.

Mingyue said, "How can a wedding be a piece of cake? Your lord, Manager Hong has taken care of everything. Don't worry."

 “Okay, you can do whatever you want.”

Lin Yi thought about it and felt that he was right.

It is not easy to get married for the second time in this life, how can it be careless?

The cold wind was raging. Lin Yi only stood outside for a while before his whole body could not stop shaking. He hurried into the house and sat down on the edge of the charcoal basin.

Seeing Lao Twelve sneaking around outside the door, he said angrily, "If you have any farts, hurry up."

 “Emperor brother,”

 Lao Twelve came in with his neck scrunched up and said, "Envoy Wadan sent a congratulatory gift."

Lin Yi said, "If they are valuable, take them. If they are not, let them go."

 “My brother also means the same thing,”

Lao Twelve said with a smile, "So I took a look at the gift list. They are all jade, fur, ginseng, etc. They are not expensive, but they are not shabby either."

 “Then take it.”

Lin Yi nodded.

 “Brother, I have one more thing to report.”

Before Lao Twelve had time to hesitate, he saw Lin Yi's impatient look and hurriedly said, "Envoy Wadan requested to leave the day after tomorrow."

Lin Yi said, "You have been dealing with the Wadan envoy so far. You should know them better than I do. What do you think? Do you think I should kill them or let them go?"

 “I reported to the emperor’s brother that my brother received ten thousand taels of silver from them,”

Lao Twelve said with a sneer, "As the old saying goes, if you use money to eliminate disasters for others, my brother will naturally say good things for them.

But my brother dare not delay the emperor's important affairs, and the emperor's brother makes the decision in everything. "

“Damn you, I can’t believe that such sweet words came from your mouth,”

Lin Yi couldn't help but laugh and said, "Tell me the truth, who taught you to say these words?"

 “The emperor’s brother is wise,”

 Lao Twelve scratched his head and said, "My mother taught me this."

 “You admit it so happily?

Your mother-in-law also taught you? "


 Lao Twelve’s head pressed even lower.

 “How is your mother-in-law’s health lately?”

Lin Yi felt a little pity when he thought of Tang Guifei!

 Why is it his father’s concubine!

 What a waste of natural resources!

 “Thanks to the emperor’s brother,”

 Lao Twelve smiled and said, "My concubine is very good. A few days ago, she even put on a play for Concubine Yuan Guifei. It was said that Mrs. Xue was leading the female generals of the Yuan family on an expedition."

“I know this. It is said that there are many theater troupes performing outside the palace.

 There are loyal ministers in the past and present, how many of them have this kind of mind?

Your concubine’s writing is really good and thoughtful. "

Lin Yi also specially found someone to copy the opera excerpts. After reading it, he admired Tang Guifei's talent and admired her ingenuity.

 It not only praises Mrs. Xue, but also implies admonishing Concubine Yuan.

I'm afraid that her mother is too stupid to understand the deeper meaning of this play.

 (End of this chapter)

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