Chapter 380 The Wedding

Of course, more often than not, he also understands the old woman who is blinded by family affection.

After all, her surname is Yuan, and she has always been proud of being a member of the Yuan family. If she is asked to go against her lifelong beliefs and do the so-called righteousness of killing relatives, she will definitely not be able to do it.

 “Brother Huang is so complimentary.”

 Lao Twelve finally breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Lin Yi say this.

 His mother-in-law is indeed right, don't try to act like a perfect person in front of the emperor's brother.

 The more minor flaws there are, the more his royal brother may like it.

A prince who is not greedy for money, lustful or lazy, what does he want to do?

 It must be a big plan!

 So, while he now believes in his mother and concubine, he also admires his six emperor brothers more and more.

 The first thing King Dai did after he entered the capital and liberated himself from military power was to repair his house.

At first he thought that his Sixth Emperor brother was going too far, building a palace on behalf of the prince even more lavishly than he built a palace on behalf of the prince!

Furthermore, Brother Liuhuang also bought two farms around the capital!

 After that, he played music every night and became a profligate prince.

 In Ankang City, every brothel girl is proud to be able to act on behalf of the prince!

 Even being able to enter the Prince's Palace has become the top criterion.

 If you can’t even enter the Prince’s Palace, how can you be regarded as the top one?

 “Don’t give up the money given by this Wadan man in vain,”

Lin Yi smiled and patted his shoulder and said, "If you have money, you should eat and drink well. The world is miserable and there are not many beauties. In life, you must enjoy yourself in time, and spend a lot of time and be romantic."

 “What the emperor said is,”

 Lao Twelve bowed and said, "My brother must listen to the emperor's teachings."

Lin Yi nodded with satisfaction.

 For the rest of the hour, he squatted on the steps with a sad face, glancing at Lin Yi from time to time.

Lin Yi said angrily, "If you have anything to say, please tell me immediately. There won't be a shop like this after passing this village."

 “Your Majesty.”

Yu Shi muttered for a long time, but could not say a complete sentence.

 “Hey, the mute is better than you,”

Seeing that Yu Xiao was speechless, Lin Yi looked at Jiao Zhong and said, "You must know, it's up to you to tell me."

Jiao Zhong smiled and said, "It's nothing, I just had a quarrel with my wife and I haven't been home for two days."

Lin Yi said in confusion, "This Pang Zhirou is pregnant, and it is human nature to have a temper.

 As a grown man, you should be a little more conciliatory. If you are petty, you are not a man. You should go home as soon as possible and stop eating here. "

It was he who facilitated the marriage between Pang Geng's daughter Pang Zhirou and Yu Shishi.

Jiao Zhong saw that Yu Xiaoshi still lowered his head and said nothing, so he said, "Prince Qi, Mr. Pang Genggang is still in the north of the Great Wall. As his daughter, Pang Zhirou is naturally very worried and forced Yu Xiaoshi to inquire about the news."

Lin Yi snorted coldly, "Isn't it true that you thought of bringing her back?"

 “Yes, yes, my lord,”

After Yu Xiao heard this sentence, he stood up and said, "I don't know how to do it well."

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Go back and tell your wife that your father-in-law can be spared the death penalty, but he cannot escape the punishment of living."

“Yes, your father-in-law’s life is already a gift from the prince, so don’t be dissatisfied.”

Jiao Zhong comforted her, "If your wife continues to be ungrateful, she will go too far."

Pang Geng, like Jiang Yi, Liu Baixian, Ma Jie and others, surrendered to the power of Sanhe's army.

 However, Jiang Yi, Liu Baixian and others were promoted step by step, while Pang Geng was directly deprived of the position of Wuzhou Commander-in-Chief and sent to the north of the Great Wall.

 He actually dares to defy the situation, he really doesn’t know how high the sky is!

He Jixiang did not kill him, firstly to stabilize the army and people of Wuzhou, and secondly because he was Yu Shi’s father-in-law.

"I see."

 The sound of the urn was heard for the rest of the hour.

After Lin Yi turned around and left, Jiao Zhong said to Yu Xiaoxiao, "You are not that stupid yet. If you directly plead with the prince, you don't know how it will end."


Yu Shi left the Prince He's Mansion with his head hanging down.

 “Mom, fools are blessed.”

Jiao Zhong sighed with emotion.

 Getting married to the prince.

The streets of Wangfu and Wangfu were blocked by water. Jiang Yi and Zhang Mian led the people from the Military and Horse Division to ease the traffic.

Zhang Mian said, "Not even the prime minister's sedan can come in today. They are all parked outside and come in on foot. Otherwise, the princess's car will not be able to come in, which will cause trouble."

In addition, these idle people cannot be let in anymore. If anything happens to these senior officials in the court, we will not be able to afford it.

 Be careful in everything and never be careless. "

Jiang Yidao, "Don't worry, sir. Every step is a post. Anyone without a token will not be able to get in today."

Zhang Mian nodded and said, "Someone must be setting off fireworks at night. We must strengthen patrols and be careful when walking in the water."

 In fact, the best way is to ban fireworks!

 But how could it be forbidden?

 They were celebrating their wedding to the prince, and neither he nor He Jixiang dared to issue an order banning fireworks at will.

 When the news reaches the ears of Prince He, what will Prince He think?

 At noon, the firecrackers went off.

Lin Yi is now the leader of the Liang Kingdom, and he has to be like a puppet, being manipulated by the aunts arranged by his mother.

 What clothes to wear and what etiquette to perform are all decided by them.

Made him feel dizzy and dizzy.

 In a state of confusion, after going through all the wedding procedures, I was already hungry.

After greeting the guests for a while, he began to feast. After that, some people raised their glasses, and everyone was welcome. In the end, he didn't know how much wine he drank.

  When I woke up the next day, I opened the gauze tent in front of my eyes. The sunlight had already penetrated the window lattice and shone softly into the room.

 He saw Hu Miaoyi sitting on the chair, with her phoenix crown and halo still neatly on her body.

Lin Yi slapped his head in annoyance. Don't drink while driving. Don't drive after drinking. You shouldn't be so greedy.

 “Your Majesty,”

Mingyue helped Lin Yi out of bed and said with a smile, "It's rare that you were happy yesterday and drank too much."

 “Drink to the point of unconsciousness.”

After Lin Yi finished speaking, he looked at Hu Miaoyi, who had a frosty face, and said with a smile, "Did you stay up all night?"

Hu Miaoyi said, "I dare not spare the prince's peace."

"very good,"

After hearing this, Lin Yi's face suddenly fell. "Since the princess is full of energy, she should learn etiquette from her aunts. It will be bad if she enters the palace later and bumps into the nobles."

Hu Miaoyi’s face changed drastically after hearing this!

Before entering Prince He's Mansion, she had suffered enough from the aunts in the palace, so she naturally knew how powerful they were.

However, she couldn't directly disobey Lin Yi's words, so she could only bite the bullet and said, "I understand."

Lin Yi nodded with satisfaction, and after finishing washing, he ate two bowls of lotus seed porridge in one go.

Jiao Zhong ran in and said, "Prince Qi, Princess, the chariot is ready."

Lin Yi washed his hands and said, "Let's go into the palace."

 As a rule, after a wedding, you have to go to the palace to pay respects to the emperor and his wife.

 (End of this chapter)

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